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Macbook Pro 13-Inch With Retina Screen Is Coming Soon?


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I am looking to buy a new MacBook pro, checked the 2.5 GHz and 13-inch, and for 2.6 GHz and 15-inch,

the prominent difference between the 13 and 15-inch is retina screen resolution, I have heard that Apple will lauch the 13-inch MacBook pro with retina, which said it has a separated graphic card for a better display, I am not sure if this Oct. the new Apple product will be lauched or not?

I will appreciate if any one has an idea to share about this topic, with many thanks in advance,


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eventually, everything will be "retina", their schtick word. When, as usual, you just have to wait for the unveiling.

The question is, is it worth the price? If I was out to buy a 15" Macbook Pro I wouldn't buy a retina display. Even with the dedicated video card it lags big time. Even just scrolling down google images or resizing the notes app.

I think it's because the switchable graphics aren't really playing well with that many pixels. To conserve battery life, it switches to the integrated graphics but this can't hand;e the retina so it lags. switch to the graphics card, it looks great, but the battery dies quickly.

There's a lot to be ironed out with the retina display. Retina Display Macbooks are in a sort of "testing" phase. I don't think they're ready for primetime.

To be honest, the regular 13" Pro does just fine. I'd rather a Macbook Air 13". If you need more "specs" then look into a Windows laptop.

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