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Yingluck Hands Out Yongyuth Jobs To Chalerm, Others


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It's ok, Nick... he's just grasping at straws by selectively attempting to impugn news reports.

The shenanigans of these oddly-named Social Development and Human Security Ministers is well known and anyone with a modicum of search abilities will find these and many other references to them, even Thaivisa threads like:



Just checked those links and they have nothing to do with either one of the "articles" you posted. Have you got any real links that actually reflects where those two pieces can be found?

No need to impugn the text if it doesn't exist.

Have a re-read.

They exist right there in the threads.

The first thread includes details Social Development and Human Security Minister Watana Muangsook's misdeeds.

The second thread includes details Social Development and Human Security Minister Sutha Chansaeng's resignation amidst several disqualifying allegations.

Quite why you struggle on this relatively minor point made that expounded on the dubious nature of these two examples from a dubious ministry is puzzling. blink.png


If you think I'm going to look through 14 pages of threads to find something you couldn't be bothered to link to you've got another think coming.

It's a shame if you don't read the entire threads. They are rich in content and information.

Given your propensity for revising the past history, a good review of what actually happened is obviously very much in need.

The guys were bent. It was well known and much publicized.

Quite why you now allegedly struggle to find any information on your own regarding their shenanigans is perplexing.... given that you have no difficulty tracking down other information on your own when you wish to.

As said, the threads were but of just one location documenting their failures.




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It's a shame if you don't read the entire threads. They are rich in content and information.

Given your propensity for revising the past history, a good review of what actually happened is obviously very much in need.

The guys were bent. It was well known and much publicized.

Quite why you now allegedly struggle to find any information on your own regarding their shenanigans is perplexing.... given that you have no difficulty tracking down other information on your own when you wish to.

As said, the threads were but of just one location documenting their failures.




It would have been easier if you had attributed the articles in the first place. You obviously have them archived, instead you chose to be at first rude, by putting the blame on me for daring to ask for an attribution and then playing childish games from then on.

You might want to adjust your attitude, snide remarks such as this

"Given your propensity for revising the past history, a good review of what actually happened is obviously very much in need"

do not go down well with me, especially without justification.

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It's a shame if you don't read the entire threads. They are rich in content and information.

Given your propensity for revising the past history, a good review of what actually happened is obviously very much in need.

The guys were bent. It was well known and much publicized.

Quite why you now allegedly struggle to find any information on your own regarding their shenanigans is perplexing.... given that you have no difficulty tracking down other information on your own when you wish to.

As said, the threads were but of just one location documenting their failures.




It would have been easier if you had attributed the articles in the first place. You obviously have them archived, instead you chose to be at first rude, by putting the blame on me for daring to ask for an attribution and then playing childish games from then on.

You might want to adjust your attitude, snide remarks such as this

"Given your propensity for revising the past history, a good review of what actually happened is obviously very much in need"

do not go down well with me, especially without justification.


I look forward to your sterling effort to elicit links from all posters that post.

Short of that, you know how to find them already so they feigned indignation is ... feigned.


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It's a shame if you don't read the entire threads. They are rich in content and information.

Given your propensity for revising the past history, a good review of what actually happened is obviously very much in need.

The guys were bent. It was well known and much publicized.

Quite why you now allegedly struggle to find any information on your own regarding their shenanigans is perplexing.... given that you have no difficulty tracking down other information on your own when you wish to.

As said, the threads were but of just one location documenting their failures.




It would have been easier if you had attributed the articles in the first place. You obviously have them archived, instead you chose to be at first rude, by putting the blame on me for daring to ask for an attribution and then playing childish games from then on.

You might want to adjust your attitude, snide remarks such as this

"Given your propensity for revising the past history, a good review of what actually happened is obviously very much in need"

do not go down well with me, especially without justification.


I look forward to your sterling effort to elicit links from all posters that post.

Short of that, you know how to find them already so they feigned indignation is ... feigned.


What are you on about now -
"Short of that, you know how to find them already so they feigned indignation is ... feigned".

If you had added the shortcut link I wouldn't have need to ask you. When pressed you petulantly give me a thread with 14 pages of different threads to look through. So how do I know how to "find them already" without wading through 14 pages worth?

My indignation with you and your increasingly infantile games is genuine. All you had to do was admit you were wrong and provide

Not hard, but obviously your 12,500 post ego allows you to ride over this forum roughshod but not admit that you could be wrong.
Edited by TheKrayTriplet
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Chalerm seems to be busier than a one-armed wallpaper hanger with crabs. Perhaps he should be asked to do a lawyer-like accounting of how many hours he allocates to each of his responsibilities.

Wonder when he will find time to do the mafia cleanup in Pattaya and Phuket. blink.png
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It's a shame if you don't read the entire threads. They are rich in content and information.

Given your propensity for revising the past history, a good review of what actually happened is obviously very much in need.

The guys were bent. It was well known and much publicized.

Quite why you now allegedly struggle to find any information on your own regarding their shenanigans is perplexing.... given that you have no difficulty tracking down other information on your own when you wish to.

As said, the threads were but of just one location documenting their failures.




It would have been easier if you had attributed the articles in the first place. You obviously have them archived, instead you chose to be at first rude, by putting the blame on me for daring to ask for an attribution and then playing childish games from then on.

You might want to adjust your attitude, snide remarks such as this

"Given your propensity for revising the past history, a good review of what actually happened is obviously very much in need"

do not go down well with me, especially without justification.


I look forward to your sterling effort to elicit links from all posters that post.

Short of that, you know how to find them already so they feigned indignation is ... feigned.

All you had to do was admit you were wrong and provide genuine links.


the were genuine links... stop whining

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Chalerm seems to be busier than a one-armed wallpaper hanger with crabs. Perhaps he should be asked to do a lawyer-like accounting of how many hours he allocates to each of his responsibilities.

Wonder when he will find time to do the mafia cleanup in Pattaya and Phuket. blink.png

It comes right after he eliminates all drugs in the Northeast

Isan set to become drug-free region

BANGKOK, 21 February 2012 (NNT) - Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yubumrung has announced the government policy to turn all 20 northeastern provinces into drug-free areas.

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