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Beer And Wine Tax Hike Next For Excise Dept: Thailand


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At least most of the time it is grain alcohol (ethanol) in Lao Khao Thai whiskey. Not white spirits.

Ethanol, also called ethyl alcohol, pure alcohol, grain alcohol, or drinking alcohol, is a volatile, flammable, colorless liquid. In common usage, it is often referred to simply as alcohol or spirits.

White Spirit, aka mineral spirits, is a petroleum distillate that is used as a paint thinner and mild solvent. It is a term which often used incorrectly to describe grain alcohol. It is toxic and can be deadly when swallowed. (Well maybe the term "white spirits" isn't used incorrectly all the time when describing Lao Khao and it's South East Asia comparables like Arak in Indonesia, in commercial and home distilled spirits, as some of it is poisionous)

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ridicules; this is the Muslimification of Thailand

what an inane and misleading comment. Last I looked most Thai's were anything but Muslim.

What is the rate of tax on alcohol in most Muslim countries ??? What alcohol ?

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LM red went up from 58 Baht to 66. I smoke two packs a day, makes me spend 16 Baht a day more.

Thats it, i move to Pakistan.

better you'll stay in Thailand but closed to the Cambodia's border:

- L&M cigarets from Cambodia are 140 bahts the box

- Bottle of Samsung less than 200 bahts

- ST in thai brothels 300 bahts

Edited by Spellforce
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Judging by the many comments here, there will be so many farangs leaving that there will be more room and opportuntites for the rest of us to enjoy.

If it is the heavy smokers and drinkers, we will certainly miss them. . . hhmm !

Somehow, I don't envy them their future life in the paradises of Cambodia, Pakistan or Laos.

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If governments want extra revenue streams then they should legalize, regulate and tax sales of cannabis, MDMA and LSD, all of which are less harmful than alcohol and cigarettes. See this very recent study: Quantifying the RR of harm to self and others from substance misuse: results from a survey of clinical experts across Scotland


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Interesting one, those graphs. The case of cannabis is somewhat obvious, it's pretty damned hard to tax something anyone can grow in the back yard and need no further processing before consumption, so better make it illegal and get the revenue from stuff where manufacturing and distribution can more easily be controlled by the state.

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The prices of cancerous products like cigarettes should be 400 or 500% at the very least. It is not only a dirty habit, the costs to people who do not smoke are monstrous. On top of that cleaning the filth from smokers from streets to restaurants is absurd too.

Does that also apply to diesel fuel? Why not million baht fines for the owners of vehicles with faulty fuel injectors? What about a tax on puffer fish? X-rays are not 100% safe, want to tax them too?

I totally accept that smoking is an anti-social habit (although very socially acceptable not so many years ago) and can be a danger to the health of some. I state that as one who has smoked a pack a day for 61 years. I make every effort not to discomfort those around me by my habit. Is it too much to ask that I be given the freedom of choice to live my life the way that I want in return? The view that secondary smoke will kill you is hysterical reaction to propaganda - according to my doctor.

BTW on learning that a pack now costs 90 baht, up from 78 baht I have stopped buying cigarettes and will go without until the price is reduced - if enough people say enough is enough that is and the price comes down. This is the view of the Mamma who runs my local shop. Many farangs have baulked at the price she said.

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Cant you guys read, beer is already maxed out and needs a law change to increase tax. Read the frikin words.

Cigerettes is a mere 2% increase. it will stop nothing.

Thailand's excise calculations are wierd and misleading. Cigarettes have gone up by about 10%.

Last time that there was a big hike in the price of cigarettes, I noted that some of the people round here changed to buying the 5 baht tobacco and smoking unfiltered roll-ups. I'm sure that this cheap tobacco has a lot mire of the nasties and combined with no filter and the thick papers, I'm sure that their health is improving rolleyes.gif

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Bye bye Thailand, hello Cambodia.

Yes, great idea. Let's all move to a country that has absolutely no rule of law. Let us move to a country where the strongman, Hun Sen, regularly has people assassinated, like Che Vichea, the labor rights leader, because he does not like them, or they are critical of him, or they oppose his billionaire cronies confiscating land with zero compensation to the families who own the land, or have been living on the land and farming the land for decades. Let's all move to a country where the sons of the richest 6 families regularly kill someone who looks at their girlfriends, and suffer zero jail time, and are usually not even arrested. If you think Thailand is the wild west, just move to Cambodia, one of the most lawless nations on earth, and report back to us in a few years, if you are still alive.

Hmmm; almost a mirror image of where we are now then, just change the names !

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All of this to do with booze will not stop anyone local getting rat arsed on a daily basis. The local village distilleries will simply up their output of gut rot leading to a lot more premature deaths in the provinces, which will all be recorded on death certificates as 'Heart Failure', the favourite cause of death recorded for about 75% of all deaths in Thailand.

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It seems the excise tax hike on wine and beer has only been left out because they are already at the maximum limits allowed by the Excise Tax Act which will now need to be amended.

The government has left itself few revenue options to fund its rapidly ballooning fiscal deficit most of which will be caused by wasteful projects that are designed purely to enrich ruling politicians. Property and inheritance taxes are off the table due to the fact that the populist party in power that successfully appeals to the poorly educated rural masses is actually comprised not of socialists but almost entirely of ethnic Chinese millionaires, while a hike in income tax is out of the question for the same reason. Corporate tax is being dropped and imports are nose diving, reducing the import duty tax. VAT cannot be raised back up to its official rate of 10% because of the detrimental effects that would have on CPI inflation.

They are clutching at straws with the excise tax on fags and booze as it will be a drop in a bucket compared to deficit but it's better than nothing and, although it hits a wide swathe of voters, they don't dare to protest due to the sinful implications of these products.

Although politicians are often seen drinking expensive wines in restaurants the excise tax hike is painless for them as they can import their wine without paying any duty or tax with the help of corrupt customs officials.

It sounds like you have some specific knowledge based on the comment you made with reference in your last paragraph.
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Smart move, still a long way from measures taken by the Australian government (no more brand names on cigarette packs) or countries mulling a full ban on smoking for those born after the year 2000, or other Western countries where cigarettes cost many times more than in Thailand.

Same goes for alcohol, hand in hand with nicotine these two are the most addictive, dangerous and lethal drugs on earth. Kudos for Thailand!

All the the population of Tasmania will be rejoicing that you have given them the status of being a country. They are only the smallest state of Australia and it was a move by their upper house which is only a house of review.

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Cant you guys read, beer is already maxed out and needs a law change to increase tax. Read the frikin words.

Cigerettes is a mere 2% increase. it will stop nothing.

Thailand's excise calculations are wierd and misleading. Cigarettes have gone up by about 10%.

Last time that there was a big hike in the price of cigarettes, I noted that some of the people round here changed to buying the 5 baht tobacco and smoking unfiltered roll-ups. I'm sure that this cheap tobacco has a lot mire of the nasties and combined with no filter and the thick papers, I'm sure that their health is improving rolleyes.gif

The quoted excise tax rate is notional, based on a percentage of the selling price. In practice, it goes into a formula, so a quoted rate of 80% is calculated as 80%/(1-80%), which is the same as 0.8/0.2, so it is 400%. An 85% rate would be 566% and a 90% rate would be 900% (and a 99% rate would be 9,900%). The calculations for alcohol are worse, because of interior tax as well, but the notional rates are a lot lower. Cigarettes are also subject to health tax, TV tax, provincial tax (outside Bangkok) and VAT.

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Cant you guys read, beer is already maxed out and needs a law change to increase tax. Read the frikin words.

Cigerettes is a mere 2% increase. it will stop nothing.

Fishface becomes Eggface.

This discussion is about amending the legislation that puts a ceiling on the taxes so they can implement the change.

Why the hell should there be a legally mandated maximum tax on a commodity?

Truly bizarre law.

They are allowed to tax it a little, but not a lot?????????

Edited by Thai at Heart
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Well i hate smoking, so tax that to the hilt,as for alcohol,its still cheap in Thailand so no complaints there,£3 a pint in my local in the uk,but only 50bt a big bottle of leo in my local restaurant in chaing mai,and all those talking of leaving because of the price,well leave,then we don't have to listen to your whining and bitching!

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I once worked for a country where we increased the price of tobacco by about 15 times. This was an attempt to place a price barrier in front of potential new younger smokers - I am sure it hurt the entrenched smokers financially. Interestingly the tobacco companies repackaged and repriced in a valiant attempt to counter the impact of the extra tax. My guess with the increase in alcohol is that price sensitive consumers will just shift to a cheaper more gut wrenching form of alcohol that fits with their spending habits. Sin taxes should theoretically be largely applied to address the medical conditions associated with the 'sin' - anti-smoking medication subsidy, alcoholics anonymous, health education programmes and similar. These are problems faced by many countries - lets hope it is a move in the right direction for the right reasons.

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The rise is insignificant to have an impact on reduction, especially when law enforcement is lax and home brew rice alcohol doesn't even get taxed officially. Thais smoke a lot less than most other nations, the really alcohol problem is at the bottom end of the price scale anyhow. It's just an excuse to raise more taxes

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Bye bye Thailand, hello Cambodia.

Yes, great idea. Let's all move to a country that has absolutely no rule of law. Let us move to a country where the strongman, Hun Sen, regularly has people assassinated, like Che Vichea, the labor rights leader, because he does not like them, or they are critical of him, or they oppose his billionaire cronies confiscating land with zero compensation to the families who own the land, or have been living on the land and farming the land for decades. Let's all move to a country where the sons of the richest 6 families regularly kill someone who looks at their girlfriends, and suffer zero jail time, and are usually not even arrested. If you think Thailand is the wild west, just move to Cambodia, one of the most lawless nations on earth, and report back to us in a few years, if you are still alive.

Ever been into Soweto on your own?

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Taxes are to politicians as heroin is to a drug addict. Give a politician an inch on taxes and he'll take a mile. And please excuse me for using the word taxes; I should have used the politically correct phase of revenue enhancement.

One of life's true absolutes.

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I would like to see cigarettes made as illegal as heroin, as it certainly kills millions of people and it stinks real bad.

or put a 1000% duty on cigarettes

The government said they want to cut down on people drinking, I agree men in isarn are always drunk and acting like morons but the increases wont have any affect whatsoever as its not enough."just a couple of baht per bottle of that popular foul tasting lao khaao they like, ".

up the tax on cheap boose say, 2000% to 3000% that might have the desired effect.

But the government should bring the price of fine imported wines way down.

If people stop drinking and or smoking then where will the lost revenue come from? No idea what the figures are for Thailand but in the UK only around 10% of the revenue generated from tobacco sales is used dealing with tobacco related illness etc. which leaves a considerable sum to be collected by some other means. In the end, non smokers are going to start paying higher taxes while those who quit will start paying less.

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LM red went up from 58 Baht to 66. I smoke two packs a day, makes me spend 16 Baht a day more.

Thats it, i move to Pakistan.

You don't want to hear the story of my friend who died of cancer in his throat a few moons ago, caused by smoking. Ever thought about to quit smoking?

Kill all that's killing you! Good day and much fun with Pakistani hand rolled......... wai.gif

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This will certainly cut down on the consumption of the Thai guy who drinks every penny he can lay his hands on. As as as us Farang go the price of drinks in the nightspots like Nana and Cowboy will go up so bonking should reduce slightly but will surely help those who participate in such activities remember the girls face and maybe even her name the next day.

Smoking? That's a toughie.......to stop or cut down is tough as hell without help...I tried the comparatively new drug Champix 1800 baht a packet in 22 Pharmacy on Sukhumvit between soi 22 and 20 on Suk rd...amazingly it worked and I was 40 a day for nearly as many years......and no I don't have shares in the companysmile.png I it works for a weakling with no willpower like me it should work for anyone.

Someone said these increases are just an excuse to bring in additional revenue...........give that genius a lollypoprolleyes.gif Who would think that with all the improvements we see taking place every day in and around Thailand a government would need money to operate?

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Cant you guys read, beer is already maxed out and needs a law change to increase tax. Read the frikin words.

Cigerettes is a mere 2% increase. it will stop nothing.

Fishface becomes Eggface.

This discussion is about amending the legislation that puts a ceiling on the taxes so they can implement the change.

Why the hell should there be a legally mandated maximum tax on a commodity?

Truly bizarre law.

They are allowed to tax it a little, but not a lot?????????

It was there to protect the poor?

Or maybe the concessionaires?

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