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I just wondered after seeing a jokey reference in another thread - do punters really use two johnnies and whats it like? Do they pre-prepare ie double them up in advance to save embarrassment. Why dont the manufacturers make a 'double whammy' anyway?

Guest IT Manager

I agree. No one uses 2 condoms becasue they are mutually self-destructive.

The biggest problem, that can be fixed by use of two condoms, is to pull them over ones head and wait 12 minutes. Ask a friend to remove them (ask before fitting),since the wearer will be in no state to do so, then off to the barbecue.

If you are enough of a whore to need to be concerned about the use of multiple condoms, then you deserve whatever you end up with.

No, I did not mean your partner.


Some girls in massage places have asked me to use two condoms, I have always refused citing the fact that this is actually more risky bacause breakage is more likely. There is poor education in Thailand on this fact, perhaps this fact should be printed on condom packets.

My opinion is: if having sex with a stranger use a condom with lots of lubrication, and breakage is rare.

However I truly believe, and I apologise in advance to people who disagree, the main reason I use condoms is to prevent myself from easily transmitted sexual diseases, which are a real pain.

The chances of a man contracting H.I.V. from ordinary vaginal sexual intercourse with a women are slight, unless she is menstruating.

It is an unpopular thing to say, but I shall stand by it, and I do not condone sexual relations with strangers without using a condom.


The old joke was to wear two condoms.

However, medicated oil had to be applied on the outside of the first and before the second is worn.

If the the man feels a burning sensation during the act it would mean that there was a leak in the first layer. If the recepient (sex unknown?) feels a burning sensation then there is a leak in the second layer.


There used to be a re-usable condom on the market which used to have a guarantee for I believe 100 "movements"

The whole thing was nicely packaged in a little box and distributed in a plain brown paper bag to avoid embarrisment to the recipent-very thoughtful.

It was made (constructed)using a special extra tough secret rubber formulae,bit like coca-cola and as said guaranteed not to rupture during operation.

A small cage like accessory was included in order that the user could after "the deed"wash it out and dry in over the cage all ready for next time.Ideal location would be on the mantlepiece where any inquisitive guest could be informed that it was something you picked up in the far east.

There was also the usual small instruction book containing method of use,before and after preparation (inc.washing cloth impregnated with something that smelled nice)and a warning to ensure that the "item" was completely dry before re-application, :D but not in front of the fire and definately no hair driers.

I have not seen it for some time. :o

Guest IT Manager

Sounds like the perfect answer for Scotch people...

Guest IT Manager

Quantities of product preclude PCness. Scotch.

I thought it was Irishmen who used two condoms...to be sure to be sure    :o

era go way outta dat! Irishmen don't use those rubbery thingys, they're awful complimicated. As the holey Father preaches against use of condominiums while engaging in the act of lovemaking me thinks that he knows what he does be talking about - after all, he has been dead for 10 years and still no-one has realised!

So the moral of the story is to shag bare back with little young altarboys and you will come (!) back (to life) again and again and again!


When I first came to Thailand, a "friend" of mine spent a lot of time in the Thai brothels, which had one of the highest percentages of AIDS in the world. He always wore two condoms (for 3-4 years) :D and never had one break, where-as when he visited farang venues, he only wore one, and had a number of mis-haps. :D

I've read it before, but am not sure I believe in the two condoms, rub together and break myth.

Remember that scientists have proven, over and over again that non-oxydol 9 prevents/causes AIDS, depending on the study. :o

Guest IT Manager

I refuse to be drawn further into this thread. Georeilly you should be ashamed of yer self mon. Go do 10 Hail Marys and a bunch of Our Fathers.

Then meet me in the third confessional in 25 minutes. :D:o


G.P. If your friend wore 2 condums for 3 or 4 years,, did he have to P prettty bad when he took em off?? :o And I bet the odor was really something else.

have to stretch it so much now to get one on dont reckon I could get another one on :o

Once you finish the rest of the bulk purchase of Thai size models, try the bigger farang numbers . :D

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