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Forest Dam Threatens Thailand'S Tigers: Wwf


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Thai people couldn’t care less about tigers some Thais keep tigers on the roofs of houses

They care enough about them to keep them right ?

Perhaps one should be thinking in this time of degradation of vast areas of habitat that is is not that it is only 20sqkm against 900sqkm....but that we should be thinking to add 20sqkm to the park and more rather than only taking a little bit of it away.

With attitudes like that...a little at a time is ok and pretty soon naddah

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Strangely enough I actually care far more about people than tigers.

If and when the dam is built the food that the tigers eat will move away from that area deeper into the forest and the tigers will move as well assuming that they are actually there.

You answered my question by telling me it was completely irrelavent and that I should check on Allen Rabinowitz so I did. One of the things I manged to work out is that he doesn't live in Thailand and probably doesn't care about the people who live here as I assume that you don't either.

In an ideal world animals and people would co-exist with no problems but reality is different.

Has your house ever been flooded out, your crops meaning your livlihood ever been washed away?

Much as I like animals I like people more.

Mae Wong Dam

On April 10, 2012 Thailand's Cabinet approved the THB 13 billion dam project at Mae Wong River, although scientists have warned that it will make the tiger at risk. The dam will destroy around 1,760 hectares (17.6 square-kilometer) of about 900 square-kilometer national park of low-lying forest, the best habitat for wildlife, including the tiger. That is approximately 0.02% of the national park.

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Strangely enough I actually care far more about people than tigers.

If and when the dam is built the food that the tigers eat will move away from that area deeper into the forest and the tigers will move as well assuming that they are actually there.

You answered my question by telling me it was completely irrelavent and that I should check on Allen Rabinowitz so I did. One of the things I manged to work out is that he doesn't live in Thailand and probably doesn't care about the people who live here as I assume that you don't either.

In an ideal world animals and people would co-exist with no problems but reality is different.

Has your house ever been flooded out, your crops meaning your livlihood ever been washed away?

Much as I like animals I like people more.

Mae Wong Dam

On April 10, 2012 Thailand's Cabinet approved the THB 13 billion dam project at Mae Wong River, although scientists have warned that it will make the tiger at risk. The dam will destroy around 1,760 hectares (17.6 square-kilometer) of about 900 square-kilometer national park of low-lying forest, the best habitat for wildlife, including the tiger. That is approximately 0.02% of the national park.

your opening sentence just really sums up your lack of understanding of the issues - it is not about just tigers.. IS people too. THe two aren't mutually exclusive in fact as has been pointed out for years the fate of the two are intertwined..... in the end you can't have one without the other

Edited by cowslip
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"Years of successful conservation efforts will be washed away if the dam construction goes ahead," said Rungnapa. "The Mae Wong dam must be stopped or we risk losing our tigers."

get real. there are no years of successful conservation efforts. barely any tigers left

There are no tigers near populated areas and especially as that dam is situated at one end of the park and is supposeddly 20 sq km from over 900 sq km.

About 20 km up the road from where I live there are hills/mountains over 1,000 metres high.

Your ignorance on this topic is boundless - the Mae Wong area was first set up last century!

.....and check out Rabinowitz on this area - financed by the Thai government in the 80s.


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If you keep reducing available tiger habitat there is a chance their territory will eventually encroach into populated areas, just as has happened in parts of India. I`ve seen a wild tiger in India and it is a breath taking sight. Sometimes people have to stop being selfish and allow for precedence to be given to more important issues. After all, it`s not tigers trashing the planet.

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I find very difficult to get over a point when discussing a subject with someone who hasn’t even got the vaguest idea of the very basics of that subject.

(Imagine trying to tell a Stone Age man that the world was round and then explain why and how we don’t fall off if we are “underneath”. It just involves trying to get 1000 years of accumulated knowledge over in one paragraph.... not really possible.

Let me make one more point though. Being concerned about ecology and conservation doesn’t mean one is an animal lover or “tree-hugger” it comes from concerns raised by the vast majority of scientists all over the world, and has little or nothing to do with “cute furry things” etc...........

However there are some examples here that clearly show the depth of ignorance on the subject of conservation even among westerners who have had the opportunities to learn about it.

If this is the situation in "the West", imagine the problems in dealing with rural Thai communities where none of the science education has been readily available, but there has been a lot of political manipulation by those who stand to make personal fortunes.

Many "locals" don't realise that they are in the long term (or even in the short term) shooting themselves in the foot.

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