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Thais Still Using Fake Bomb Detectors


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I'm really not trying to be a jerk here, and I know it's not PC. I'm sorry if anyone has gotten hurt over this.

But, I have to say that isn't it about time that Thailand gets a taste of "fake products" as they are SO prolific at making everything fake. The Thais seem to think if perfectly okay to copy anything and in many cases don't care if it works or not. I think in this case they are just getting some of their own medicine. I have noticed that the Thais don't seem to copy anything that is Thai (as that would be illegal) but if it comes from anywhere else, copy, copy, copy.

Just my humble opinion.

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In places where there are no bombs, these fake bomb detectors have been demonstrated to be every bit as successful as real ones. So for safety's sake, they should make it a point to use these fake detectors only where they are sure there are no bombs. This will save both lives and face.

Seriously though: As other posters have mentioned, this has nothing to do with the inability to admit to having made a mistake. It's all about the money. Large kickbacks were likely earned on this purchase. An investigation might reveal who got how much. THAT'S what has to be avoided.

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In places where there are no bombs, these fake bomb detectors have been demonstrated to be every bit as successful as real ones. So for safety's sake, they should make it a point to use these fake detectors only where they are sure there are no bombs. This will save both lives and face.

Seriously though: As other posters have mentioned, this has nothing to do with the inability to admit to having made a mistake. It's all about the money. Large kickbacks were likely earned on this purchase. An investigation might reveal who got how much. THAT'S what has to be avoided.

Well considering that 30mn USD is no inconsequential amount of cash, so there will be some big names involved, I await the british supplier to cut a deal and drop his guts to get a lesser sentence.

Oh, Thaksin must be loving this, payback is going to be very very very sweet. Not right, but very very sweet.

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I think is because Thailand is the Hub for Fake Bomb Detectors

Not at all, it's the UK who is the hub of that - the simple truth is the Thai military are morons

Would that make it the hub of military morons then?

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And further in the article..

However, Thailand's top generals continue to endorse the devices.

"Do not say the GT200 used as a bomb detector in the far south does not work," Defense Minister Sukumpol Suwanatat said in July, referring to southern Thailand where 40,000 troops are fighting Muslim separatists.

More than 5,000 people have died on all sides in the south since 2004 -- including by explosives.

"It has often detected explosives. If it can detect a bomb just once, it is worth it," Air Chief Marshal Sukumpol said

If it can detect a bomb just once it is worth it?? What about the other 20 times it fails to detect a bomb because it doesn't work?

If you go by the statistics anyone of us could just guess and find a bomb just once. But of course we'd never get a work permit.

The Department of Special Investigation, The National Anti-Corruption Commission and then 13 panels. No wonder unemployment is so low in Thailand.

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To me, this is nothing more than a criminal act from the outset. For the army to even have one of these devices in operation, or in their armouries, this is endangering not only the operators but the public as well if an area is deemed clear of explosive devices through the use of one of these.

There should be a full investigation (right now, given priority) and anyone involved in the purchase of these devices investigated fully. As for the British company that provided them, words fail me.

I agree with you about the British company but in some ways they were just making money out of people who should have known better. Before spending that much money wouldn't you think they would have carried out tests themselves. Of course it's always possible they did set up a couple of expensive government departments who could pass the details between each other and then organise a couple of dozen panels to waste more time.

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There should be a full investigation (right now, given priority) and anyone involved in the purchase of these devices investigated fully. As for the British company that provided them, words fail me.

i am also confused about the birtish company that sold them. I mean: surely this company would be registered in the UK, so then it is traceable. so why dont they just return all the bomb detectors and have a full refund?

UK law supports the customer if the vendor sells faulty (or wrongly advertised goods).

UNLESS OF COURSE THEY WERE ADVERTISED AS FAKE BOMB DETECTORS (and the thai generals saw an opportunity to buy cheap fake detectors and pass them off, so they can receive the full price from the government budgeting).

- then the UK company has done nothing wrong, except write a false sales receipt and received a generous back-hander for doing so), which is also punishable in the UK.

so why has nothing been done about this UK company? either way, they have done something bad.

If you read the full article you'll find the owner, Jim McCormick has been charged with fraud, As for getting their money back I doubt the company is still operating and it's likely the money has been spent. If it hasn't then it's possible after any trial that the ourts may try to retrieve as much of the money as they can under the proceeds of crime laws.

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To be honest, I had no problem with them using these divining rods. Even though they are just a placebo pretending to be something they are not, terrorists watching them use them at road side checkpoints would not necessarily know that and think twice. I figured they cost 500 baht each so no harm done. But now that they disclosed they spent as much as a new car for each little plastic widget and a billion baht overall raises questions on the judgement of everyone who supported the purchase because everyone knew in advance the units capabilities were completely fake.

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