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Hi, I was just wondering how fast the internet is in LOS. Is the speed the same in Pattaya as Bangkok. How does the service compare with DSL or cable internet here in the states. Thanks, Win

Hi, I was just wondering how fast the internet is in LOS. Is the speed the same in Pattaya as Bangkok. How does the service compare with DSL or cable internet here in the states. Thanks, Win

Read the post from this morning on slow internet. It seems to be a very complicated issue. I live in cm and had slow adsl from tot and then complaind and now im very satisfied. I pay 1k baht $25 us and get download speeds of about 70kbs from a good site.

I always got fast service and english speaking operaters. Not english speaking techs. They didn't fix the probelm fast but always gave it ther best shot. when I complained. It ended up being a crowded line and they swithched me.

good luck


Check out the comments in this thread.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Thanks for all the replies. I looked at that link. I am not a tech guy so I didn't understand a lot of it but I get the picture. I get the idea that the service is slow and has a lot of issues. Do you think that it would work for searching online databases all day or would it be frusterating and slow. Is the service better in Bangkok or Pattaya or is it the same all over the country. Thanks,


Thanks for all the replies. I looked at that link. I am not a tech guy so I didn't understand a lot of it but I get the picture. I get the idea that the service is slow and has a lot of issues. Do you think that it would work for searching online databases all day or would it be frusterating and slow. Is the service better in Bangkok or Pattaya or is it the same all over the country. Thanks,


I totaly disagree with the words "slow and lot of issues". That is far to be the reality.

Facts :

Thailand have only one "border provider" namely CAT, with a very limitate bandwith (the reason is simply the greed of some people). That is the bad point.

I use True ADSL since one year, and the quality of the service have globally improve mont hafter month, going from passable to be now acceptable +.

The usual foreigner, as I am, use to complain easily , thinking because he is also a customer he should be considered as a king. That is easily viewable with US persons.

People that are compalining, are simply using the Internet mostly in a non standart way, and often to do things that would be considered as illegal in their own country (I wantto remenber the P2P sharing is not legal in USA nor in EU).

True, as every ISP araound the word, use port blocking, to avoid to have 10 clients downloading the last show from an obscure redneck TV at full speed (things that is illegal is USA because it does not respect the copyright laws) with during the same time the other clients with no bandwith. IT sure disqualify the use of bit torrents in full speed.

Thailand have also laws about pornography and minor person protection. So yes, there is several websites that are banned because they are pornographic. Sure it sucks, if you got horny and need to jerk off quickly .... On the other hand, we are in thailand, and it's easy to find a nice girl friend ready to offert some hand help in that case, so ....

Mostly people who complain, when you check a little bit, are simply on the edge of the legality, on the other hand, I am a freelance coder who do NO work for local, but work remote for outsourcing company (Sun microsystem is one of them), the quality (speed) and the permanence of the internet connection is simply vital for me. Several old members in this forum can confirm I am in Bkk since 4 years, so that is the proof the TRUE ADSL is not that bad, far of it.

Last point, the service seems to have been upgraded one more time, since this morning I got full speed (10 Mps) without the use of any download manager.

Thailand is amazing , but trust me, Thailand is also a country like the other. Nothing is perfect, but nothing is bad; Internet include.


I would agree that the term "slow and lots of issues" is not effective in communicating the problem.

The issue is availability/reliability/consistency. (Used as synonyms) in the "western world, the telephone system is said to have 7 9's of reliability. That means that it works 99.99999% of the time, or about 3 seconds of average downtime per user per year. An online banking site or e-comerce site might strive for 6 9's, or down for 30 seconds a year.

In the US, residential DSL has about 3-4 9's (assuming you always have power), or 5-50 minutes down per year.

From what I can tell (outside of BKK), the phone service here is at 3-4 9's, and DSL is only 2 9's, or you would expect it to be down for 3 days a year.

Unfortunately for people whose income relies on internet access, this downtime usually comes at the worst possible time.

(I also take offense to the American Kings- we just are effective in calling a spade a spade...)


O.K I have read all the threads but it is too technical for the lay person like me! So when I move over permanently next month who is the best phone company to sign up with and who is the best Internet provider? I currenly have broadband but expect that will be out of the question or budget! I will be in pattaya btw, any advice would be welcome. :o


Not only can it be slow but also non-existent!

It also depends where you'll be living. The moo ban next door has high speed internet and we vew been asking companies for 2 years now to get our moo ban connected. Maybe it's only a matter of black money not being paid :o

Of course there's IP Star but after all the bad things I've read about them, it's just not worth the money and trouble with their tech suport.

People that are compalining, are simply using the Internet mostly in a non standart way, and often to do things that would be considered as illegal in their own country (I wantto remenber the P2P sharing is not legal in USA nor in EU).

True, as every ISP araound the word, use port blocking, to avoid to have 10 clients downloading the last show from an obscure redneck TV at full speed (things that is illegal is USA because it does not respect the copyright laws) with during the same time the other clients with no bandwith. IT sure disqualify the use of bit torrents in full speed.

Thailand have also laws about pornography and minor person protection. So yes, there is several websites that are banned because they are pornographic. Sure it sucks, if you got horny and need to jerk off quickly .... On the other hand, we are in thailand, and it's easy to find a nice girl friend ready to offert some hand help in that case, so ....

Mostly people who complain, when you check a little bit, are simply on the edge of the legality

Spoken like a TRUE employee :o

Many people including myself have problems with such non-standard uses as *web browsing*. On a really good day (which I haven't seen for a while), I get about 400k out of a 1MB connection. On a really bad day it can go down to less than 50k, ie. slower than a dial-up modem.

Regarding censorship, the police (or government, depending on how you look at it) don't just ban porn, they have also been known to ban political sites, lean on newspapers, journalists, tv shows...

Your suggestion that people who complain about crap internet service in Thailand are a bunch of whining red-neck kiddie porn media pirate bandwith leaches is a load of <deleted>. As many other threads in this forum attest.


Thanks for that. I was going to say the same thing, but didn't have the energy or the patience.

By the way, I've been on True for two years and, in the past two or three weeks, 50k on a 1 Mb connection has become a GOOD day. I can't even imagine 400K anymore. Welcome to the Third frigging World.

Thanks for that. I was going to say the same thing, but didn't have the energy or the patience.

By the way, I've been on True for two years and, in the past two or three weeks, 50k on a 1 Mb connection has become a GOOD day. I can't even imagine 400K anymore. Welcome to the Third frigging World.

The very same story here, anyone any ideas??


Unfortunately no, but I'd love to hear from anyone that does.

I actually went and cut my 1MB down to 512 a couple of days ago as I couldn't see the point of paying for something I've never even come close to seeing. I asked the guy if they would cut what little international bandwidth I do get in half. He couldn't give me a clear answer on that, other than to say "True doesn't guarantee bandwidth".

Well, I guarantee not to pay for 1MB anymore :o

Will find out the results on Friday, if it seems that I am still getting the same international bandwidth then I'll experiment with cutting to 256.

Unfortunately no, but I'd love to hear from anyone that does.

I actually went and cut my 1MB down to 512 a couple of days ago as I couldn't see the point of paying for something I've never even come close to seeing. I asked the guy if they would cut what little international bandwidth I do get in half. He couldn't give me a clear answer on that, other than to say "True doesn't guarantee bandwidth".

Well, I guarantee not to pay for 1MB anymore :o

Will find out the results on Friday, if it seems that I am still getting the same international bandwidth then I'll experiment with cutting to 256.

OOHHHH this should be very interesting please keep us posted !!

There was a guy on here that said he had the 4 MB package (home) went down to 1MB package and saw no difference.

Crushdepth u might start an uprising!!!

(Im 1MB last 2yrs, Its just getting worse)

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