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Facebook Reaches 1 Billion Active Users Worldwide


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Facebook reaches 1 billion active users worldwide < br />

2012-10-05 09:56:11 GMT+7 (ICT)

MENLO PARK, CALIFORNIA (BNO NEWS) -- The social networking website Facebook has now more than one billion active users each month, or nearly 15 percent of the world's population, founder and chief executive officer Mark Zuckerberg announced in a status update on Thursday morning.

"This morning, there are more than one billion people using Facebook actively each month," Zuckerberg said through his Facebook page. "If you're reading this: thank you for giving me and my little team the honor of serving you. Helping a billion people connect is amazing, humbling and by far the thing I am most proud of in my life."

According to a fact sheet provided by the company, Facebook reached the milestone at 12:45 p.m. Pacific time on September 14. The website launched less than a decade ago in February 2004 and reached 50 million users in October 2007, 100 million users in August 2008, and 500 million users in July 2010.

It shows the number of people using Facebook has doubled over the past two years, meaning the site now reaches nearly 15 percent of the world's population. To compare, the social networking website Twitter has 500 million active users and the Chinese equivalent Sina Weibo has more than 300 million registered users.

"I am committed to working every day to make Facebook better for you, and hopefully together one day we will be able to connect the rest of the world too," Zuckerberg added in his status update. "Celebrating a billion people is very special to me. It's a moment to honor the people we serve."

According to the fact sheet, the median age of the Facebook user is about 22 and the top five countries where people connect from are Brazil, India, Indonesia, Mexico and the United States. More than half of all Facebook users, some 600 million people, also access their profile through their mobile phones.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-10-05

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I am sure my FB account is also counted, but I never use it. Don't even have a profile on it. My guess is millions of people like me once in the past signed up and do nothing with it. But of course even then you are still "active" since you keep getting the FB emails from the so called friends FB accounts.

Anyway Mister FB, Mark Z. is pro to the internet censorship, so really all people should stop using FB and boycot it.

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From just 2 months ago...

83 million Facebook accounts are fakes and dupes

If you're using a fake name on your Facebook account, maintaining a personal profile for your beloved pet or have a second profile you use just for logging in to other sites, you have one of the 83.09 million fake accounts Facebook wants to disable.

In an updated regulatory filing released Wednesday, the social media company said that 8.7 percent of its 955 million monthly active users worldwide are actually duplicate or false accounts.

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From a personal point of view, I only care that family & friends are using it, I and don't have anywhere near 1 billion of them.

My brother has accounts for his pets and I think I might have offended him by not "friending" them. Whatever happened to the tough guy who used to beat me up when we were kids?

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I have an account with my name, and a fake account which I use to post on Nation newspaper. I may also have another weird account in my name, which I opened when facebook made it difficult for me to enter my primary account. I don't really know, and don't much care. I'm a bit behind the wave, so to speak. I'm not impressed with facebook, tho I wouldn't mind owning a small fraction of it's worth. I don't think they bring in near as much revenue as they claim. In other words: wildly overvalued. I think they're over-amped on other levels, and I predict sooner than later, they'll dissipate like Infoseek and Yahoo and AmericaOnline (AOL), and the littany of other web sites which were touted as unfailingly great in their heyday. I liked Infoseek, btw.

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If you want to see how many 'friends' you really have, try this. Die (or fake your death) and see how many Facebook friends show up at your funeral. If you get 1 for every 1,000 'friends' you're doing great.

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"The social networking website Facebook has now more than one billion active users each month"

I'm not sure what it means to be active on Facebook. Does that mean a member logs a specific number of hours online? Does this count group and business pages as well?

If someone finds a link that clarifies this please post it. I am interested to know.

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People don't realise that the information they have entered onto Facebook voluntarily has been of tremendous assistance to the FBI and the CIA. One CIA source reportedly said these people have given us information voluntarily that we could never

have hoped to compile on our own!

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People don't realise that the information they have entered onto Facebook voluntarily has been of tremendous assistance to the FBI and the CIA. One CIA source reportedly said these people have given us information voluntarily that we could never

have hoped to compile on our own!



I would expect the CIA to have access to Facebook. I wouldn't be surprised if they were really behind the idea as Zucks first big investor. Think about it, what better way to gather intel than have a billion people voluntarily give it to you?

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"I am committed to working every day to make Facebook better for you, and hopefully together one day we will be able to connect the rest of the world too," Zuckerberg added in his status update. "Celebrating a billion people is very special to me. It's a moment to honor the people we serve."
Up on a platter.
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If you want to see how many 'friends' you really have, try this. Die (or fake your death) and see how many Facebook friends show up at your funeral. If you get 1 for every 1,000 'friends' you're doing great.

I just love destructive testing...but this one sounds a little final...and how would you know the results prior to your reincarnation

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"The social networking website Facebook has now more than one billion active users each month"

I'm not sure what it means to be active on Facebook. Does that mean a member logs a specific number of hours online? Does this count group and business pages as well?

If someone finds a link that clarifies this please post it. I am interested to know.

Now if they could just get those people to buy one share each of their stock.....

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In ten years, people will look back at Facebook, like they now do at AOL.

Ted Turner is probably a smart guy, but when he paid tens of millions to buy it, and then woke up the next morning and realized it was a dud, I wonder how crappy his eggs and bacon tasted.

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Recently I discovered that Facebook has posted all of my private messages for the last 5 years on my timeline for all to to see. I don't have anything interesting in my messages as I hardly use the site, but I imagine for some people this would ruin their lives. How the heck is their not some massive backlash to this. What has happened to our sense of privacy.

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Recently I discovered that Facebook has posted all of my private messages for the last 5 years on my timeline for all to to see. I don't have anything interesting in my messages as I hardly use the site, but I imagine for some people this would ruin their lives. How the heck is their not some massive backlash to this. What has happened to our sense of privacy.

Your Facebook Data File: Everything You Never Wanted Anyone to Knowsad.png


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Facebook has its tentacles in many sites. just one of 10 thousands of examples: A person cannot post a comment on Nation newspaper site without a FB account. Not only that, every post is automatically posted to that person's FB account whether that person wants it to be or not. Similar for photos. I went to Nat'l Geographic site and clicked the 'like' button on some photos there - and they all automtically got pegged on FB. Same for the official Olympic site. The list goes on and on. Perhaps a lot of people like the fact that nearly everything the do online is automatically posted on their FB page (and notifications get sent to the people/things being commented about) but people like me don't like it. I like to CHOOSE what gets posted.

The result: I get increasingly turned off to Facebook and, in turn, to the plethora of online sites which automatically tie in to FB. FB is wildly successful, but it's turning people off at the same time. I think it's going to fail like a fleet of Lead Zeppelins trying to float worldwide.

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There's one less active user right here. Not voluntarily, I'm sorry to say, but because I've been getting the "Facebook is down for required maintenance right now, but you should be able to get back on within a few minutes." for four or five days now. This is the longest it's ever gone down for me, which is considerably annoying because I use it to stay in tough with most of my family and friends while I'm living in Thailand.

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Facebook has its tentacles in many sites. just one of 10 thousands of examples: A person cannot post a comment on Nation newspaper site without a FB account.

I am amazed at the stupidity of people who post unflattering comments on news sites, using their Facebook profile showing their real name. These people are often so clueless that when you click on their avatar, you find they haven't set their profile to secret and you can see their photos, etc.

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Facebook has its tentacles in many sites. just one of 10 thousands of examples: A person cannot post a comment on Nation newspaper site without a FB account.

I am amazed at the stupidity of people who post unflattering comments on news sites, using their Facebook profile showing their real name. These people are often so clueless that when you click on their avatar, you find they haven't set their profile to secret and you can see their photos, etc.

You're right.

That's why I use a fake FB account/name to post comments on Nation. Nation newspaper editors probably don't know or don't care, but that's the reason ('cause people don't want to use their real names) they get exceedingly few comments from online readers. If you look at comments on the Nation' Letters-to-Editor column, you'll see most of them have only one comment. Guess who that is?

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I don't understand that site. I don't have any account on there and never will.

It can be useful. I created a group for family members. Old photos, documents, family news, etc can be shared with the entire family. I recently got back from the old country where I researched family roots and the FB group is the ideal place to display that for the whole family. It's an especially good place for the younger members to see old documents about their great grandparents who died 50 years ago. I wouldn't have even known some of my cousins without it.

On the other hand, the games can also waste an incredible amount of time. :)

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I have one FB account I use for family and close friends and about 15 FB accounts for pure BS. My wife wanted me to play Farmville with her so I have that FB app. Farmville wants you to spend real money to get things for your farm, now that is serious crazy, spend real money on a regular basis for a stupid game. Or you can have your friends give you the things you need in Farmville, ya that's something I want to do, annoy my real friends and family with requests to send me FV crap. Or I can set up 15 fake FB accounts and send myself FV crap. But in the end FB and FV loose their luster quickly. I haven't been on FB in quite a while. If it closed down tomorrow I wouldn't loose any sleep over it.

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I have one FB account I use for family and close friends and about 15 FB accounts for pure BS. My wife wanted me to play Farmville with her so I have that FB app. Farmville wants you to spend real money to get things for your farm, now that is serious crazy, spend real money on a regular basis for a stupid game. Or you can have your friends give you the things you need in Farmville, ya that's something I want to do, annoy my real friends and family with requests to send me FV crap. Or I can set up 15 fake FB accounts and send myself FV crap. But in the end FB and FV loose their luster quickly. I haven't been on FB in quite a while. If it closed down tomorrow I wouldn't loose any sleep over it.

Maybe your wife wants you be like Lim Yo-Hwan ?


Lim has a record with 548 wins and 416 losses (56.80%)[2] in his professional career. He is one of the highest-paid professional computer gamers, with annual earnings that exceed $400,000 US Dollars and endorsement contracts that bring in an additional $90,000 per year

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