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I Apologise

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We have had several differences on this forum. I admit I called you a troll and newbie several times and gave you an unnecessarily hard time early on. I also admit that I do not think you are actually a troll. However, I do think you have been stalking me, despite my relative inactivity in responding for many months. I don't remember (and don't care to go back through however many hundreds of posts) who started incivilities, and if that's important at all then I take responsibility for them.

Can we move on? I for one would like to see you making more of the kind of posts you have been recently here; it's obvious you can be a valuable contributor and I regret if my presence here has prevented that. I'd also like to free us from this animosity, which can only be harmful and demeaning for both of us. I don't know how friendly we could ever be, all things considered, but surely we can do better than the last year or so.

So, for what it's worth, I'm sorry for being rude and disagreeable and I hope we can manage to get along better in the future. I'm not expecting you to agree with or like any of the things I post, but it would be nice for us to manage whatever differences we have in a more civil manner. I would like very much to hear more from you regarding the content of what I post rather than your opinions of the poster.



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Let's give the man credit for acting like a gentleman here. Except in ten step programs, it's not necessary to make a list of all the people we've ever harmed, and make amends to them. One step at a time, and it's a big step forward.

Now, will anybody that I've offended please send me a PM or post publicly so that I can apologize?

If only politicians would apologize.

Stephen, thanks for the thread and the apology.

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I couldn't care less about your opinion on any issue including this apology.



I believe it's Boon Mee who called you a troll, Totster. If the shoe fits, wear it- otherwise I suppose it's him you should be speaking to. I just didn't like your posts on my thread, and said so.


Thanks. It's certainly not my intent to make this thread an open invitation for certain actual trolls to bash me, and we sure do have enough of those around here- no names, of course! :o


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Even your appology is somewhat backhanded.

You cannot even admit you throw wild accusations to all and sundry who disagree with you here, you just throw more.

Steven must think this board is his. He even moderates it in a backhanded way. Telling us when we go off topic etc etc.

Your self righteous way of behaving on here gets up many a poster's nose but you don't see that. As I have said before we all see the world through different perspectives and we should respect each others, you im afraid find it impossible. Have you ever asked yourself why you pee so many people off?

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Thanks. It's certainly not my intent to make this thread an open invitation for certain actual trolls to bash me, and we sure do have enough of those around here- no names, of course! :D


And there you go again... :o

totster :D

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As I said, no names. Do you have a particular aversion to the use of the word "trolls" by posters on this forum? Or do you imagine that everyone's talking about you any time something negative is mentioned?

"You're so vain...."

Relax, you're my nominee for new gay icon pending the absence of the Moog!



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I'm a straight guy with experience with IJWT on another forum and I like the guy. I never knew what a troll was until I noticed him using the word and over the course of several months I noticed he was probably right over 75% of the time. As a matter of fact IJWT helped increase my very poor forum etiquett considerably. Yes, in some circles I'm still not acceptable and even brother IJWT has been know to put me on ignore. :>)

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Hmmm... you do have a habit of accusing people with a differing opinions of being trolls *steven*

totster :D

Please read my post again.

It is just an observation that whenever somebody challenges or offers a differing opinion you label them a troll...

I wasn't really referring to myself, but rather a number of posters.

If you didn't act so hastily in labelling people trolls, you wouldn't have to apologise :o

totster :D

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This thread is a comedy - tragic comedy. A man who's offended his share of people posts a public apology which is not "Laden with fresh barbs and insults." Then he gets criticized by some of the other people he's offended, and accused of apologizing falsely. Then a non-gay, infrequent poster who's been offended by him more than once on another forum, comes to his rescue!

Neither Westerners nor Thais apologize often, so we usually don't know how to do it well. What this shows as well, is that we don't know how to accept apologies. We might not know an apology if we got one.

Well, maybe we don't know sincere apologies when we see them, because we seldom get them. Time to learn.

The one to whom the apology was directed, jdinasia, hasn't responded yet. Stephen could have sent him a PM privately, but chose to issue the apology in the forum where it took place. Usually, when I've taught people how to apologize, I didn't cover what to do if several other people refused to accept it.

Interesting thread. Happy Chinese New Year; we live in interesting times.

(Added a few minutes later:) Oh, now I think I understand: there was a long line of posters waiting for an apology from IJWT, and some of them thought that jdinasia jumped the queue!

Edited by PeaceBlondie
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Actually, Totster, it hasn't been so many (care to name them yourself, as you seem to be very concerned on this issue for some reason?) Of the people posting on this thread so far, I have only called one a troll in the past, and I leave it up to our gentle viewers which one that is and whether I was right.

I called JD a troll and I was wrong, so I'm apologising. I do try to take responsibility for my mistakes, though it may be unforgivably late. Sorry, again, JD, and sorry for the muck my apology seems to be raking up here.


I'm a straight guy with experience with IJWT on another forum and I like the guy. I never knew what a troll was until I noticed him using the word and over the course of several months I noticed he was probably right over 75% of the time. As a matter of fact IJWT helped increase my very poor forum etiquett considerably. Yes, in some circles I'm still not acceptable and even brother IJWT has been know to put me on ignore. :>)

Thanks, SK- you're cool by me, though when it comes to political topics we really have to agree to disagree! :o I think it's helped that I've learned when you're really making an argument and when you're just trying to wind people up.

My "troll-o-meter" is pretty often right, which unfortunately means that I am still wrong sometimes and thus more arrogant and pigheaded and unlikely to disregard my instincts, even when they *are* wrong or I have acted hastily. Something for me to learn a lesson about.

I think JD does have a tendency to express himself robustly at times, but that's far from being a troll and I think I misinterpreted him very unfairly.


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This thread is a comedy - tragic comedy. A man who's offended his share of people posts a public apology which is not "Laden with fresh barbs and insults." Then he gets criticized by some of the other people he's offended, and accused of apologizing falsely. Then a non-gay, infrequent poster who's been offended by him more than once on another forum, comes to his rescue!

It *is* pretty bizarre.

But I don't think SK and I were ever *really* upset with each other- just with each other's opinions on some issues.

The one to whom the apology was directed, jdinasia, hasn't responded yet. Stephen could have sent him a PM privately, but chose to issue the apology in the forum where it took place.

Since I accused him publicly, I felt it was only fair to apologise publicly. JD's welcome to respond here, by PM, or not at all- it's his call, and hope I will hear from him.


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Incidentally, if you are a real poster and feel I have offended you- not by saying I disliked your post but by actually personally attacking you- please feel free to let me know here or by PM. So far there are no valid outstanding claims by the prior criteria.


Actually, PB, could you consider locking the thread after this post? I'll PM a link to JD and he's free to respond by PM or by starting a thread of his own. I don't think this thread is going to go anywhere useful from here, what with a number of posters who have made a habit of stalking me lately turning this into their party zone (and no, that's not you, either, Totster).


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If I could be bothered, I would search through your posts, and would undoubtedly find many occassions where you use the word troll... especially when a differring opinion from yours has been voiced.

BTW - please define a "real poster"

totster :o

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If I could be bothered, I would search through your posts, and would undoubtedly find many occassions where you use the word troll... especially when a differring opinion from yours has been voiced.

BTW - please define a "real poster"

totster :D

And I wouldn't find such occasions searching through YOUR posts? What does "many" mean? We could talk all day about what I *might* find in my or your posts. If you're not going to give specific examples, there's no point in continuing the discussion.



I'm going to abandon this thread, pending what I hope will be its closure, as there seems to be little material of any topicality here. In any case, I will PM JD regarding its existence and hope I will hear from him.


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