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The Jamaican Fireman

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A Jamaican fireman came home from work one day and said to his wife,

"Y'know sump tin, honey, we have a wonderful new system at de fire station.....

Bell 1 rings...we put on our jackets.

Bell 2 rings...we slide down de pole.

Bell 3 rings...we jump on de fire injin and we's ready to go.

From now on, when I says 'Bell one', I want you to strip naked.

When I says 'Bell two', you jump on de bed.

When I says 'Bell tree', we's gonna make love all tru de night."

The next night, he came home and shouted, "Bell one", and she stripped naked.

"Bell two" and she jumped on the bed.

"Bell tree" and they started to make love.

After a few minutes, the wife yelled out, "Bell Four!"

"What de hel_l is 'Bell four', woman?" asked the astonished Jamaican.

She replied, "Roll out more hose, man, you ain't nowhere near de fire!"

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