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Mitt Romney Chooses Paul Ryan As Election Running Mate


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Sorry, but no incumbent president has won re-election with unemployment above 8% since WW2.

well mate sorry to rain on your parade,but you can put that statistic to bed,your very very lucky to have found such a wonderful leader,for your country,after the dopes you have had before obama.
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There is nothing "trickle down" about giving tax cuts to the very wealthy, They just shove it in Cayman Islands bank accounts and lust for more.

Well, yeah. So would you if the government didn't make investing in your own country a good idea.

bit of a traiters comment that isnt it,thought all americans loved there country???
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Sorry, but no incumbent president has won re-election with unemployment above 8% since WW2.

well mate sorry to rain on your parade,but you can put that statistic to bed,your very very lucky to have found such a wonderful leader,for your country,after the dopes you have had before obama.

8% + Unemployment. 16 trillion dollars debt. Gas prices twice as expensive as when he took office. That is a pretty good joke (if you are not American). cheesy.gif

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Sorry, but no incumbent president has won re-election with unemployment above 8% since WW2.

well mate sorry to rain on your parade,but you can put that statistic to bed,your very very lucky to have found such a wonderful leader,for your country,after the dopes you have had before obama.

8% + Unemployment. 16 trillion dollars debt. Gas prices twice as expensive as when he took office. That is a pretty good joke (if you are not American). cheesy.gif

why should it bother a very very long term expat living in thailand,like yourself,(unemployment no concern of yours,2/3 wars are very expensive,gas prices not your concern)blinkered.
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8% + Unemployment. 16 trillion dollars debt. Gas prices twice as expensive as when he took office. That is a pretty good joke (if you are not American). cheesy.gif

why should it bother a very very long term expat living in thailand,like yourself,(unemployment no concern of yours,2/3 wars are very expensive,gas prices not your concern)blinkered.

If America goes broke because of this administration's foolish policies and economic failure, I will never get social security when I am of age, so it IS my concern.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Obama, arguably the most brilliant man to hold public office, promised to cut the debt in half his first term. It is ridiculous for you to propose that he was unaware of the spending that happened the previous 8 years. On the contrary, he brought it up constantly during the 2008 campaign when he called it unpatriotic. There are only two choices that you cannot spin out of - he either lied to the voters or misled them. Since it is Congress that controls the spending - and the President signs off on - he can share the blame with the Democrats who controlled both houses of Congress from 2007-2011.

I didn't propose anything about Obama's debt awareness.

However, he is aware that he is not the 43rd president and voters will blame his first year on Bush.

He is also aware that personal income is growing. And historically that's a key indicator for an incumbent president to win re-election by a comfortable margin.

Sleep tight. smile.png

You might want to rethink that last statement about personal income growing.


Median income in Ohio hits 27-year low

By Bill Bush

The Columbus Dispatch Wednesday September 14, 2011 9:14 AM

Ohio households were poorer last year than they’ve been in more than 25 years, and the number of people living in poverty is higher than it’s been in more than 30 years, according to a census report released yesterday.

“People are getting squeezed from every direction,” said James Newton, chief economic adviser to Commerce National Bank.

When adjusted for inflation, the 2010 annual median household income in Ohio of $46,093 was down by $543 from the previous year, and down 15.3 percent from the peak of $54,395 in 2000, according to the census’s Current Population Survey, which was released yesterday.



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8% + Unemployment. 16 trillion dollars debt. Gas prices twice as expensive as when he took office. That is a pretty good joke (if you are not American). cheesy.gif

why should it bother a very very long term expat living in thailand,like yourself,(unemployment no concern of yours,2/3 wars are very expensive,gas prices not your concern)blinkered.

If America goes broke because of this administration's foolish policies and economic failure, I will never get social security when I am of age, so it IS my concern.

thought your gripe was goverment hand outs to the needy,and now you want hand outs???
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Obama, arguably the most brilliant man to hold public office, promised to cut the debt in half his first term. It is ridiculous for you to propose that he was unaware of the spending that happened the previous 8 years. On the contrary, he brought it up constantly during the 2008 campaign when he called it unpatriotic. There are only two choices that you cannot spin out of - he either lied to the voters or misled them. Since it is Congress that controls the spending - and the President signs off on - he can share the blame with the Democrats who controlled both houses of Congress from 2007-2011.

I didn't propose anything about Obama's debt awareness.

However, he is aware that he is not the 43rd president and voters will blame his first year on Bush.

He is also aware that personal income is growing. And historically that's a key indicator for an incumbent president to win re-election by a comfortable margin.

Sleep tight. smile.png

You might want to rethink that last statement about personal income growing.


Median income in Ohio hits 27-year low

By Bill Bush

The Columbus Dispatch Wednesday September 14, 2011 9:14 AM

Ohio households were poorer last year than they’ve been in more than 25 years, and the number of people living in poverty is higher than it’s been in more than 30 years, according to a census report released yesterday.

“People are getting squeezed from every direction,” said James Newton, chief economic adviser to Commerce National Bank.

When adjusted for inflation, the 2010 annual median household income in Ohio of $46,093 was down by $543 from the previous year, and down 15.3 percent from the peak of $54,395 in 2000, according to the census’s Current Population Survey, which was released yesterday.



in 2000,interest rates were the highest ever for savers,dividends for shareholders were at a all time high,think that would make up for a few losses,
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"Another set of expenditures is likely to draw grumbles from Mr. Romney’s allies given his campaign’s current struggles: The day after accepting the Republican nomination, Mr. Romney gave what appeared to be $192,440 in bonuses to senior campaign staff members. At least nine aides received payments on Aug. 31 well in excess of their typical biweekly salaries, including $25,000 each for Matthew Rhoades, the campaign manager; Lanhee Chen, a policy adviser; and Katie Biber, the general counsel. Rich Beeson, the political director, received $37,500."

Nice work!

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You might want to rethink that last statement about personal income growing.


Personal income grew by 0.7 percent in the second quarter and by 0.3 percent in July, per the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis.

August and September will put Obama over the one percent personal income growth threshold.

Historically, that gives an incumbent president an edge for re-election.

Edited by rijb
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Historically, unemployment above 8% gives an incumbent president a well deserved pink slip.

thought your gripe was goverment hand outs to the needy,and now you want hand outs???

You thought wrong. I have nothing against helping out the truly needy and neither does Mitt Romney.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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You might want to rethink that last statement about personal income growing.


Personal income grew by 0.7 percent in the second quarter and by 0.3 percent in July, per the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis.

August and September will put Obama over the one percent personal income growth threshold.

Historically, that gives an incumbent president an edge for re-election.

The ONLY edge Obama has is a cheerleading media that coordinates stories and strategies with his administration.

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Historically, unemployment above 8% gives an incumbent president a well deserved pink slip.

thought your gripe was goverment hand outs to the needy,and now you want hand outs???

You thought wrong. I have nothing against helping out the truly needy and neither does Mitt Romney.

But Mitt said that the 47% not paying Federal Income Tax would never take personal responsibility for their lives. Are there any truly needy in this 47% or....are the truly needy those pals of Mitt Romney's....those poor buggers on more than 250,000 per year who desperately need a tax break, those same poor souls who need a family of 4 on 25,000 to pay their fair share of income tax so that folks like Mitt Romney can pay his 13% (or whatever it is he does pay). Imagine not being able to afford a car elevator because someone else was able to eat? Disgusting.

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''Who are these freeloaders? Is it the Iraq War veteran who goes to the [Department of Veterans Affairs]? Is it the student getting a loan to go to college? Is it the retiree on social security or Medicare? … The people who receive the disproportionate share of government spending are not big-government lovers. They are Republicans. They are senior citizens. They are white men with high school degrees. ''

David Brooks,

The New York Times

''The overall impression of Romney at this event is of someone who overheard some conservative cocktail chatter and maybe read a conservative blog or two, and is thoughtlessly

repeating back what he heard and read.''

Rich Lowry

National Review

''It's time to admit the Romney campaign is an incompetent one.''

Peggy Noonan

The Wall Street Journal

The man just isn't......there.

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Well, let me tell you, after three years of Obama, we are hopeless and changeless, and we need Mitt Romney to bring us back, to bring America back.

-Chris Christie

Mitt Romney has spent his entire life finding ways to solve problems.

-Mitch McConnell

Things are not getting better. They are getting worse. We need to elect Mitt Romney to turn things around.

-Rob Portman

Whether it was his ability to turn around the Massachusetts economy or turn around businesses in the private sector, Mitt Romney has demonstrated the leadership that we need in the White House to get the country on the right track.

-Lisa Murkowski

Obama has failed the country. It is time for real hope and change.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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And what do those quotes prove? NOTHING . old quotes from those in his own party just showing support to their party's candidate Quite a few others running for congress running from him as they see his campaign floundering .With less than 50 days left in the race, Tim Pawlenty, the former Minnesota Governor who, as co-chairman of Mr Romney's campaign, had been one of his most visible spokesmen at the recent convention and on the trail, announced that he was bowing out .

Be interesting to see the vitriol from within the party when he loses in November.

And as this thread is about VP candidate Ryan, His noises off about the affordable care act and his plans to "gut" medicare didnt go down too well in a speech yesterday at the AARP in New Orleans. Put a hold on printing those health insurance vouchers... BOOOOO


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The US was not just in bad shape but literally COLLAPSING economically when Obama took over. What kind of a miracle did you expect?

How about the miracles he promised in order to get elected?

A politician who doesn't promise things is not a politician. If you try to take them all literally, it'll drive you nuts. What about FDR's "a chicken in every pot"?

Although I like Obama and believe he's doing all he can to enact improvements for my country and Americans in general, I don't agree with the economic policies. I am not in favor of mega money handouts to Big Business, which ALL politicians favor, particularly if the CEO's are their buddies or if the biz is in their district. I believe businesses should live or die by their business practices. If they do a good business and have a good product or service, they succeed. If they run their businesses badly (as many banks and investment firms do), they should be allowed to fail, and better-run businesses will fill the niche. I also don't believe in big borrowing, and there's no politician or businessperson who can conceive of existing without borrowing as much as possible. Essentially, they're all loan junkies. Worse than that, they want grants instead of loans, the same mentailty as the leaders of most African countries.

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