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Female Tourists With Boat/bar Boys In The South.


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I have always been interested in the relationsips between the Thai boys in the South of Thailand and young European women tourists. Particulary because this type of relationship is very rare to see in other parts of the world.

I visited Phi Phi two years ago and it surprises me greatly on the ratio of this interracial couples- my estimation is almost 90% of couples with male being Thai have Foreigner as their partner. It is a great thing to see, because it shows the lack of racism or racial seggeration from both parties. But what I am very curious about is, how they met, are they only casual relationship, or is it a 'trend' in places like Phi Phi or different Kohs to have Thai boyfriend? Are there a lot of travel flings, or casual relationship where females are sex tourists?

I have met 18 or 19 or so European girl who said she came to Thailand yearly to see her boyfriend here. This will sound very degrading, which I actually ahve no intention, but what that they have to offer which makes a lot of European women go chasing?

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