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The Hamster Joke

A man takes his sick hamster, Cyril, to the vet. The vet says, "Sorry, old chap, but I can't do anything for him. I'll have to put him down."

The man takes the news very badly and begins to sob. He'd loved Cyril very much.

The vet takes pity on him and says, "Seems a shame just to bury him. You could turn him into jam instead, you know."

"Into jam?! My Cyril?"

"Yes. Everyone's doing it these days. Didn't you read about Madonna last week. That's what she did when her son's pet hamster died. It's all the rage with celebrities in London you know. Here's the recipe that was printed in The Times. Just boil him up with a pound of sugar."

The chap finds this a bit odd, but, being a Madonna fan, decides to give it a try. He makes the jam and tastes it, but it is so bad that he throws it out of the window and into the garden. The following morning he can’t believe his eyes when he sees a bed of roses in full bloom, growing in the spot where he’d thrown the jam. He phones the vet to tell him what has happened.

"Yes. You're right. It is strange. Usually you get (as he breaks into song) ... tulips from hamster jam."

Greetings from over the Silver Sea

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A duck walks into a feed store and asks, "Got any duck feed?"

The clerk tells him, "No, sorry mate. We don't have a market for it so we don't carry it."

The duck says, "Okay," and leaves.

The next day, the duck again walks in to the feed store and asks, "Got any duck feed?"

Again the clerk says no and the duck leaves.

Next day, the duck once again walks in, and asks, "Got any duck feed?"

The clerk says, "Look, you stupid duck. I've told you twice, we don't have duck feed; we've never had duck feed; and we never will have duck feed. If you ask me again, I'll nail your feet to the floor."

The duck leaves.

The next day, the duck walks in and asks, "Got any nails?"


"Got any duck feed?"

Greetings from over the Silver Sea

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  • 3 weeks later...

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