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Kill All Life Except For Humans Is The Motttttto In Thailand


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So basically u r saying that u just another consumer addict that helps factories pollute Thailand and you do NOTHING to help save animals are protect them because' You're not Flash Gordon" Sounds like a selfish idiot replied whose idolized more rabbi's than Mitt Romney. Go fix yourself another cocktail and pump up the air con parasite...

I'm more of a bitter man than a mixer.

I don;t know where you were brought up, but you may know that our muslim brethren are much more strict on idolatry than our Roman neighbours.

Out of interest, to which section of the audience are you playing? Do you have a clear idea of your targets? I think last time we spoke, before you were born again, you lost the plot somewhat, and reverted to abuse. My recommendation would be to consider each post, and whether posting it, or deleting it, would make you look less of an arse, and if necessary, let the other person have the last word, no matter how wrong or stupid you deem them,


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