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British Expat Killers Paid By Thai Wife

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It's too bad when we're growing up we aren't given a real life class (even in school) about how to have a healthy relationship. I think it would help people in FIRST PICKING the right type of person to be with. My family was dysfunctional so that's what I thought was normal until I got some help. Now I met the most amazing lady of my life. I picked her for all the right reasons. We have a very healthy relationship and her and her family are some of the best people I have ever met.

I blame my mother! She was the first woman to lie to me.

She taught me to find a woman to love and be faithful, and in return that woman would love and be faithful to me.

What she should have taught me was to protect my assets from women I lived with as one day they would try to take everything I had.

It's not the schools that are to blame, it's our mothers, they lie to us about life.

If your Mother and Father had a healthy relationship, odds are you would too. We've never really been taught what to look for in a good person. Or what are some signs the person has issues. I'm not blaming anyone really. Sorry if that's what you got from that. Yes I agree. I consider any type of assets as not personal. They're business. There are some things that can be shared (a house) but I believe in a relationship what's mine is mine and what's yours is yours. IE prenuptial agreement. I don't want what she has. If she wants what I have then she wants me only for my money.

dont make it easy for them,dont go and live in their village dont make a will in her name, have car and any assets possible in your name, dont have life inssurance for them to claim, not saying anything will happen but it keeps temptation out of their minds.

If you are married to a Thai woman and you love each other, then why wouldn't you make a will with them as a beneficiary. It would be stupid and paranoid not to. If you have so little trust in your wife that you have to act in such a paranoid way then you shouldn't have got married in the first place. In fact it is better that you stay in your own country if you're so paranoid about Thailand. Instance like this are rare. They also happen in UK and USA.

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dont make it easy for them,dont go and live in their village dont make a will in her name, have car and any assets possible in your name, dont have life inssurance for them to claim, not saying anything will happen but it keeps temptation out of their minds.

If you are married to a Thai woman and you love each other, then why wouldn't you make a will with them as a beneficiary. It would be stupid and paranoid not to. If you have so little trust in your wife that you have to act in such a paranoid way then you shouldn't have got married in the first place. In fact it is better that you stay in your own country if you're so paranoid about Thailand. Instance like this are rare. They also happen in UK and USA.

How long have you been here. ?

dont make it easy for them,dont go and live in their village dont make a will in her name, have car and any assets possible in your name, dont have life inssurance for them to claim, not saying anything will happen but it keeps temptation out of their minds.

If you are married to a Thai woman and you love each other, then why wouldn't you make a will with them as a beneficiary. It would be stupid and paranoid not to. If you have so little trust in your wife that you have to act in such a paranoid way then you shouldn't have got married in the first place. In fact it is better that you stay in your own country if you're so paranoid about Thailand. Instance like this are rare. They also happen in UK and USA.

You have any stats to back up your anonymous online assertion that as many of these types of killings happen in the UK/USA? Or are you just pulling it out of your arse?

Always a risk taking on a babe 30 years younger. But, hey, if you survive it can be worth the ride.

Of course it's always a good idea to try and find a woman who loves you and not just your money and the chances of doing so are generally inversely proportionate to the age difference.

And here endeth the first lesson.

I have a good mate, aged 43. His ex-girlfriend's 28. Recently she had admitted her cheating on him. He immediately dumped her (I fully sympathise with him, as he was totally faithful to her).

We can never know for sure but the important thing is that HE thinks age was a big factor in her cheating (the guy she had sex with is around her age).

Of course, this experience is not directly comparable to what happened to this guy from England but I just wanted to tell you an experience involving age difference. My friend now vows never to find a girlfriend who is much younger than him.

What's the point of telling us that. Men and women of all ages all over the world cheat.


dont make it easy for them,dont go and live in their village dont make a will in her name, have car and any assets possible in your name, dont have life inssurance for them to claim, not saying anything will happen but it keeps temptation out of their minds.

If you are married to a Thai woman and you love each other, then why wouldn't you make a will with them as a beneficiary. It would be stupid and paranoid not to. If you have so little trust in your wife that you have to act in such a paranoid way then you shouldn't have got married in the first place. In fact it is better that you stay in your own country if you're so paranoid about Thailand. Instance like this are rare. They also happen in UK and USA.

Some of us have learned that despite 25+ year marriages, you just can't trust your wife.

Blame it on my bad judgment, blame it on the sort of woman I married (middle class UK school-teacher).

But it happens, and it happens fairly often. Are you so sure your judgment is better?

Sometimes paranoia is the healthy and sensible life option for men.


dont make it easy for them,dont go and live in their village dont make a will in her name, have car and any assets possible in your name, dont have life inssurance for them to claim, not saying anything will happen but it keeps temptation out of their minds.

If you are married to a Thai woman and you love each other, then why wouldn't you make a will with them as a beneficiary. It would be stupid and paranoid not to. If you have so little trust in your wife that you have to act in such a paranoid way then you shouldn't have got married in the first place. In fact it is better that you stay in your own country if you're so paranoid about Thailand. Instance like this are rare. They also happen in UK and USA.

You have any stats to back up your anonymous online assertion that as many of these types of killings happen in the UK/USA? Or are you just pulling it out of your arse?

Read the newspapers and you'll see plenty of stories like this.


How long will it take for many men of a certain age here start to wise up to the fact that the types of women are from a diametrically opposed culture, straight off the paddy field, bamboo shack, and who have never before seen the like of that which these types of men are prepared to divvy up after a one night shag. Seriously.

Can't count how many men I've seen return from their first meeting with their intended's family upcountry, totally shell shocked by the squalor in which they live and then come over all surprised when said intended and family start treating them as ATMs. Wise the <snip> up.

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Long enough. But I'm not paranoid like many on here. I also don't hang around with bar girls. Most of these bad incidents seem to involve bar girls. Hang around with bar girls and marry them and you are asking for trouble. Same in any country.

Let's see ..........

Mine was a middle class UK school-teacher.

How about you Transam ..... your previous a bar girl?

Do they even have bar girls in the UK ??? I never saw any!

Paranoia is a medical condition, and of you suffer from it you should get treated. If I was paranoid that my wife was going to bump me off, or even if I felt I couldn't trust her, I wouldn't be with her. Yes, it's possible to make mistakes, but I'd rather be shot than to live the rest of my life in a state of paranoia.

Sorry to read you are suicidal DJ, that's worse than paranoia IMHO.

Please, not another Thai bar girl bashing thread.

I really do understand your POV, it's a form of denial, mine wasn't a BG so it can't happen to me.

But it's not reality, a woman having her husband killed for the insurance is a regular occurrence in the west, if extreme.


dont make it easy for them,dont go and live in their village dont make a will in her name, have car and any assets possible in your name, dont have life inssurance for them to claim, not saying anything will happen but it keeps temptation out of their minds.

If you are married to a Thai woman and you love each other, then why wouldn't you make a will with them as a beneficiary. It would be stupid and paranoid not to. If you have so little trust in your wife that you have to act in such a paranoid way then you shouldn't have got married in the first place. In fact it is better that you stay in your own country if you're so paranoid about Thailand. Instance like this are rare. They also happen in UK and USA.

You have any stats to back up your anonymous online assertion that as many of these types of killings happen in the UK/USA? Or are you just pulling it out of your arse?

Read the newspapers and you'll see plenty of stories like this.

Which 'newspapers'? That where you, no, wait laugh.png ... get your 'facts' from?

Thai women are known for this around the world. Same as the philippines.

Known around the world really? For killing their hubbies.

Personally I did not know but why not, so many things I do not know! coffee1.gif

On the other hand if the same % of... let's say British girls...no !

OK.. German girls,... no !

OK OK... If the same % of young girls in any Western countries were married to 30 years older (gentle?)men they probably would have exactly the same (criminal) record as the world famous Thais and Philippines you named...at least I'am afraid so...whistling.gif just my 2Bahts

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Thai women are known for this around the world. Same as the philippines.

Known around the world really? For killing their hubbies.

Personally I did not know but why not, so many things I do not know! coffee1.gif

On the other hand if the same % of... let's say British girls...no !

OK.. German girls,... no !

OK OK... If the same % of young girls in any Western countries were married to 30 years older (gentle?)men they probably would have exactly the same (criminal) record as the world famous Thais and Philippines you named...at least I'am afraid so...whistling.gif just my 2Bahts

Just to point out, if you had bothered to follow my links, those women (American and German) appeared to be killing much younger husbands.


Having met her, she is a naive stupid village girl. If as accused she did it, i hope they lock her up forever, to stop this belief that in their own country these women can act with impunity because the cops are buyable and they can get away with it.

Don't worry I know she is going away, for how long is the issue.


I would like to point out that this kind of thing happens all over the world NOT just in Thailand.

British expats being killed by Thai wives is happening everywhere in the world? Better not take a Thai wife then, way too dangerous!

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I would like to point out that this kind of thing happens all over the world NOT just in Thailand.

Western retirees getting knocked off by their younger asian wives.

Daily occurence in Nebraska is it? You are talking piffle.

Couples fight, couples divorce every day but tge stats show that being a western retiree with a younger thai wife is a relatively high risk pursuit.


Sadly, chance are big that the victim and his family never get justice. The thai cockroach has the money so she can buy her way...

And to add insult to injury, in few days, the thai apologist will again yell that was only a urban legend***...sick.gif

(***) see below

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Amazing what people will believe as factual when it starts out with .. according to a British tabloid

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Thai women are known for this around the world. Same as the philippines.

I read a lot of incidents of bad Thai women duping and harming Japanese men (published in Japanese magazines) in which

we rarely hear of here. Concerning the Filipina girls, they are not as bad as the Thai women, just that the filipinas bring their entire

village and family when you marry them.

Oh good, only their own village cool compare to most Thai women

May I add timidly not 100% of Thai girl are worst than Filipino girls. crying.gif

I've been said, but maybe it's not true, some are even good girls relatively speaking of course!


How many is that this year to date? 20?

The one's defending the defenseless must be doing so because the house they built a couple years ago is almost paid for. Quick, remortgage it for another 10 years of sleeping well at night.


Thai women are known for this around the world. Same as the philippines.

Known around the world really? For killing their hubbies.

Personally I did not know but why not, so many things I do not know! coffee1.gif

On the other hand if the same % of... let's say British girls...no !

OK.. German girls,... no !

OK OK... If the same % of young girls in any Western countries were married to 30 years older (gentle?)men they probably would have exactly the same (criminal) record as the world famous Thais and Philippines you named...at least I'am afraid so...whistling.gif just my 2Bahts

Just to point out, if you had bothered to follow my links, those women (American and German) appeared to be killing much younger husbands.

Just to point out, no doubt following your links, dear TommoPhycisist, could hardly be a bother...however I was answering post n°17....your links are post 76... but I'm going straight away

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I'm sorry but my opinion is if a man comes here and at the age of 59 marries a girl who is 29 and thinks that she loves him for him is just not thinking strait. Yes it is a very sad waste of life but I don't understand why someone would marry a person 30 years younger then them.

Myself, I need to have something in common with the woman I want to spend my life with. I know this happens all the time and think bad of me if you want but it is just not worth marrying someone young enough to be your grand-daughter.

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Still trying to get my head around this one just a shame a following Manchester person lost his life to an evil woman... I think it’s true what people are saying about Thailand these days Thai’s are only interested in westerners for their money and will go to any length to get it in all honest...

Also Thailand has changed these paste ten year’s now maybe longer not really sure because as I have only been coming for the last ten years now, But some of the stuff I have heard when seating in bars with some Thai girls and heard from local expats is shocking and some length’s these Thai girls will go just for a better life is beyond me.. coffee1.gif


Yeah, sorry, should have posted a warning about the graphic pics on that site. The Thai rescue services tend to post up the pics for some reason. Although the pics of Stephen Phillips in the OP have been removed.

No problem seems like they have no respect for the dead just pointing fingers oh look at me everybody sick.gif


Sad, but a routine business in that part of the world. I lived not far from Baan Phai from 2001 to 2011. Sorry to say it, but it really is savage up there in parts and I do feel for all the nice normal people (including Thais) stuck in that situation.

To all of you blokes thinking of marrying and moving to Issan, really, just stop and think. Upcountry is not very safe.

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