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A well-connected local business-family with experience in the aviation, telecommunications & internet industries will shortly have 80 billion Baht, about $2 billion, less-tax , available in liquid funds to invest in the country or region.

Where do TV-members think they might find good opportunities to invest that sort of money ?

One suggestion I heard - was to build a regional electricity generation/distribution business.

If we can guess right, we might make a few baht, on the SET ! :o

A well-connected local business-family with experience in the aviation, telecommunications & internet industries will shortly have 80 billion Baht, about $2 billion, less-tax , available in liquid funds to invest in the country or region.

Where do TV-members think they might find good opportunities to invest that sort of money ?

One suggestion I heard - was to build a regional electricity generation/distribution business.

If we can guess right, we might make a few baht, on the SET ! :D

they didnt even pay a baht of tax on that transaction, somehow that doesnt surprise me, does the daughter have a boyfriend? :o


Only $2 bill?Ha!Bill Gates probably makes that much in interest in his sleep!


I sold a beautiful golf course country club with clubhouse in the expensive state of Hawaii for $7.5 million so figure in Thailand one could buy every golf course there and the surrounding condos as well with $2 billion.

Think of tens of millions of golf-crazy Japanese and Koreans retiring soon and try to imagine what will happen when 1.3 billion Chinese growing more affluent each day will do when they discover golf.

Hate the boring game myself but go where the money goes.

A well-connected local business-family with experience in the aviation, telecommunications & internet industries will shortly have 80 billion Baht, about $2 billion, less-tax , available in liquid funds to invest in the country or region.

Where do TV-members think they might find good opportunities to invest that sort of money ?

One suggestion I heard - was to build a regional electricity generation/distribution business.

If we can guess right, we might make a few baht, on the SET ! :o

I wonder if they structured the sale so that some of the money doesn't come into Thailand. Or does he have to worry about the restrictions on moving money out at all? I'd think a lot of it will go to other countries.

I think a lot of it might end up in real estate, and then all of a sudden there'll be some roads being improved to that area. The new airport is closer to the beaches, so buy some land down there, get the big resorts interested, and have the gov't fix the road. Then you sell all the condos and houses you've built, and lease the land to the resorts. Or say you own an airline, find really cheap land farther south, build a small airport and do the same thing.

Maybe he will build and open the first Casino in Thailand

POssibly. However this is a family that made their money during the semi privatisation of a state industry, managing relationships with stakeholders and ensuring optimal concessions from the state.

What other industries are in 1990 telco conditions?

- electricity generation and distribution.... hmmm EGAT listing

- Oil refining, distribution and sales....hmmmm PTT listing... been and gone

Electricity is the biggie, because there even in countries like UK, NZ, USA and Australia, the deregulation of the energy industry has been such a mess so there is a whole series of 'safeguards' that a wise and gratious leader could put in to ensure security of supply that might also favour certain industry participants.

I would love a piece of the big ol' EGAT; already worked for the top performing company in NZ in a similar circumstance a few years back; the ability to screw over consumers and businesses on price with complete disregard for improving business processes is unlimited, and for the slow regulators, a few 'clever young blokes' can run circles around their poorly formed attempts to restrict and ensure a level playing field. but of course, I won't get to be part of that frenzy, just like most people didn't get in on PTT at the beginning.

Yep, EGAT expect a big investment if they can ever get the listing off the ground.

However, since it is not the PM investing himself, but rather his family, I am instantly secure in the knowledge that there will be no conflict of interest here :-)


80,000 thailand elite cards?

1.5 international airports?

I will bet 1000 baht on casinos in Thailand and prime commercial property in the US, Europe and Ozland.


I have a suggestion......

Give some to me. I'd love to find a way to fund touring Thailand with my band... Actually, not just Thailand for that matter.

Of course I can't post links, so you'll all have to PM me to find out how to listen the music.

It's great by the way and already a hit with the Thais who have heard it......


Buy the 90% government-owned part of our national carrier, Thai International Airways, and use his previous aviation experience to turn it round ?

OK - DL has been quoted as saying that their service sucks ! Well here is his chance to do something about it ! And apply the lessons of low-cost efficient operations where they are undoubtedly needed. :o


Guys, I don't think that he will invest anything in Thailand. He will do offshore investment because he wants to remit his money out of the country to protect his money from being accused of corruption and etc. What do u guys think?

With that sort of money you could buy enough votes to become PM

Yes should be possible with 80 million….the vote buying rate in Isaan is 500 to 1000 baht per vote or is it household? And then some from the North along with a couple from Bangkok…lets see…plus…minus…Yes should give you a term…if you need more cash you could always sue Sondhi for 500 million a couple of times…

Did I mention it is tax free…like the 80 million from “Tax-sin’ner” :o


The tourism industry is always booming. I would invest in Ko Chang if there is anything left to invest in.

If you have any left over from your initial investment you could donate some.

There are pleanty of charities in Thailand who could use some help.


I also hear there are still people suffering from last years tsunami.

Maybe you could use it to help bring peace to troubled Southern Thailand.

80 billion baht is a lot of money. I hope you spend it wisely.


Diversification of investments is the key for that much money.

Some of the Thai products that we have purchased here in Texas that were made in Thailand are Siam Cement Company Ceramic tile from Home Depot, 32 inch Toshiba (Yep, made in Thailand) TV from Costco, Farm raised Thai shrimp from HEB grocery chain, Mangosten- Costco, Thai fish sauce, curries, etc. in most grocery stores, lots of Thai DVDs. How about a private equity fund to launch more Thai businesses selling products world wide?

I have a suggestion......

Give some to me. I'd love to find a way to fund touring Thailand with my band... Actually, not just Thailand for that matter.

Of course I can't post links, so you'll all have to PM me to find out how to listen the music.

It's great by the way and already a hit with the Thais who have heard it......

FANTASTIC music, why have'nt you got a recording contract yet ?

This guys music is superb, if you like good vibes, this is worth listening to !

I wish I was in the music management business, I think getting these boys gigs would be a piece of cake in Thailand !


My suggetions are

1) Build a retirement home for the aged snowbirds , and that way you will earn money and run the buiz , people from Japan, korea, Singapore , USA could be interessted

2) Buy property in the Sukumbvit area , property likely to go up

3)Run and school that teaches in English, leading to University degree based on the Singapore sylabbas, as Thailand is still lacking good and cheap schools that teach in English

there are many restrictions in this area however with the right connections the restrictions can be overcome

4)Invest in a company that will convert diesel or petrol to gas NGV vehicles, this is in demand as oil prices are up

5)go into the Oil and gas industry as oil prices are up

if u need more info contact me at [email protected]


What about giving it back to the poors so they can become self earners ? or build a fundation to donate the money to children in need ? not going to happen


FANTASTIC music, why have'nt you got a recording contract yet ?

This guys music is superb, if you like good vibes, this is worth listening to !

I wish I was in the music management business, I think getting these boys gigs would be a piece of cake in Thailand !

Thanks Buncer!

I'm glad somecan can hear that the Thais would love this album. After all the inspiration for recording it was created by personal experience of Dec 26th 2004 and the support I received from some very special Thais, who have become dear friends helped this to happen by believeing in me.

We have dedicated it to all those who were lost and all those who were left behind on that tragic day.

I wish Bangkok radio were as receptive or at least would give it a listen. I have sent a couple of PMs them, but no interest it seems.

... Shame, because if they played this music and if it grew to become hugely popular they would only add to their reputation for "discovering" it and introducing it to many people.

Just a thought it may just be a possible way to increase their audience. Do I sound like a dreamer?

Maybe, but the title of my album "If anyone Can Do It ... " by "The Lost Angels" is not called that for nothing. Maybe just the sort of music that is needed on the airwaves in the "City of Angels"

Oh yeah, another thing to do with that 2billion baht. If I had 1% of that money to invest I would build a school somewhere in Thailand that really needed it (Cambodia too) and employ local teachers and the like. I would also encourage the curriculum to suggest that the philosophies of the West are not the answer to everything.

Soap box session over.... :o


What about giving it back to the poors so they can become self earners ? or build a fundation to donate the money to children in need ? not going to happen

Well I think this is a major point, and the debate is on what should you give them. In terms of money alone and donations, they already give far too much money to the poor via these debt relief schemes, village 1m baht funds and so on. That's the TRT approach.

Problem is giving stuff giving stuff giving stuff; much of rural Thailand simply does not have the skills to deal with the 'gift' and hence end up in a worse situation than before.

It is like fish in a tank, it was doing ok eating the weeds and self sufficient; our gratious leader comes along with 30b healthcare, cheap loans, debt forgiveness and so on, that's like turbo feeding the fish in the tank.... the fish gets bigger only as long as the feed keeps coming, it is not looking after itself, and when the feeding stops, it is going to die.

Exactly the same, incidentally, as some foreigners and their desire to help their Thai partners. And the same with most of the people I've ever met in the sex industry; the actual workers may be making big money, but almost none of them have the education or skills to do anything with it and end up with nothing. Boxers in western countries are the same.

Better way is to build a decent education system, give people grants for needy children to get an education; health care is fair enough, but no cheap money without giving people budgeting skills to look after it.

Then you'd see some growth.

But anyway, he is just a guy with money, and has no responsbility or obligation to give that money to someone else; however it would be great if he set up the foundation for needy children for education or something that you mention.

More likely though, I am thinking a major play for PTT and a lot of investments all over the show (as he has been doing for a while) will be the ongoing pattern; some major families here in Thailand give back to the community a lot and some do not. I do not think that just because he has a bit more cash in assets rather than shares that he will change his mode of operation. Easier for him to play the part of generousity with the country money rather than his own.

I wonder if his pals from Singapore will continue to give out the cheap phone cards and stuff to elicit TRT votes?!

  • 3 months later...
I only can say this.....if you have 2 biljoen why you want to invest ?????? ...........and i ask myself "When is enough really enough for you ?"........enjoy your life man :o


Good question.

The problem is, you can't just keep it under-the-bed, so it has to be invested somewhere. Although I recall the story of a Gulf ruler, who did keep it in a wooden-trunk, but found that the £4-million in cash had been eaten by the ants, when he went to get some out, to pay a bill. The Bank-of-England, whose bank-notes were involved ("I hereby promise to pay the bearer" etc) were effectively a loan, were very grateful to hear, that they could write them off as a gift.

Even leaving it in-the-bank is a gamble, on the currency not going-down.

With a series of big foreign-investment mega-projects coming up here, I wonder whether some of the prospective contractors/investors might be seeking a well-connected local-partner, hence recent tours of these countries, to leave a business-card ?

Or is the recent strength of the Baht disguising slowly moving the money into a balanced basket-of-currencies ? Who knows ! :D

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