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The largest EVER support for the republican canadate from the Gay Republicans ........ They are really behind the ticket this year. Homocon was of course just one of the Gay groups in support of Republican values and principles.

I think it takes a real American to be Gay and vote for the party who is against part of your intrest .... gay marriage obviousy ...... Most American voters are to daft to see past just about anything they disagree with.

I have a lot of respect for people who are willing to put all Americans before themselves and correct or incorrect thats what they are doing and believe , they are willing to forgo much chance for more equality because they believe the economic principles will help all Americans , and most of them while disagreeing with the repub Gay marriage position also believe in strong Family values as well.

They don't fit the mold of a typical Gay American voter thats for sure, but they sure set a great example for people on how you don't need to agree with every little thing to support one party or the other.

Another example of how mature responsible people understand a difference of opinion with someone or a political party doesn't make them the enemy.

Gooooooooo HOMOCON2102 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You have been warned for trolling in the Gay forum before. I am closing this thread and leaving it for Gay forum mods to deal with, no need to feed the troll but please do not be surprised if it results in more than mere closure.

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