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My fiancee has had to go back to Thailand and rather unfortunately has misplaced her TB X rays and only has the copies, not the originals. If she tries to re-enter the UK will she need to show the originals again or complete a new test? It's 3 months since she first entered UK. Would it also be advisable to have all the application docs with her too?

Thanks in advance,



Hi Fred. I can't see why she would need them because she already has her visa which wouldn't be granted if the UKBA hadn't seen supporting evidence. I have travelled back to Thailand with my mrs and never taken any papers with us - all has been sweet as a nut. My wife came to the UK on a fiancé visa originally, we got married and then applied for further leave to remain. No request was made for her TB cert so it would appear that it is only for the initial visa application to the UK. Possibly worse case scenario which i believe is applicable to all travellers, they could request her attend a medical screening at the airport.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app


Thanks for the reply Markie. I'm just a bit concerned that trying to re-enter the UK on the same visa may cause the same scrutiny as when she came originally. A doctor inspected her X rays, which I think is how she lost them, after a tiring flight sat them down somewhere never to be seen again! But like you say, I'm sure they can carry out screening on arrival if they doubt the copies, and can see she was permitted a few months earlier.


Worst case scenario would be that she would have to have X-rays taken at the airport. This would probably lead to quite a delay!!

Having said that it is unlikely that this would be an issue.

The only issue you may have (assuming on a six month visa) would be questioning about when the wedding is to be etc. If the answers are not satisfactory there is a risk that entry might be refused on the grounds that circumstances have changed and the purpose of the original visa no longer applies.

My wife was refused entry (later back-tracked), one reason being that she was carrying all her documents for her settlement visa application and they decided she was going to try to apply for TLR within the UK. Not sure carrying documents is such a good idea but no reason why you shouldn't take them to the airport with you in case they are needed!


Thanks for the replies guys. Looks like we should be alright. Will just make sure we've a letter explaining reason for return, marriage date etc etc. Cheers Bob, seems extreme refusing entry for carrying documents- I take it TLR has to be done from outside UK? Haven't got that far...!


If she is in the UK with a fiance visa, then she applies inside the UK for Further Leave to Remain after you have married, but before her fiance visa expires.

If her fiance visa expires while she is out of the UK but she has not received FLR then she will have to start the whole process again, only this time under the new rules and new financial requirements.

So watch the dates, make sure she is back in the UK and you are married and her FLR application submitted before her fiance visa expires.

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My wife came over on a marriage visit visa and had to return to sort things out in thailand after we got married. We were due to go on holiday over the summer back to Thailand so planned to do the settlement visa then. By carrying the paperwork and having a single ticket the IO decided that the purpose of the original visa (ie to get married) no longer applied and that she was going to attempt to apply within the UK.

That said it was a bit of a cock up as I had not taken the very long wait for processing at that stage in to account so she had to stay in Thailand while it was being processed!

Eventually the Chief Immigration officer at Heathrow accepted that this was not the plan and she was able to stay until we travelled later that summer. Overall not a very nice experience so I would still advise caution with carrying documents!

If I had been travelling with her I would have been able to explain things a little more clearly and this would probably have been avoided. Had I known about this forum at the time I would have been far better prepared!

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