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Drunken football supporters beat up man and police car

Boonlua Chatree

An argument over a football match resulted in one drunken supporter being charged with grievous bodily harm and two others with damage to property.

At 4:10 a.m. on January 16, Pol Maj Chachai Srisuwan, duty inspector at Pattaya police station, received a report of a fight at Andy’s Place Bar in Soi Honey Inn. On arrival at the scene officers apprehended a man identified as Christopher Rogers, an 18-year-old British national. He had struck and injured David John Tarrant, 63, who had suffered a cut eyebrow, and who was sent to Pattaya Memorial Hospital for treatment that required seven stitches. Rogers was locked up and charged with grievous bodily harm.

Drunk and disorderly British football fans were arrested for beating up on an older man and for destroying property.

Later two drunken foreign nationals came to visit Rogers and when they found their friend had been locked up they proceeded to beat upon a black Nissan saloon car belonging to Pol Maj Chachai, putting a dent in the door. They then turned their attention to a red Nissan parked at the front of the police station and belonging to a member of the public, smashing the vehicle’s windscreen. They were charged with drunken behavior resulting in damage to other people’s property.

Tarrant told officers he was drinking in the bar when people started betting on the outcome of the football match between Chelsea and Sunderland in which Chelsea won 2-1, a result that pleased him. The young lads said that they were going to kill him so he told them to do so and one of them walked over and punched him in the eye.

From the Pattaya Mail this time

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Drunken football supporters beat up man and police car

Boonlua Chatree

An argument over a football match resulted in one drunken supporter being charged with grievous bodily harm and two others with damage to property.

At 4:10 a.m. on January 16, Pol Maj Chachai Srisuwan, duty inspector at Pattaya police station, received a report of a fight at Andy’s Place Bar in Soi Honey Inn. On arrival at the scene officers apprehended a man identified as Christopher Rogers, an 18-year-old British national. He had struck and injured David John Tarrant, 63, who had suffered a cut eyebrow, and who was sent to Pattaya Memorial Hospital for treatment that required seven stitches. Rogers was locked up and charged with grievous bodily harm.

Drunk and disorderly British football fans were arrested for beating up on an older man and for destroying property.

Later two drunken foreign nationals came to visit Rogers and when they found their friend had been locked up they proceeded to beat upon a black Nissan saloon car belonging to Pol Maj Chachai, putting a dent in the door. They then turned their attention to a red Nissan parked at the front of the police station and belonging to a member of the public, smashing the vehicle’s windscreen. They were charged with drunken behavior resulting in damage to other people’s property.

Tarrant told officers he was drinking in the bar when people started betting on the outcome of the football match between Chelsea and Sunderland in which Chelsea won 2-1, a result that pleased him. The young lads said that they were going to kill him so he told them to do so and one of them walked over and punched him in the eye.

From the Pattaya Mail this time

Would like to see them try that in Soi Yamato !

Brave lads taking on an old man on his own - but don't tarnish Football with their behaviour, they are just louts - nothing to do with Football.

Drunken football supporters beat up man and police car

a man identified as Christopher Rogers, an 18-year-old British national.

He had struck and injured .......

Rogers was locked up and charged with grievous bodily harm.

From the Pattaya Mail this time

At 18 he is still only a baby and in LOS is tooooo young to drink never mind being in a bar....

what would nanny say? :o


63, whats all that about....!

What happened to respecting your elders. I so wish the al fella had of knocked the sh*te out of them.

Where I come from kids still get a clip round the ear and, they'd never dream of starting on someone with 45 + years on them,. Its a shame some slightly older football lads wern't around.

Lessons need to be taught at home though, not on anyone elses soil.

Such a shame.



"Its a shame some slightly older football lads wern't around. "

Exactly ! thats why i think its a shame it wasn't in Soi Yamato - or maybe in my presence - I will always stand by the underdog.

mind you - what do you do if you see these idiots beating up a car ?

Words fail me.


here are the guys from the Police Station

Excellent ! I feel better having seen them on their knees !

Hope the Boys in Brown treated them well :o


here are the guys from the Police Station

Excellent ! I feel better having seen them on their knees !

Hope the Boys in Brown treated them well :D

we can but hope...

theyre a *king disgrace and should be made an example of by the thai authorities..




here are the guys from the Police Station

Excellent ! I feel better having seen them on their knees !

Hope the Boys in Brown treated them well :o

No doubt shi*ting themselves!!! :D

fitba :o

No, nothing to do with football. Just idiots who would be more at home on the Costa del Something.

They beat up a car for christ sakes - whats that got to do with football !!!

here are the guys from the Police Station


Pic courtesy of the Pattaya Mail

Not so clever now are they? :o

Hope the old bill give them a good kickin, then send em home with a deportation stamp.


Disgusting behaviour..... and the consequences of a lack of discipline missing from the lives of the youth of to-day.

The problem is that now in the UK these hooligans would probably only receive a caution for such behaviour, whereas a good thrashing with a few lashes of the birch would make them think twice.

When you see these morons behaving like this and see the crime figures associated with violence rising, you wonder why national service was ever abolished.

The problem is that now in the UK these hooligans would probably only receive a caution for such behaviour, whereas a good thrashing with a few lashes of the birch would make them think twice.

You missed the bit about National Service never having done anyone any harm. :o



MHEEEE!! In my day the local bobby.....etc, etc..... I remember when all this were fields etc,etc........hang em etc, etc........the Kray twins were good uns really etc, etc.....bla bla bla.


I dont think sending them home is the right thing to do. I think they should have a few months in a lovely state of the art Thai prison and then get deported, these men should have all rights removed from travelling abroad on a permanent basis. :o


The biggest worry is the prevalence of these incidents now....seems there is at least one a week.

Theres a lot of good Brits there....these w***ers are giving good Brits a bad name.

I reckon they should fine them and leave them enough dosh for a taxi to Don Muang and their departure tax.....maybe then they will learn how to behave then.


here are the guys from the Police Station


Pic courtesy of the Pattaya Mail

Not so clever now are they? :o

Hope the old bill give them a good kickin, then send em home with a deportation stamp.

Home? Drop 'em off in Yemen or something. If/when they get home, no doubt someone will have taught them respect. :D



Leave the scuz buckets locked up for a few weeks then deport them.

Hitting a 63 year old man :o ,i hope they will be donating all their available funds to a " good cause "


What the photo posted before doesnt show is the young gent (sorry tw@t) on the left getting up off his knees and shaking the coppers hand..........and no i/m not joking.

They later went back to the bar where it happened and the other guy in the white shirt tried the same trick but this time it was a different copper and he was having none of it.

I sometimes think the BIB are to soft on these guys a quick 500 baht fine when they sober up and its send them on their way.

As said before send them down Soi Yamoto and let them try to do the same.

(Better add the TV report was on either PCN or PPN a couple of days back )


For the guys saying that this has nothing to do with soccer, whilst you are correct you can't escape the fact that this is what the non soccer playing nation see. I come from a non soccer playing country (was when I was a kid anyway) and see soccer as a game for louts, riots etc. Such a shame. I was working in S.Korea during the last world cup, it was great, we watched a lot of the games at the pub with the Korean guys and it really changed my thoughts on soccer. But I will never be interested EU soccer, as the fans just come across as hooligans.

Sorry, but that is how it all comes across to us not involved. And this is a fine example.

For the guys saying that this has nothing to do with soccer, whilst you are correct you can't escape the fact that this is what the non soccer playing nation see. I come from a non soccer playing country (was when I was a kid anyway) and see soccer as a game for louts, riots etc. Such a shame. I was working in S.Korea during the last world cup, it was great, we watched a lot of the games at the pub with the Korean guys and it really changed my thoughts on soccer. But I will never be interested EU soccer, as the fans just come across as hooligans.

Sorry, but that is how it all comes across to us not involved. And this is a fine example.

The Koreans showed real class during that world cup. Much of the reason I got curious to go check the place out.


The biggest worry is the prevalence of these incidents now....seems there is at least one a week.

Theres a lot of good Brits there....these w***ers are giving good Brits a bad name.

I reckon they should fine them and leave them enough dosh for a taxi to Don Muang and their departure tax.....maybe then they will learn how to behave then.

seems to be English every time too, no wonder they get a bad name everywhere they go, when asked I always take great pleasure in stating that I'm Irish not English, it's a shame as it tarnishes the good English folk too.

Also this behavior has nothing to do with football, the badness is there no matter what the excuse, they are just louts and hooligans looking to cause trouble when their night ain't going so well. I'm sure the older guy was just trying to enjoy the sport then these loud foul mouther phurkers arive on the scene spoiling it for everyone, see it before many times.


I remember seeing a documentary back in the eighties about football hooligans.

The interviewer asked why they did it, and the reply was -"a game of football, a piss-up and a punch up, it's what Millwall's all about".

It still makes me chuckle just thinking about it all those years later.


DRUNKEN FOOTBALL SUPPORTERS BEAT MAN UP AND CARI was just reading Pattaya mail to read about this english boy attacking this 65yo man,his friends then went to the police station to visit him,and decided to take their anger out on a parked car outside the police station.Turned out to be the Police Colonels private car that he uses o get to work.

There is a great pic with the Colonel standing over two big blokes who look a bit scared,can anyone post i t on here.My questions are,would these guys get a beating? Why do they look scared and not in handcuffs because if they were in the UK or Australia they wouldnt be scared of the law at all.

Why is there 2 motorbike taxidrivers there? What would happen to them,do u think the Police bash will give them a bashing? How cowardly for a 18yo to bash a 65yo man.

Do u think the 2 in the pic plus the 18yo will go to jail?

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