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Bangkok Warned Of Flood Threat As Heavy Rain Predicted


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time to stock up on all the things we ran short of last year it seems

I have noticed yesterday at BigC -ex carrefour- Bang Yai that some locale folks were stocking up.

As well, rumors at the morning fresh market are that Buathong/Bang Yai area could be under water by mid-october...

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"The water is seeping in from under the embankment," Science Minister Plodprasob Surassawadee said yesterday in his capacity as the chair of the Water and Flood Management Commission (WFMC).

You know that old saying that goes 'if you pay peanuts, you just get monkeys' it needs to be revised for Thailand to 'pay as much as you like, you are still going to get a monkey'

I don't think they payed much. They just pocket the money. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a super 5 meter German-bunker-concrete wall around the homes of the politicians....

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time to stock up on all the things we ran short of last year it seems

I have noticed yesterday at BigC -ex carrefour- Bang Yai that some locale folks were stocking up.

As well, rumors at the morning fresh market are that Buathong/Bang Yai area could be under water by mid-october...

There is a good flood forecast system. You watch the nearest 7/11.

They got sandbags: some risk of floods

They build a wall around the 7/11 with a small place where customer can come and leave. In case of floods they plug it with sandbags: high risk of floods.

They build a wall without gap for the customer. Customer must step over it.: Guaranteed floods

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However, having an embankment is not always a guarantee against flooding. Such is the case in Sukhothai, which has seen water from the Yom River seeping in even though the level is not overflowing the embankment.

"The water is seeping in from under the embankment," Science Minister Plodprasob Surassawadee said yesterday in his capacity as the chair of the Water and Flood Management Commission (WFMC).

He believed the problem stemmed from the fact that the embankment does not have foundation poles, and the high water pressure is causing the seepage. He added that the WFMC has recruited engineers from private companies in a bid to quickly and efficiently end the flooding in Sukhothai.



It is NOT enough to simply raise embankments, barriers, or levee's on the banks of rivers or canals.

All that those bariers do is to raise the level of the water in the river or canal.

The weignt of that extra river or canal water increases the pressure on the BASE or foundation of the barriers.

Water seeps into and eventually though the porous soil (especially if it is a loose or sandy soil) and undermines that base.

Eventually the base supsides and the barrier collapses with it's foundation....causing the barrier to be breached.

The mistake that observers above make is that it seems to them that the barrier that washed out....when, in fact, it was the subsiding of the foundation soil and the barrier that actually caused the "breach".

That's why simply piling up sandbags often not only won't work, but actually can make the flooding happen.

That is also what happened in New Orleans, Louisiana during Hurricane Katrina.


You think too much...here they made a nice high wall, but all 10-20 meter there is an opening from the street to collect rainwater, which goes in a big tube that is all 10-20 meter (without valve) connected to the canal. So when there are still 30-40 cm left on the wall, the water comes backwards from the canal to the street.

Also there are small side-canals without any walls or gate. It is on the level of a silly comedy. The complete protection is useless, maybe it delays the flood 1 hour.

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Curious. To me here in Nonthaburi its not been that wet this month. One rainy day last week which did result in a bit of flash flooding briefly but here at least seen very little rain really in the last few weeks considering the season. Garden is looking a little more parched than usual. August was damp but september not so much

Been looking at the BBC radar for the rain this weekend. Maybe some rain on friday night in Bkk area but not much elsewhere. Though is a bit cloudier today

as for Yingluck, that thick bint is there for one reason and one reason only. Her big daily decision is between Chanel and Dior. guarantee is worthless

as is having a flood defence fund, unless they use the money to immediately begin defence work. Because that money will disappear here. its a fact of life. You need to see your money put to use, otherwise if it isnt it will vanish

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But I thought she said............ Oh never mind. rolleyes.gif

She did!

"She said, No Flooding?" That's an original remark, wrong, and come to think of it, not even original, try again.

Still defending the government i wonder how its possible.. if more and more floods then its clear they are a failure and that the budgets for flooding have been stolen by their cronies without making good defenses against the water. It can't be said they were not warned by last year. If they only put as much effort in flood defense as getting their beloved leader back then nobody would ever flood again in this country.

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However, having an embankment is not always a guarantee against flooding. Such is the case in Sukhothai, which has seen water from the Yom River seeping in even though the level is not overflowing the embankment.

"The water is seeping in from under the embankment," Science Minister Plodprasob Surassawadee said yesterday in his capacity as the chair of the Water and Flood Management Commission (WFMC).

He believed the problem stemmed from the fact that the embankment does not have foundation poles, and the high water pressure is causing the seepage. He added that the WFMC has recruited engineers from private companies in a bid to quickly and efficiently end the flooding in Sukhothai.



It is NOT enough to simply raise embankments, barriers, or levee's on the banks of rivers or canals.

All that those bariers do is to raise the level of the water in the river or canal.

The weignt of that extra river or canal water increases the pressure on the BASE or foundation of the barriers.

Water seeps into and eventually though the porous soil (especially if it is a loose or sandy soil) and undermines that base.

Eventually the base subsides and the barrier collapses with it's foundation....causing the barrier to be breached.

The mistake that observers above make is that it seems to them that the barrier that was washed out....when, in fact, it was the subsiding of the foundation soil and the barrier that actually caused the "breach".

That's why simply piling up sandbags often not only won't work, but actually can make the flooding happen.

That is also what happened in New Orleans, Louisiana during Hurricane Katrina.


And the head of the local government and Somchai the local builder, I am sure have extensive experience about HOW to build such walls so that they stand and stand and stand.

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But I thought she said............ Oh never mind. rolleyes.gif

She did!

"She said, No Flooding?" That's an original remark, wrong, and come to think of it, not even original, try again.

Still defending the government i wonder how its possible.. if more and more floods then its clear they are a failure and that the budgets for flooding have been stolen by their cronies without making good defenses against the water. It can't be said they were not warned by last year. If they only put as much effort in flood defense as getting their beloved leader back then nobody would ever flood again in this country.

You really need to be able to work out the difference between "defending the government" and "defending the truth". I'm just pointing a common "wilful" misunderstanding of what the PM actually said. If you wish to defend a lie, and you obviously do, I can see why throw around statements like these:

"the budgets for flooding have been stolen by their cronies without making good defenses against the water", "If they only put as much effort in flood defense as getting their beloved leader back then nobody would ever flood again in this country."

Do you really believe the above statements? Why, what actual facts do you have to share that will back those statements up? Or is it just because everybody say so, so it must be true?

I can back my statement up and prove that it is true, Can you?

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Very little done except to line their own pockets.

After 1 year, and the amount of money 'spent' I would have expected most of the immediate works could already have been completed.

Just goes to prove once again that the 'higher ups' don't give a crap about the 'lower downs'.

Do you have a clue how much it costs to get up there? The lower downs what? They are used to it so why spend the money the government gave me to fix the problem ?

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He added that the WFMC has recruited engineers from private companies in a bid to quickly and efficiently end the flooding in Sukhothai.

Does this mean that the government does not trust thier own engineers to do a competent job? Or does it amount to the begining of a recognition from within the government that they don't know what they are doing?

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Very little done except to line their own pockets.

After 1 year, and the amount of money 'spent' I would have expected most of the immediate works could already have been completed.

Just goes to prove once again that the 'higher ups' don't give a crap about the 'lower downs'.

Do you have a clue how much it costs to get up there? The lower downs what? They are used to it so why spend the money the government gave me to fix the problem ?

@BlueSkyCowboy - do you really need an explanation . . . ? Seriously?

Edited by Tatsujin
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"She said, No Flooding?" That's an original remark, wrong, and come to think of it, not even original, try again.

Still defending the government i wonder how its possible.. if more and more floods then its clear they are a failure and that the budgets for flooding have been stolen by their cronies without making good defenses against the water. It can't be said they were not warned by last year. If they only put as much effort in flood defense as getting their beloved leader back then nobody would ever flood again in this country.

You really need to be able to work out the difference between "defending the government" and "defending the truth". I'm just pointing a common "wilful" misunderstanding of what the PM actually said. If you wish to defend a lie, and you obviously do, I can see why throw around statements like these:

"the budgets for flooding have been stolen by their cronies without making good defenses against the water", "If they only put as much effort in flood defense as getting their beloved leader back then nobody would ever flood again in this country."

Do you really believe the above statements? Why, what actual facts do you have to share that will back those statements up? Or is it just because everybody say so, so it must be true?

I can back my statement up and prove that it is true, Can you?

If it was that easy to prove corruption i then more would be arrested so your asking me for the impossible. But you can see the results.. flooding. Kinda says enough does it not. Everyone knows they rob the country blind and skim loads of the budgets.

Your crazy if you don't think that is the truth, but that is often the case of hardcore red supporters. As for the floods if more and more floods then she will have not kept her promises. But to be honest i rather be proven incorrect and keep my feet dry this year.

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I live in Singburi and since last year there has been a lot of strengthening of the foundations of the river wall on each side of the river.

So I can say that something has been done in some places.

last year and the year before the water broke through under the wall and the work done this year should prevent that.

However saying that, it still does not help if there is as much water as the previous two years for the river wall that protect the town cause a bottleneck efect that causes the river to back up and overflow upstream from the walls.

This will happen wherever these walls are.

River level for the last 3 days has remained at 10.35 m last year it was at 13,45 m at the hight of the flooding.

That was on the 19th and 28th October from then on it decreased.

Still a month and some to go.

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To be honest i bought some new waders so i will be prepared this year. I really hope i wont have to use them but its better to have them. We are in a high part of Nothaburi but got flooded just the same last year (first time in the history of this village 30+ years).

Even if i wont get flooded i might use the waders to help others in the low lying area's. Normally it does not flood here so a repeat would show the governments incompetence clearly.

So, if does not flood where you are your praise in support of the government should be fulsome, should it not ?

If under the same circumstances as last year it won't flood this year then ill praise the goverment into heaven. If it stays dry because of lack of rain and no risk of flooding then no i won't praise them. So far they have shown they are incompetent.

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To be honest i bought some new waders so i will be prepared this year. I really hope i wont have to use them but its better to have them. We are in a high part of Nothaburi but got flooded just the same last year (first time in the history of this village 30+ years).

Even if i wont get flooded i might use the waders to help others in the low lying area's. Normally it does not flood here so a repeat would show the governments incompetence clearly.

So, if does not flood where you are your praise in support of the government should be fulsome, should it not ?

Logic somewhat faulty, methinks. 'no flooding' should be default state, like 'having electricity', 'roads', etc., etc. Normally governments are expected to delivered and are blamed if something goes wrong (even if it's not their fault).ermm.gif

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In case of flooding, does anyone know where I can buy waders for size 46 / 11.

I took the advice last year to put rubbish bin liners over my shoes, and tied up to

above the knee, but when I took them off my wife noticed that I had some type of

blisters on my feet from the infected water. It was scary! The bin liners had split

without me realizing it. All the waders I saw for sale such as places like Victory monument

had only small sizes.

Thanks for any info.


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A lot of off-topic posts and replies have been deleted.

Stick to the topic please. Some of us would like to know when we will be up to our behinds in water and for how long.

It's the same posters making the same political arguments. Their positions will not change. Drop it or take it elsewhere.

This one is about flooding--not blaming.

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Shouldn’t all of this prevention have been done a long time ago?

Or has the government just spent a whole year figuring out how to steel the allocation funds?

Or perhaps now they are worried all the millions have already been pocketed and now think the people will be distracted away enough from that fact because of the imminent dangers of flooding.

Of course we all know the populous is stupid and the people in charge are "geng mark" so we cant say anything bad!

Probably stolen so much from the budgets that what remains is not enough to do anything.

I am sure not much was left for anti flood measures. !! TIT !!!

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