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Are Thais Really Scousers In Disguise ?

Issam rider

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Looking around at the number of houses in Thailand with bars over their windows to keep house breakers out I suspect the Thais have been made aware that scourers are visiting Thailand for weekend thieving holidays.

As they say, a change is as good as a rest.


Meanwhile, even reading the word 'Scouser' had me checking the door locks and sitting on my wallet.

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For me, Thai's are the Italians of SE Asia.

But in Italy they put shotguns on the table...not submachine guns.

But in both cases, the food on said table is usually excellent.

- Both countries are run by egotistical kleptomaniacs, but the economies seem to hum along regardless.

- Women in both countries have their fans globally

- The madness and the lack of respect for rules seems to be uniformly applied in both countries. Adds to the charm of both.

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