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Fake Dr.


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Or... does anyone have actual experience or proof that this guy is a fake. I've just seen waaaay too many people castigated here in TV

Apparently it's quite simple. The Court of Thaivisa has indicted him of fakery and found him guilty of this charge. He is now severely reprimanded for his wrongdoing. Appeals are rarely granted, I'm afraid to tell you my good man.

shall we grant the OP a conditional discharge on this occasion on the proviso he makes a concerted effort to write a creative thread in future?

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I think aside from the allegations of fraud, there is the matter of working illegally.

Since the rest of us have to abide (and do) by the law, it makes perfect sense to report anyone breaking that law.

Why screw up a person's life by reporting his illegal activities? Does this nonsensical line apply only to allegedly fake health care workers or pickpockets as well?

It is up to the individual, but for some, reporting illegal activities is a duty for those who have spent their lives living abroad as a guest and who have always toed the legal line.

"Look! That guy broke into the gold shop and is making off with all those necklaces! We should call the police right away!"

"Hah, that would only screw up his life. Leave him be."

....or that guy helped his wife clear a table in their cafe, or that guy is teaching English without a wp, ... the guy playing a saxaphone in a club..... bust em all ! ?

Let's not split hairs. The first example is just a technical abuse of the law. The guy teaching English without a work permit -- definitely. I taught English many years ago abroad and managed to follow the law to enable me to do it legally. I see no reason why the foreigners in Thailand who jump through the right hoops to do the same should be made fools of by allowing others to work illegally. Sort of defeats the whole purpose of going through the procedure to teach legally when others seemingly can do anything they want without following the law (and should they be competing for people that I might otherwise have as students?).

Playing an instrument in a club? If it's for pay, sure; working means doing something for money or remuneration of some sort. If someone is just jamming for free or for charity, then no problem (and if the police take umbrage at that, it's the same misuse of the law in the first example).

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Or... does anyone have actual experience or proof that this guy is a fake. I've just seen waaaay too many people castigated here in TV

Apparently it's quite simple. The Court of Thaivisa has indicted him of fakery and found him guilty of this charge. He is now severely reprimanded for his wrongdoing. Appeals are rarely granted, I'm afraid to tell you my good man.

shall we grant the OP a conditional discharge on this occasion on the proviso he makes a concerted effort to write a creative thread in future?

Considering the seriousness of the OP's wrongdoing, by making these unsupported accusations, it might be difficult to persuade others. In my opinion, a conditional discharge on the proviso could be granted. However, a stronger case can be made, if he is also willing to change his avatar to something more believable.

Edited by Morakot
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I think aside from the allegations of fraud, there is the matter of working illegally.

Since the rest of us have to abide (and do) by the law, it makes perfect sense to report anyone breaking that law.

Why screw up a person's life by reporting his illegal activities? Does this nonsensical line apply only to allegedly fake health care workers or pickpockets as well?

It is up to the individual, but for some, reporting illegal activities is a duty for those who have spent their lives living abroad as a guest and who have always toed the legal line.

"Look! That guy broke into the gold shop and is making off with all those necklaces! We should call the police right away!"

"Hah, that would only screw up his life. Leave him be."

....or that guy helped his wife clear a table in their cafe, or that guy is teaching English without a wp, ... the guy playing a saxaphone in a club..... bust em all ! ?

Let's not split hairs. The first example is just a technical abuse of the law. The guy teaching English without a work permit -- definitely. I taught English many years ago abroad and managed to follow the law to enable me to do it legally. I see no reason why the foreigners in Thailand who jump through the right hoops to do the same should be made fools of by allowing others to work illegally. Sort of defeats the whole purpose of going through the procedure to teach legally when others seemingly can do anything they want without following the law (and should they be competing for people that I might otherwise have as students?).

Playing an instrument in a club? If it's for pay, sure; working means doing something for money or remuneration of some sort. If someone is just jamming for free or for charity, then no problem (and if the police take umbrage at that, it's the same misuse of the law in the first example).

In this very very small town, why make enemies ?

In the eyes of the local culture, "They do, but that not my business."

The OP has made it clear he is more than happy to be a hall monitor, a snitch. These are .... insignificant things to most of us. Clearly some sort of innate unhappiness has followed you here to this land. That's rough. Might I suggest a 10 day meditation retreat ?

And if sticking by the laws we all must obey, this thread skirts the edge of the Thai slander/libel laws. Quite arguably worthy of intervention by the powers that be, or very very close in just a couple more comments. So maybe best look into some legal advice soon, OP, as you may need it after REPORTING YOURSELF FOR BREAKING THE LAW.

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Quite arguably worthy of intervention by the powers that be, or very very close in just a couple more comments. So maybe best look into some legal advice soon, OP, as you may need it after REPORTING YOURSELF FOR BREAKING THE LAW.

Relax! The OP might not be a malafidarian.

Why not use the opportunity and talk about "hypnosis"? What is your experience and perception of hypnosis in terms of treating ailments or providing entertainment?

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Or... does anyone have actual experience or proof that this guy is a fake. I've just seen waaaay too many people castigated here in TV

Apparently it's quite simple. The Court of Thaivisa has indicted him of fakery and found him guilty of this charge. He is now severely reprimanded for his wrongdoing. Appeals are rarely granted, I'm afraid to tell you my good man.

shall we grant the OP a conditional discharge on this occasion on the proviso he makes a concerted effort to write a creative thread in future?

Considering the seriousness of the OP's wrongdoing, by making these unsupported accusations, it might be difficult to persuade others. In my opinion, a conditional discharge on the proviso could be granted. However, a stronger case can be made, if he is also willing to change his avatar to something more believable.

and his screen name: he is taking a risk himself with the law....what must his fingers smell like?bah.gif

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Was there any issue with the hypnosis?

I couldn't stop looking at the swirling circles. w00t.gif

Been looking at that for the last 6 hours. Just snapped out of it. Funny thing is, I feel much better than i did

Are the swirling circles and the famous dangling pocket watch just a myth? What do hypnotists actually do?

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I just wanted to warn people out there I been accuse of being a rat unhappy,snitch,well I am nothing like that, My reason for the Post was the guy is taking a way business from people who work here legally,and I am sure a real hypnotist can be helpful for those who need it For the person who does not like my screen name My screen name comes from fishing ever day for years in Central America. I am very Happy Here and decided this forum is good for just asking questions.If you don't like my post plz. don't read it.Have a good day I always do

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Let's not split hairs. The first example is just a technical abuse of the law.

Splitting hairs is what the law is all about...

I see no reason why the foreigners in Thailand who jump through the right hoops to do the same should be made fools of by allowing others to work illegally.

So basicly your ego is involved, as they would make you feel a "fool" for having obtained the proper permit while the unpermitted teacher had not. Very telling.

... and that's the name of that tune.

Talented hypnotists just talk to you.

Hypnosis is just another form of communication. It's a way of talking and listening without your ego 'filters' blocking out what's being said before your brain gets to really process it. It's not magic. It's not trickery. It's a way to get one person to listen to another and actually hear what is being said. There is no "gee, I don't think so cuz my grandma said xyz and I believed her." Hypnosis gets 'past' what grandma said, or what Madison Ave Advertising says, or what your over-bearing boss tries to make you think about yourself. It's just talk, but it's talk that you really hear. You still have the option of 'believing or disregarding' what you are hearing. That part is always up to you. Hypnotists just are able to get you to hear the information.

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See #40!?

You mean where Fishman says;

"He Does not have a beard not sure where you got that but 100% Fake I google him like a month ago only refercence was place he stays at then someone said to him that and he changed it to lots of fake reference one was the CM Post he put his ad in come on what Real Dr has know history all fake O.k."

With 'evidence' and 'fact' like this, I'm amazed that the man hasn't been drawn and quartered, with his head on a pike atop Thapae Gate!

Has ANYONE here actually used this guys services and has been dissatisfied?

Does anyone here KNOW someone who has used this guys services and has been dissatisfied?

Or are the past 75 posts here ALL based on Fisherman's comments?

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Talented hypnotists just talk to you. I think spindazzle is more for the stage variety of practitioner. None of it is going to "cure" anything that isn't psychosomatic in nature.

That's probably true - but surprisingly many ailments are psychosomatic. In reality, there is no clear separation between 'mind' and 'body', they are both part of the same system, and what affects one usually has some effect on the other, too.

Edited by weary
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TheFishman1, on 2012-08-30 07:47:41, said: He prays on the weak.

Well, at least he's not stupid. Who would pray on the strong?

One does NOT need a medical degree to be a practicing hypnotist. Not even a degree in Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) which is an approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy created in the 1970s, made famous by Milton Erickson and Richard Bandler. You may remember the "Balinese Fire Walking Seminars" that were so popularize by Anthony Robbins about 20 years ago... Folks attending week-end lectures at Holiday Inns and other low-end hotel meeting rooms, capped off by walking barefoot across burning coals. I even attended one myself and made the walk. No problems.

But if Anthony Robbins tried to offer his Fire Walking Seminar in Chiang Mai, and ran it at Baan Thai, this Fishman would be calling him a fake too. Today, Robbins is a multi-millionaire lecturer on Self-Help. His methods are all based on NLP... or what most of us think of as Hypnosis. I wonder if he wears a beard?

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