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Taxi Drivers Unhappy About Crackdown

Lite Beer

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well this might be an unpopular statement, but havent fares remained the same though oil prices have increased significantly over the years? maybe a rate hike for the taxis would be appropriate and would encourage them to accept business that currently doesnt seem worth it to them?

The price on the meter goes up more quickly than it used to but they should really do with increasing the 35 baht minimum.

London used to be the same. "Won't go south of the river, mate" used to be a common phrase in the days when black cabs were affordable. Now they are simply too expensive to even consider using.

Last time I was in Bangkok, I had several taxis refuse to take me, especially for a short journey during an afternoon downpour. I don't blame them: I wouldn't have wanted to do that ride myself.

Yeah.... from an economics standpoint, supply/demand and so on, when so many of them are refusing transactions at the stipulated price, you have to wonder if the stipulated price is incorrect....

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Its about time this problem is dealt with.

More often than not, the taxi driver will turn you down. Now days I usually have to ask at least 5-6 taxis before someone wants to pick me up.

The areas a travel are usually around praram 9, china town, sukhumvit etc. Nothing extreme at all.

Yesterday, I also had a few taxis just passing by, not even bothering to ask where I wanted to go. Really really bad.

I look very average. So don´t do go there,

And to people who says, they probably really are about to go off their shift, do you really think 6 cabbies in a row, needs to do that?

A few years ago, this was not at all this bad, nowdays it has become a real problem, and I am very happy authorities are sending out a message that this behavior is not ok.

Edited by ayayay
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Why don't the BIB use some farang and run a sting. Ticket and arrest all taxi drivers and the word will get out to play by the rules or go to jail.

Problem Solved. That way the police do their job on the spot and taxis never know when or where the sting is.

Be very careful...these thugs use tire irons on farang who take their photo or leave the door open when refused.

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect App

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tackled at the root by giving training and screening taxi drivers so as to grant professional licences only to those without criminal records.

That is the most important line in the two articles.........it's in the best interests of everyone, especially committed and law abiding taxi drivers, that they must be trained to a good standard. Lazy, corrupt and criminal taxi drivers and operators bring everyone down to their level.

Honest hard working drivers should applaud the crackdown as it will shake the bad apples from the tree.........and they will be the beneficiaries just as much as the general public.

I tend to agree. The most bizarre thing about Bangkok taxi drivers is their habitual failure to help anybody with their luggage. In Europe, it is totally normal for the driver to assist with the loading of any bags, but Bangkok taxi drivers seem to think it is none of their business, even if the passenger is getting on in age.

Speeding is of course another oddity, in that the drivers seem to have no sense that high-speed driving, including lurching from lane to lane, may be uncomfortable to the passenger.

Of course, both these things can be explained by the low wages the drivers earn, which make them want to do the minimum for the passenger and get it over as quickly as possible, but I'm sure that a little training in the niceties of customer service would be a good thing. At the moment, most drivers have no sense of this.

At least it would wake up those of a kinder bent who just didn't realise what they should be doing. It probably wouldn't make any difference to the real cowboys. And there is of course a certain percentage of Bangkok taxi drivers, maybe about 20%, who are thoroughly decent anyway, let's not forget.

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tackled at the root by giving training and screening taxi drivers so as to grant professional licences only to those without criminal records.

That is the most important line in the two articles.........it's in the best interests of everyone, especially committed and law abiding taxi drivers, that they must be trained to a good standard. Lazy, corrupt and criminal taxi drivers and operators bring everyone down to their level.

Honest hard working drivers should applaud the crackdown as it will shake the bad apples from the tree.........and they will be the beneficiaries just as much as the general public.

I've not read all the other posts yet but if nobody has mentioned it, this is a notorious scam in London and most cities all over the world not just Thailand

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After standing on the side of the road at Silom or Sukhumvit, 2am, raining, and being refused by 12 taxis in a row, I can't wait for the drivers to be "made" to take people where they want to go.

Their excuses are total crap most of the time. And it makes no difference whether you are Thai or foreigner or whether you offer them way more than the going fare.

Apart from a few (really nice, mostly older) drivers, they are all a bunch of thieves. My Thai friends say exactly the same thing.

After standing on the side of the road at Silom or Sukhumvit, 2am, raining, and being refused by 12 taxis in a row, I can't wait for the drivers to be "made" to take people where they want to go.

Their excuses are total crap most of the time. And it makes no difference whether you are Thai or foreigner or whether you offer them way more than the going fare.

Apart from a few (really nice, mostly older) drivers, they are all a bunch of thieves. My Thai friends say exactly the same thing.

Want worse? I waited at the Taxi stand outside Central World where 16 taxis drove through and each one refused to take me because the distance was too far--Phutthamonthon. FYI, the Taxi stand at Paragon is usually much better; I've never had to wait for more than two or three taxis before one agreed to drive over to the other side of town. And, yes, I always throw in a 60-80 baht tip, because I realize the ride is a long one. If they are nice and friendly--and quite a few are--I usually just give them 500 baht for this trip that usually averages between 240 and 320 on the meter, depending if you are stuck in traffic for over an hour, because I'm loaded with shopping bags.

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This is a serious problem and not just for foreigners. Around my neighborhood I'm almost never refused. Around Sukhumvit I may be refused by 10+ cabs before one will finally agree to take me. I'm polite and speak to them in Thai that I know is good enough for them to understand. Many just say no and keep driving, some say too far, and others ask for 400 baht (about 120 baht trip). When I finally do get a driver, I almost always have to give them clear directions in Thai to avoid taking a tour of the city. When they refuse to follow my directions, I just get out and give them nothing. On the rare occasion that I find someone that will just do what he's supposed to do and take me to my destination, I'll tip pretty generously. I hope things do change, but I pretty sure this is just another "crackdown" by the Thai police that won't mean anything or make any difference in a month from now.

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Preferring foreign passengers who tend to pay tips or is unaware of detours

In other words the taxi drivers are blatantly admitting that if you are a naive foreigner or a new boy in town, it is common policy to rip you off or be given unwittingly a grand tour of Bangkok at your own expense.

Just a bunch of scammers profiting from the vulnerability of foreign visitors and another nail in the coffin for the Thai tourist industry.

Not only should these crooks be fined, but they should also have their licenses revoked.

Thats taxi drivers the world over in most major cities, its not a BKK thing. They do have legit reasons for not taking a fare. If they refuse just wait for the next one, same if they refuse to open the meter, just say no and get the next that will. There are always a few bad apples that spoil the bunch but on the whole most BKK drivers are pleasent and do not rip you off.

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maybe it's something about some of the passengers attitudes that bring out the "scammer" in them...like not being polite or just generally being a jerk?

No, the scammers are just dishonest. Blaming the customer for getting ripped off or suggesting they somehow deserved it is ridiculous.

Locals have many problems with cab drivers too, you should read the local language news or better listen to the radio; there's a slew of problems and complaints on a nightly basis. At times the complaints are more serious, sexual assault, robbery and such like.

I wouldn't report a driver for refusing to take me, as it happens so often it would take up too much time, however if a driver offers a higher fare off the meter then I will now be reporting him.

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Bangkok is just too much of a sprawling metropolis for this to work well. I rarely, but occasionally, have been turned down, usually because the destination is too far. Personally, I don't like to be in a taxi with a driver who really doesn't want to go there.

Some drivers are rather nice and will tell you they don't know the area very well and will ask if you know the way. If not, then they would rather not go. One very nice driver actually flagged down another taxi driver to take me to my location.

Add to that the taxi service in Bangkok is the cheapest of any capital city, the aircon cabs always available and the cabbies friendly and not expecting big tips.

Perhaps Bangkok should experience the standards and service of the Phuket Tuk Tuk mafia to know how lucky they are

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If you don't like driving a taxi and accept the duties that go with it, go back to your farm and tend your water buffalo. Taxi drivers come up with all sorts of reasons why they cannot take you, yet constantly complain how little they earn. Well, if they wouldn't refuse every other fare...

My wife says "rich already!"

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Preferring foreign passengers who tend to pay tips or is unaware of detours

In other words the taxi drivers are blatantly admitting that if you are a naive foreigner or a new boy in town, it is common policy to rip you off or be given unwittingly a grand tour of Bangkok at your own expense.

Just a bunch of scammers profiting from the vulnerability of foreign visitors and another nail in the coffin for the Thai tourist industry.

Not only should these crooks be fined, but they should also have their licenses revoked.

Bunch of scammers? I don't know where you are from but if there is any place on earth where you get more value for your taxi dollar than bangkok i have yet to see it....couple of bucks to travel in a generally nice a/c taxi in a major city and they are a bunch of scammers??...yeah i can tell those taxi drivers are just rolling in the money....and tourists will stop coming to bangkok as they would rather pay twenty times as much for taxis in their home country?? you don't have to take a taxi if you are convinced you are getting scammed...you can always ride the bus or better yet just walk....

I can count the number of problems i have had with bkk taxi drivers in ten years on one hand.....maybe it's something about some of the passengers attitudes that bring out the "scammer" in them...like not being polite or just generally being a jerk?

In Bangkok a few years ago, I was in a taxi, I knew where I was going, the driver made a left hand turn,for what I believe was a genuine mistake, he then apologised and said "sorry, I will turn back, I said OK, on the opposite side of the road was a big long traffic jam and it was about 2 Kilos before the driver could make a u-turn and go back.

As we sat in the traffic jam for a long time, I asked him to put the meter off and he refused, I had a rough idea of what the fare would be and offered him that amount when we get to my destination, he said no, and gestured to me I should pay what is on the meter. I said no, then got out, gave him nothing, left the door open and walked away. Was I wrong? If I had accepted what the driver wanted, I would have ended up paying maybe about four or five times what the fare should have been.

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It's just a shame the way it is right now, I hope this will make these drivers think twice about refusing a fare or offering a fixed price. I found the service is quite ok during daytime but after the sunset things change completely (ie, lots of taxis not putting meter). I just think is quite difficult to gather all that info (name, license, etc) by just opening the door, asking where you want to go and be refused or offered a fixed fare, I think license plate and time should be enough to know who is the driver. Taking a photo could be dangerous as one Thai man did that some months ago and good a broken arm following the beating from 3 drivers.

BTW, yes, taxi in Bangkok is cheap, as are the salaries. This is not an excuse for refusing a fare, if someone is not happy with the current conditions they should find another job or battle for (legal) changes like fare increase, night fare and so on. However I think increasing the fare would make Thai people to stop using the taxis so often.

About the scenic route, I believe this is very common in most countries and big cities. I come from Barcelona and there it is just crazy the way taxi drivers scam the tourists (and locals) by charging non existent supplements, taking long detours, etc. The worst thing if is you complain they get aggressive, it seems they are the same wiseguys all over the world...

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Preferring foreign passengers who tend to pay tips or is unaware of detours In other words the taxi drivers are blatantly admitting that if you are a naive foreigner or a new boy in town, it is common policy to rip you off or be given unwittingly a grand tour of Bangkok at your own expense. Just a bunch of scammers profiting from the vulnerability of foreign visitors and another nail in the coffin for the Thai tourist industry. Not only should these crooks be fined, but they should also have their licenses revoked.

I may be a frang but i tip like a thai. clap2.gifclap2.gif

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"Rental time is running out and the taxi must be returned"- so turn the sign off and go!

"Running out of gas"- so turn the sign off and go refill!

"Traffic congestion"- No! In Bangkok? You must be kidding me! ...and you didn't know, because you are from...Mars???

"The destination is too near or too far" You choose to be a TAXI DRIVER! You take people where they want to go! That is YOUR JOB!

"Passengers refuse to give extra money (tip) for long distance" - ...see above!

"Preferring foreign passengers who tend to pay tips or are unaware of detours"- you are confessing to rip of people who are unaware?!

If only this "crack down" would be a real thing and not some hoax, that someone pulöled out of his/her @ss...

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Has not made one bit of difference so far to me as I am still getting refusals. Like everything else regarding law in Thailand - people just thumb their noses and will pay off the cop at less than half price if accused. Bet the going rate per taxi will be about THB100.

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Overall I find Bangkok's "Taxi Meters" very good. The only places I find taxi drivers refusing to use the meter are near Airport Express stations, Khaosan area (which I particularly try to avoid), bar areas like Soi Cowboy or Nana Plaza and of course touts at the airports and bus stations. I don't mind if taxi drivers will not take me somewhere if they are genuinely coming to the end of their shift. It would be nice to see a lot more female taxi drivers too.

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When a taxi driver ask me for a tip I give nothing. When they don't ask, they do get a tip; usually between 30 Baht and 50.

I have managed to sequester a Taxi Driver who worked in the U.S.A. for 5 years and who does speak very good English.

I call him when I need a taxi. If he already has a booking already, then and only then do I use another taxi.

I do pay a tip to the one who worked in the states for 5 years, and do not mind coz he is worth it.

It is a good idea to get very well with one or two taxi drives in your area, and only use those two..if you become a steady

customer of theirs, they do watch out for you, and you will not get ripped off. They are worth tipping without question.

The taxi driver who spent 5 years working their on the oil rigs have invited me over for dinner several times, and I have accepted those

invitations as well. coffee1.gif

I do avoid the other taxi drivers like the Plague.

Tuk tuk drivers are a flat out no no. coffee1.gif

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The only places I find taxi drivers refusing to use the meter are near Airport Express stations, Khaosan area (which I particularly try to avoid), bar areas like Soi Cowboy or Nana Plaza and of course touts at the airports and bus stations.

Pratunam must be the worst area for it. Add Panthip Plaza, MBK and Silom especially around Patpong area to the list also.

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When a taxi driver ask me for a tip I give nothing. When they don't ask, they do get a tip; usually between 30 Baht and 50.

I have managed to sequester a Taxi Driver who worked in the U.S.A. for 5 years and who does speak very good English.

I call him when I need a taxi. If he already has a booking already, then and only then do I use another taxi.

I do pay a tip to the one who worked in the states for 5 years, and do not mind coz he is worth it.

It is a good idea to get very well with one or two taxi drives in your area, and only use those two..if you become a steady

customer of theirs, they do watch out for you, and you will not get ripped off. They are worth tipping without question.

The taxi driver who spent 5 years working their on the oil rigs have invited me over for dinner several times, and I have accepted those

invitations as well. coffee1.gif

I do avoid the other taxi drivers like the Plague.

Tuk tuk drivers are a flat out no no. coffee1.gif

I live next door to our Puu Yai Baan who, I am under no illusions, got his position because he is also the local taxi baron. Needless to say I don't get ripped off by taxis, sometimes get rides for freethumbsup.gif - sorry - it costs me a beer now and then.

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