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Is This Bs Or What?


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My wife was looking through the webboards that the Thais love to gossip on so much.

Anyway, I usually sit on the PC next to her (my own PC that is) as while she uses her PC for gossip like most thais do, I use mine for making money. Whenever she comes across a tasty tit-bit she always comments to me on it. Then I am either interested or just sigh and say i am too busy to think about it.

That being said, she does seem to unearth some real bizzare stories which usually end up having a lot of truth in them, even though I tend to dismiss most of them as a bit too far beyond the pale.

Well she tapped my arm this afternoon and started to relay the following story to me, which is just crazy.

Some girl, may have been in her late teems, and I can't quite remember where exactly it happened, but anyway, she was raped by a few men, who then dumped her on the side of the road, and she managed to hail down a taxi for assistance, the driver helped her into the car before driving her to some remote spot and raping her also.

Now if this is not bad enough, when she reported it, the police came round to her house to investigate the terrible tragedy that had befallen this poor unfortunate. When the 2 police officers arrived to take the report.... you guessed it. They raped her... LOLOL

I shouldn't really laugh, but c'mon!!

For all I know, this could have actually happened without any exaggeration thrown in for spice, but I don't know. So I thought i would post it up here, because I know it will be read by a lot of folks, and I am sure I am not the only one who is fed continuous volly of bizzare Thai gossip.

I think the incident may be a few weeks ago and at first i wasn't paying much attention, so if anyone can clarify if they came across the same story and can fill in any gaps.

Edited by klubex99
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