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Can Coming To Thailand Make You Ambidextrous. ?


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Found my facts (for 'leftie's):

- are more athletically inclined.

- spatial awareness (so that includes driving .. we could laugh about that : )

- think more quickly (ie/ on the spot)

although ... some naturally favour left from birth - their familial upbringing has been otherwise - and that's just the 'way'. Seems a bit sad to me.

... when you look at these guys : Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, Julius Ceasar (not sure on him lol), Paul M'Cartney.

It begs the question ... 'a lefty or a righty' (brain) ... there is a really interesting survey on this. If anyone is cool enough to be able to know how to download it to TV - would really love to know - will take part myself.

Don't ask me i'm too arty - it needs a practical 'righty' person for the job. : ))) x

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I was left handed, nuns soon made me right handed. Can use both for a lot of chores & some writing.


My father, (roughly 1920's era) remembered being forced to write "properly" by his school teachers with his right hand as a child.

He was naturally left handed until they "corrected" him.

In 1975, after writing al that time with his right hand, he had a stroke and wasn't able to use his right hand for about two years (but eventually he recovered the use of that hand).

While still in the hospital recovering from that stroke he was asked to sign some insurance forms.

He did, using his left hand to sign the forms.

He said that signing his name with his left hand was a little shakey at first, but after some practice he actually found it easier than using his right hand.

I, however, am very right-handed.


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I was left handed, nuns soon made me right handed. Can use both for a lot of chores & some writing.


My father, (roughly 1920's era) remembered being forced to write "properly" by his school teachers with his right hand as a child.

He was naturally left handed until they "corrected" him.

In 1975, after writing al that time with his right hand, he had a stroke and wasn't able to use his right hand for about two years (but eventually he recovered the use of that hand).

While still in the hospital recovering from that stroke he was asked to sign some insurance forms.

He did, using his left hand to sign the forms.

He said that signing his name with his left hand was a little shakey at first, but after some practice he actually found it easier than using his right hand.

I, however, am very right-handed.


My writing is surprisingly similar with either hand


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Just as a piece of trivia, "sinister" is derived from the Latin word for left-handed..


More useless trivia...from what little I remember from high school Latin class over 50 years ago.

Sinestrus was a young member of the Roman senate.

At that time he was right-handed.

He was sent to negotiate a peace agreement with the Etruscan people (Tuscany in Italy...you get ithe name connection?)

The Etruscans didn't believe him at first, they shouted they couldn't believe the promises of a Roman.

So Sinestrus told them he would show them that a Roman's word was true.

Telling them that he would burn his right hand in a nearby torch, he grabbed his right arm with his left hand and held it in the flame of that torch until his right hand was a useless burned stump.

The Etruscan were so impresed they signed the peace treaty with room, and Sinestrus was elected as leader of the Roman senate.

From that day on he could only use his left hand....his right hand was only a burnt useless stump.

That was in the early days, when the Romans had some b-lls and honored their word.

Later on that was no longer the case, unfortunately.


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When I was at school way back when, one of my buddies was ambidextrous. Interestingly, he used his right hand to write when we were taking dictation, as he could write fast but rather scruffily with his right, but for work that was to be presented he would use his left, with which he wrote neatly but more slowly. Also interesting is that his style of writing was completely different with each hand. I've often wondered what a graphologist would make of him.

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I was at university with identical twins, who had identical handwriting, except that it sloped differently depending on whether it was the left-handed or right-handed twin.

I'll need to check again, and see if I can tell the difference between my left-hand and right-hand writing. I think it does slope differently, just because of the different relationship between the hand and the paper.


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I was at university with identical twins, who had identical handwriting, except that it sloped differently depending on whether it was the left-handed or right-handed twin.

I'll need to check again, and see if I can tell the difference between my left-hand and right-hand writing. I think it does slope differently, just because of the different relationship between the hand and the paper.


Did you check yet. ? Hurry up ... my supper is burning and my Dog doesn't know weather he is getting a bath or not. !

Humbly Jude LOL.

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I was at university with identical twins, who had identical handwriting, except that it sloped differently depending on whether it was the left-handed or right-handed twin.

I'll need to check again, and see if I can tell the difference between my left-hand and right-hand writing. I think it does slope differently, just because of the different relationship between the hand and the paper.


Did you check yet. ? Hurry up ... my supper is burning and my Dog doesn't know weather he is getting a bath or not. !

Humbly Jude LOL.

The left-handed writing slopes more. The right-handed writing is more rounded. In terms of legibility they're both pretty appalling.

Anyway, your comment reminds me of a joke, I'm sure you've all heard it before, so I'll not bore you with the whole joke, but the punchline is

"Yeah, the dog didn't want to go hunting either"


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