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Just Been Fined 1000Bht For Flicking A Cig End On The Floor!


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This is a country where you can ride a motorbike without helmet, on the sidewalk, 3 on a motorbike at speeding etc... nobody care

Everyday you can see thai dropping their plastic rubbish on the street, beach and nobody care.

but if a foreigner drop a litter ...

ps: make me think, some people have to be completely insane to uphold this crooked cop.whistling.gif

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In my opinion, butt droppers should first of all be fined the full 2,000 baht, next, submit to a jolly good public flogging with split bamboo canes, followed by public disembowelment with rusty barbed wire and finally being suspended by the ankles under a pedestrian bridge. Then they should be tossed out of the country and declared persona-non-grata!

That'll teach 'em!

I doubt if this would still be enough for the anti-smoking lobby. They would want your children's children to suffer the same fate, or perhaps public crucifixions, beheadings, burnings at the stake etc.

Now you're just exaggerating. Water-boarding maybe, but never crucifixions or beheading that's just uncivilizedlaugh.png

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I fail to see the corolation with litterbugs being fined and some concern that left handed people would be next ? I also fail to see a corolation that people who might be caned like in singapore, for what we might think are minor crimes would lead to left handed people being caned as well.

I was referring to the anti-smoking brigade. I was being facetious in suggesting who might they find next to direct their wrath.

Edited by giddyup
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This is a country where you can ride a motorbike without helmet, on the sidewalk, 3 on a motorbike at speeding etc... nobody care

Everyday you can see thai dropping their plastic rubbish on the street, beach and nobody care.

but if a foreigner drop a litter ...

ps: make me think, some people have to be completely insane to uphold this crooked cop.whistling.gif

No, no, no! That dropped butt is going to be the end of civilisation as we know it. Forget we're getting drowned in plastic bags, Thai companies and individuals pouring their toxic waste into the rivers and oceans, that's peanuts compared to discarded cigarettes. Of course I'm being sarcastic, I don't condone littering any more than the next guy, but I think there are bigger fish to fry.

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Talking of Singapore.

I was fined the equivalent of 12500 baht for not having decibel killers in the silencers of my motorbike a few weeks ago bah.gif

If it was a Harley I don't sympathise one little bit. How Harley owners get away with the window (and ear) shattering noise from their bikes is beyond me.

Agree completely. Horrible things.

And the bikes aren't much better......................tongue.png

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Filthy littering smoker, bad enough making me breath your pollution, even though look at it on the ground, If I saw you I would asked you to pic it up.

Give it a rest. What about the pollution you breathe all day from motor vehicles? Maybe you should be telling all drivers to go electric.

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The speeders think the Drunk drivers are the bigger fish , the litterbugs think the speeders are , the pimps think the herion dealers are , the herion dealers think the rapists are , the jaywalkers think people who run red lights are ..... they are probabbly all correct but unfortunatly it's besides the point , the point is you were speeding or Driving Drunk or littering and you got caught, the fact their are other worse crimes down the road is pretty much irelevant to weather you are guility or not.

It's really a specious argument that the cops should have better things to do than arrest or fine me for breaking the law because other people are breaking it as well or breaking more serious laws. I'm sure a murderer would say the same thing ..... I only murdererd 1 person why are you not out catching serial killers. blink.png

I would also point out that it's simply incorrect to think that because the street cop who is incharge of minor trafic or pedestrian offences is doing his particular job that day , that the cops incharge of the bigger fish such as investgators or banking crimes or child protection ect have somehow all taken the day off and that somehow the traffic cop issuing tickets is hindering the people who's job it is to catch the bigger fish , it just doesnt work that way , the bigger fish department is operating just fine and somewhat independantly to the the little fish department.

Edited by MrRealDeal
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The speeders think the Drunk drivers are the bigger fish , the litterbugs think the speeders are , the pimps think the herion dealers are , the herion dealers think the rapists are , the jaywalkers think people who run red lights are ..... they are probabbly all correct but unfortunatly it's besides the point , the point is you were speeding or Driving Drunk or littering and you got caught, the fact their are other worse crimes down the road is pretty much irelevant to weather you are guility or not.

It's really a specious argument that the cops should have better things to do than arrest or fine me for breaking the law because other people are breaking it as well or breaking more serious laws. I'm sure a murderer would say the same thing ..... I only murdererd 1 person why are you not out catching serial killers. blink.png

Come on your far to logical. I suggested to giddyup to buy a small ashtray that he could use. But seems that is too much to ask and too much of a bother. I mean you don't have to smoke if there are no bins near.. you don't have to dispose of your but there. You could take it with you in a small ashtray and dispose of it at home.

This however means you have to plan ahead and have some commen sense.

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I delibratly moved out in the sticks, I do my part with a hybird and a Fino. Prob the wrong person to use the car argument with. No hatred intended at all. But seriously how many very inconsiderate smokers have I seen here who just blow that smoke at victims and think it is their right to litter. I say mai pen rai to the OP.

I have found in the Farlangs, the French to be the worse.

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I delibratly moved out in the sticks, I do my part with a hybird and a Fino. Prob the wrong person to use the car argument with. No hatred intended at all. But seriously how many very inconsiderate smokers have I seen here who just blow that smoke at victims and think it is their right to litter. I say mai pen rai to the OP.

I have found in the Farlangs, the French to be the worse.

It seems that smokers appear to have nothing better to do than blow smoke in the faces of non-smokers. I'm sure there are inconsiderate smokers the same as there are drivers and others, but really, are you all dying from secondhand smoke? You would think that the majority of non-smokers are forced to spend their time in the company of a Camel chain smoker.

As far as what car you drive, that's of no consequence, it's what the majority drive, and they ain't hybrids.

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I think I will go and buy some drinks and KFC and throw all the garbage onto the green grass in the park so I can get some sympathetic replies from nicotine addicts on Thai Visa. cheesy.gif

The nicotine addict unite defending their littering practice.

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The speeders think the Drunk drivers are the bigger fish , the litterbugs think the speeders are , the pimps think the herion dealers are , the herion dealers think the rapists are , the jaywalkers think people who run red lights are ..... they are probabbly all correct but unfortunatly it's besides the point , the point is you were speeding or Driving Drunk or littering and you got caught, the fact their are other worse crimes down the road is pretty much irelevant to weather you are guility or not.

It's really a specious argument that the cops should have better things to do than arrest or fine me for breaking the law because other people are breaking it as well or breaking more serious laws. I'm sure a murderer would say the same thing ..... I only murdererd 1 person why are you not out catching serial killers. blink.png

I would also point out that it's simply incorrect to think that because the street cop who is incharge of minor trafic or pedestrian offences is doing his particular job that day , that the cops incharge of the bigger fish such as investgators or banking crimes or child protection ect have somehow all taken the day off and that somehow the traffic cop issuing tickets is hindering the people who's job it is to catch the bigger fish , it just doesnt work that way , the bigger fish department is operating just fine and somewhat independantly to the the little fish department.

You really think the big fish polluters, criminals etc are being dealt with in Thailand? You obviously can't live here.

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The reality is that if you are EVER stopped by streetcops( for something you actually did) you should be embarrased for yourself not angry at them because streetcops generally only enforce the most petty , imature , childish kinds of offences most ANY adult should have stopped doing long long ago. Streetcops are mostly for Children.............. and Adults that can't get along normally with others because they act like Children.

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The speeders think the Drunk drivers are the bigger fish , the litterbugs think the speeders are , the pimps think the herion dealers are , the herion dealers think the rapists are , the jaywalkers think people who run red lights are ..... they are probabbly all correct but unfortunatly it's besides the point , the point is you were speeding or Driving Drunk or littering and you got caught, the fact their are other worse crimes down the road is pretty much irelevant to weather you are guility or not.

It's really a specious argument that the cops should have better things to do than arrest or fine me for breaking the law because other people are breaking it as well or breaking more serious laws. I'm sure a murderer would say the same thing ..... I only murdererd 1 person why are you not out catching serial killers. blink.png

I would also point out that it's simply incorrect to think that because the street cop who is incharge of minor trafic or pedestrian offences is doing his particular job that day , that the cops incharge of the bigger fish such as investgators or banking crimes or child protection ect have somehow all taken the day off and that somehow the traffic cop issuing tickets is hindering the people who's job it is to catch the bigger fish , it just doesnt work that way , the bigger fish department is operating just fine and somewhat independantly to the the little fish department.

You really think the big fish polluters, criminals etc are being dealt with in Thailand? You obviously can't live here.

You missing the point , and I do live here , ...... the point is street cops are not designed to go after the big fish in the first place , thier job is to babysit imature people who can't behave themselves like adults , it's the job of other Police units to enforce other crimes , what the street cops do is entirely irelevant to what the big fish cops are doing or not doing.

And to be honest the big fish cops seem to be doing a better job of keeping the armed gangs from killing people , the murderers at bay , strong armed robbers at bay and violent crime in general better than any one of dozens of citys I could name in America or Dozens of other places in the world ..... So yeah I guess I do think they are doing an adequate job of keeping serious criminals from bothering me.

Edited by MrRealDeal
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The speeders think the Drunk drivers are the bigger fish , the litterbugs think the speeders are , the pimps think the herion dealers are , the herion dealers think the rapists are , the jaywalkers think people who run red lights are ..... they are probabbly all correct but unfortunatly it's besides the point , the point is you were speeding or Driving Drunk or littering and you got caught, the fact their are other worse crimes down the road is pretty much irelevant to weather you are guility or not.

It's really a specious argument that the cops should have better things to do than arrest or fine me for breaking the law because other people are breaking it as well or breaking more serious laws. I'm sure a murderer would say the same thing ..... I only murdererd 1 person why are you not out catching serial killers. blink.png

I would also point out that it's simply incorrect to think that because the street cop who is incharge of minor trafic or pedestrian offences is doing his particular job that day , that the cops incharge of the bigger fish such as investgators or banking crimes or child protection ect have somehow all taken the day off and that somehow the traffic cop issuing tickets is hindering the people who's job it is to catch the bigger fish , it just doesnt work that way , the bigger fish department is operating just fine and somewhat independantly to the the little fish department.

You really think the big fish polluters, criminals etc are being dealt with in Thailand? You obviously can't live here.

You missing the point , and I do live here , ...... the point is street cops are not designed to go after the big fish in the first place , thier job is to babysit imature people who can't behave themselves like adults , it's the job of other Police units to enforce other crimes , what the street cops do is entirely irelevant to what the big fish cops are doing or not doing.

Your missing the point your being logical with him. He just can't grasp logic. Everyone knows that streetcops don't go after big criminals. That is not what is in their job description. Its the same in any other country. Cops specialize too

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The speeders think the Drunk drivers are the bigger fish , the litterbugs think the speeders are , the pimps think the herion dealers are , the herion dealers think the rapists are , the jaywalkers think people who run red lights are ..... they are probabbly all correct but unfortunatly it's besides the point , the point is you were speeding or Driving Drunk or littering and you got caught, the fact their are other worse crimes down the road is pretty much irelevant to weather you are guility or not.

It's really a specious argument that the cops should have better things to do than arrest or fine me for breaking the law because other people are breaking it as well or breaking more serious laws. I'm sure a murderer would say the same thing ..... I only murdererd 1 person why are you not out catching serial killers. blink.png

I would also point out that it's simply incorrect to think that because the street cop who is incharge of minor trafic or pedestrian offences is doing his particular job that day , that the cops incharge of the bigger fish such as investgators or banking crimes or child protection ect have somehow all taken the day off and that somehow the traffic cop issuing tickets is hindering the people who's job it is to catch the bigger fish , it just doesnt work that way , the bigger fish department is operating just fine and somewhat independantly to the the little fish department.

You really think the big fish polluters, criminals etc are being dealt with in Thailand? You obviously can't live here.

You missing the point , and I do live here , ...... the point is street cops are not designed to go after the big fish in the first place , thier job is to babysit imature people who can't behave themselves like adults , it's the job of other Police units to enforce other crimes , what the street cops do is entirely irelevant to what the big fish cops are doing or not doing.

Oh, I thought you said the bigger fish department was operating "just fine" I took that to mean that the bigger fish were getting caught, prosecuted and jailed. I'm not criticising the cop for doing his job and fining the falang for littering, if only he was less selective in who he nabbed.

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To the OP, I see Chang Beer bottle as your picture, how would you feel people just breaking their beer bottle on the street after they finish each beer ?

I doubt you would like it.

Are you French by any chance?clap2.gif

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1000 baht isn't much compared to fines dished out for similar offences in other capital cities!

Singapore fine for the first-time offender 300 Singapore dollars.

But the thing is everyone obeys the law there - locals and foreigners.

How many times do you see Thai's throwing things on the floor?bah.gif

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The speeders think the Drunk drivers are the bigger fish , the litterbugs think the speeders are , the pimps think the herion dealers are , the herion dealers think the rapists are , the jaywalkers think people who run red lights are ..... they are probabbly all correct but unfortunatly it's besides the point , the point is you were speeding or Driving Drunk or littering and you got caught, the fact their are other worse crimes down the road is pretty much irelevant to weather you are guility or not.

It's really a specious argument that the cops should have better things to do than arrest or fine me for breaking the law because other people are breaking it as well or breaking more serious laws. I'm sure a murderer would say the same thing ..... I only murdererd 1 person why are you not out catching serial killers. blink.png

I would also point out that it's simply incorrect to think that because the street cop who is incharge of minor trafic or pedestrian offences is doing his particular job that day , that the cops incharge of the bigger fish such as investgators or banking crimes or child protection ect have somehow all taken the day off and that somehow the traffic cop issuing tickets is hindering the people who's job it is to catch the bigger fish , it just doesnt work that way , the bigger fish department is operating just fine and somewhat independantly to the the little fish department.

You really think the big fish polluters, criminals etc are being dealt with in Thailand? You obviously can't live here.

You missing the point , and I do live here , ...... the point is street cops are not designed to go after the big fish in the first place , thier job is to babysit imature people who can't behave themselves like adults , it's the job of other Police units to enforce other crimes , what the street cops do is entirely irelevant to what the big fish cops are doing or not doing.

Oh, I thought you said the bigger fish department was operating "just fine" I took that to mean that the bigger fish were getting caught, prosecuted and jailed. I'm not criticising the cop for doing his job and fining the falang for littering, if only he was less selective in who he nabbed.

Well you have to compare it to something else ....if you compare it to perfection not so much , if you compare it to other places with equal recources and development I say yes , look at the cime domination in Columbia or Mexico . look at how the Russian Mafia dominates most everyday life in Moscow . What I look at is how are the streets and my life operating , and they are operating just fine , I don't see dozens of people beheaded on a regualr basis here like in Mexico , I don't see the Taxi mafia or the Mafia here in general anywhere close to dominating culture or government like Russia , I don't see regular daily drive by shootings like In LA or New Orleans , ect.

Sorry to tell you but comparatively to other 2nd world countries Thailand's Poliecing is doing just fine.

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so you admit to littering and don't want to pay the fine?

not much of an excuse. what's your argument against paying?

Read his post, he did pay. He might not have liked it (who does) but he paid.

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In my opinion, butt droppers should first of all be fined the full 2,000 baht, next, submit to a jolly good public flogging with split bamboo canes, followed by public disembowelment with rusty barbed wire and finally being suspended by the ankles under a pedestrian bridge. Then they should be tossed out of the country and declared persona-non-grata!

That'll teach 'em!

I doubt if this would still be enough for the anti-smoking lobby. They would want your children's children to suffer the same fate, or perhaps public crucifixions, beheadings, burnings at the stake etc.

Seems reasonable.......

Then who's next? Left handed people, red heads? I know. Everyone who doesn't agree with me.

Yes, those too - and, maybe the Belgians.....

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It's your own fault for littering..just because others had discarded their cigarettes on the floor doesn't mean you had to..so zero sympathy from me.

To many smokers think that it is a human right to throw dirty, discusting cigarette butts any where they like. It is not.

I'm a smoker and never throw a cigarette butt on the ground. If I have to I'll put the butt in pocket/packet until I can find a rubbish bin. It really irritates me that some smokers don't consider butts as litter and think they can throw it anywhere. I wonder if the same people would complain if they saw someone casually discard a sandwich wrapper on the ground.

I take it that you don't live in Thailand or if you do, you've never been to a Thai style open air bar.

13 years in Thailand and it doesn't matter to me what kind of bar I'm in but, we are all different :)

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so you admit to littering and don't want to pay the fine?

not much of an excuse. what's your argument against paying?

Read his post, he did pay. He might not have liked it (who does) but he paid.

he paid, but did he man up and take responsibility for his error?

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so you admit to littering and don't want to pay the fine?

not much of an excuse. what's your argument against paying?

Read his post, he did pay. He might not have liked it (who does) but he paid.

he paid, but did he man up and take responsibility for his error?

I'm sure he's saying his Hail Marys now and promising to never litter again.

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Its a good day when a filthy smoker gets his just deserts.

Always wondered if that was deserts or deserves ?

Anyway, you should be proud for being stupid twice, once for littlering and once for being sucker scammed with one of the most obvious scams in Bangkok.

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