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Drunken Swede Goes Beserk On Flight To Thailand

sriracha john

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Sort of an update about the story; the guy wrote a letter to be published in a newspaper(summarized version). The guy writes that he got to Arlanda airport, went in to a restaurant and ordered a meal with beer (earlier in the letter he wrote that he'd managed to stay off the booze for four months...), started talking to two foreign women who wanted his help to translate some phrases from english to swedish. After a visit to the toilet and some more talking(and drinking?)he suddenly felt faint, one of the women helped him to the restroom. In the restroom he kind of blacks out, when he comes to his senses (?) again he sees a woman searching his wallet, he manages to chase her away, after that he doesn't remember a thing... Then he writes about what "he's supposed to have done" which according to him happened because he got drugged. He's not clear of by whom, maybe the two women. "Now I'm sitting in a hotel in Central Europe wondering why all this happened and how to get things right again" is the end of the letter. To me, this is the worst kind of excuse I've seen (think so anyway).

Link to the article for those of you who read swedish:


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I've seen so many people like him in the pubs in Sweden throughout the years, and I have seen them on the flights to Thailand as well - luckily once in Thailand they go somewhere else than I do. :o

He is not the first and he will not be the last.

If he really was drugged I would feel for sorry for him, but from what i read between the lines though, that does not seem to be the case.

He first says he managed to stay off alcohol because of his wife. Then in the next sentence he says that he ordered something to eat and a beer at the airport. If he really had an alcohol addiction, could not just one beer be enough to trigger the whole event and his subsequent blackout? At least this is my understanding of how severe alcohol addiction works.

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There is lot to be said for DRY airlines.

Never heard of one... :D

:o Dry airlines off the top of my head, Saudi Arabian Airlines, Kuwait Airways are both dry. Royal Brunei will serve booze to you that you bring on if they deem that you fall into a "categorey" who is allowed to drink but they keep the bottle :D

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