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Save Thailand: Tell No 'White Lies'


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Some day, and I hope it's before the next election, the chickens are going to come back to roost. Even in Thailand you can't fool all of the people, all of the time. Shame on these politicians for claiming to help the poor while they strip the treasury.

Helping and supporting the poor is never, nowhere on this world on any political agenda! If anything is ever done for underprivileged groups by politicians, it either comes with a catch or in the end just serves their own cause, which is: "More money in our pockets and less responsibilities on our shoulders, please!"

Best example is "Woman's Lib"... Main motivation here was to enable governments to tax the other half of the population and send them off to work.

Dreaming is nice, keeping your eyes and ears wide open is painful.

Edited by catweazle
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I see that Google has been involved in the translation...

Do they not employ any editors/proofreaders at all....!?

Well, if you think this is bad english, try reading the english sub-titles of a thai movie. At least, as a member already mentioned, this article can be understood.

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You've got to give the guy a point for stating the obvious; the whorehouse called Thailand is about to be in a pickle financially. I've seen it coming.

Question: Which country is not in a pickle financially in 2012?

Off the top of my head, SIngapore, UAE, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, but the article, and my post, was about Thailand. coffee1.gif

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The list is growing ... (plain) lies, true lies, white lies, noble lies...

Those economics and politicians tend to make it complicated, but at the end they all just are lies to me dry.png

Edited by stefb1964
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Sometimes you guys sound like spin doctors trying to bring down a government. The fact is that reporters and editors have a freedom today that didn't exist in the life time of any previous government in the last twenty years.

This government is behaving pretty well for an Asian government. They are refreshingly clear about what they are trying to do. That of course makes them vulnerable compared to the Abhisit period when nothing substantial in respect to the Democrats plans or negative behaviour was ever written. Of course they were protected by censorship of 'easy speak and open speak' of those that were feeling uneasy about a premier that seemed to base his style on Kittikachorn's.

I do worry about the economic risks to the Thai economy. It, the economy, has many challenges to face and overcome. Most of the economic issues arise from what went before. Such as the 2008 economic melt down of the west and the gathering clouds over the Chinese economy. There are other immense issues that Thailand has to face in respect to regional matters in underwriting the cost of ASEAN integration and the normalizing of trade and the freedom of movement

I feel that if the Thai political scene can begin to function with a 'bone fide opposition' committed to integrity in their political mission then Yingluck's government will get us through the term of the current administration and will live to see traces of blue through all of these imaginary clouds the the Democrats are projecting.

Edited by indyuk
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That is why it is very intriguing to watch how the mainstream print media and those on the fringe, especially popular ones such as Matichon and Thai Rath, have treated the story of white lies. They did not scrutinize the story as deep they should or used to do. In previous governments, the vernacular press was normally very vigorous in checking their performance and governance. They often took the governments to task without fail with their acerbic columnists. But this time around, they have played down the controversy as if it was a small news headline, hiding along other news of the day. Somehow their powerful columnists also saw eyes to eyes that the topic should not be highlighted as it might harm the public confidence and most importantly, play into the hands of opposition groups, in particular the Democrat Party. Indeed, the latter has become the most cited raison d'être preempting reporters and other stakeholders to dig further into controversies related to the government.

Say... whatever happened to the case of the journalists found to be receiving money to write positive stories about Yingluck and PTP during the last election?. whistling.gif

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Do the Thai electorate want "white lies" or the hard cold "black truth"?

and who are we kidding. Whom amongst us knows anyone person that has never told a white or any color lies? Completely honest across the board? No exaggerations or embellishments just the honest to God truth. I know I have.whistling.gif

Truth is not part of the human experience. Yes people start off in life telling the truth but within the first 6 years of human life a lie has been spoken for whatever reason. To think that politicians tell the truth is a farce. Even when they are telling the truth it is most likely helping to support a far distant lie.

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White lies are good.

Do you want to tell your husband of all the men you fantasise in your wet dream last night?

See, lies are good.

Are different color of lies optional? White seems so prejudicial.

OK then...how about some good old hard core Black Lies...

not being racial here but they're supposedly worse than

white lies and since no one in government has condemned

em yet, or been caught at it...then they must be approved.

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I reckon most people are totally missing the point here. the smoke and mirrors has dragged most off in the wrong direction.

the reality is the deputy lied. He said he lied and he said it was important to lie sometimes. err what does this mean? That the new figures are the truth? That the drop in GDP is now accurately stated?

Noooooooooo, he tells lies for the comfort of the people, the truth lies not in GDP being down a bit but is that the Thai economy is in a dreadful state and its a financial hole he doesnt know how to climb out of. The GDP figures are a diversion from the real truth which is that the Abhisit government borrowed heavily, Yinglucks government needed to borrow heavily as a consequence and that was before the flood totally knackered the job, add a growing global recession and exports going down the pan and the future is bleak...but I digress; the deputy pm has come clean and is talking about honesty not about the economic crisis. Well done objective achieved.

All in my opinion of course!

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