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Anyone Know This Firm ?


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Hello Group,

The following site advertises Thai gold jewelry for sale online: www.thingsthai.com

Has anyone ever done business with this firm? Does anyone know anything about them or their reputation?

I am interested in buying something that they offer, but have concerns about quality, service and delivery.

Thanks in advance for any replies.



Spee Terms of Service refer to naming names in the forum. I have made a slight alteration. Thanks

Edited by IT Manager
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I don't know the firm, but there is a question in my mind as to whether or not he is operating legitimately in Thailand. I am not certain that foreigners are allowed to have anything to do with gold shops. Did you know he was located in Korat?

You might want to call the shop and see what they have to say. 66-7-023-5586


You might want to check with the Jewelry Central Store http://www.jcstore.com/admin/contactus.html he says he's a member of. One suspicious thing is that the Jewelry Central Store doesn't seem to advertise baht chains.

He also has this web site:


and this one


I couldn't find anything derogatory about him on the web.

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IT-M wrote:

"I have emailed him and asked him to make a statement in the forum, as we normally do."

He did reply to an e-mail that I sent to him last week, and it seems like he is on the up and up. I'm just looking for a broader range of opinion, before making a buy decision.

CITA wrote:

"I couldn't find anything derogatory about him on the web."

Same here. I did a pretty thorough search today. He has several web sites and everything appears to be legit. Just want to be sure.

He seems like an entrepreneurial fellow, so I am hopeful that he will reply to IT-M's opportunity, or there will be some feedback from anyone who may have done business with him.

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It's not wise to buy expensive jewellery online. Even if the supplier is 100% honest, one should bear in mind that a picture never gives the full impression of the subject. If you are really keen to do business, make a trip to the store, or find an alternative supplier in a more convenient location.

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Guest IT Manager

True. Don't buy cars or wristwatches or cameras either...

Also as I think about it, don't look on-line for business partners or life partners.

Davidm you need a holiday treasure.

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