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Noisy Neighbours


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Reminds me of some old 1970s books called "Getting Even". A bit of a joke books, but one section had a page about the "lease breaker 5000,s" speakers that plug into the walls!

i had that book!

i did not know it was a joke book

i used its as a handbook of revenge techniques....

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Noisy neighbours can be really upsetting and disturbing. If you are buying the last thing on your mind is to come and check whether your neighbours are noisy at various times of the day or night before you sign on the line. Generally speaking the Thai's and Russians are the worst. In our (upmarket) block we try to persuade residents NOT to sell to Ruskies (Thai's wouldn't generally purchase here) but of course a Seller just wants to sell to whoever so its hard to enforce, if at all. Also many owners rent to the Ruskies when not in residence.

Above me is an old Aussie with a young ladyboy. They have had a 7 year relationship so are established but the problem comes when the

Aussie goes home. Wild kotoiy parties take place, fortunately, not frequently, and now they know not to anger me too much. We have an understanding.

I don't email the owner if they are sensible.

So its pot luck who you get above, beside or below you. They often change during your tenure anyway. Music sounds a good idea.

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This situation seems to be unavoidable in Pattaya where many people are not housebroken. It is your civic duty to teach them a lesson.

The best solution is to buy some good earplugs and a quality sound system 5.0 or better that can play mp3 files in a loop. During your sleep period play "white noise" files loudly in a smooth and uninterrupted loop on your system regardless of what is happening next door. These files are designed to drown out intrusive noise and you will sleep like a baby.

During waking hours, feel free to crank up the bass and blast away while ignoring any complaints. To avoid damaging your ears, now is the time to deploy your earplugs. When they begin banging on your door and threatening you with violence, point to your eaplugs and tell them you can not hear them.

You may be vulnerable to having your vehicles or other posessions vandalized, so be sure to find secure parking beforehand. CCTV cameras may also be adviseable so you can prosecute when they finally lose their minds and decide to kick down your door and assault you.

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My not leave Pattaya for someplace quieter?

Someone first would have to prove me that Pattaya is noisier.

Of course if you buy in a condo who mainly target short renting (people in holiday)

you will have same noise problem that in any holiday building in Europe or USA.

I bought in a place with mainly people living there and yet had no problem with neighbors about noise.

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I am owning an condo on Central Pattaya, but I cant sleep at night because the people in condo next to mine are very noisy. I speak already with the building management who let out the condo but they no want to do anything. Should I call the police or condo owner, or wait for management to do something?


speak to the noisy neighbors... If I'm making noise and a neighbor comes and nicely asks me to keep it down then I will... If they go straight to the building management or police then they get little respect...

I agree with this approach, but you also have to consider a few things -

First you have chosen to live in a comunial residence were noise might be a problem for some people, don't expect not to hear your neighbours it goes with the territory, condos will alway be less private more noisy than other places you choose to live.

I have a music system, I play it medium level when going for a shower to go out (at most 60mins) usually between 7-8pm, I checked with my neighbours and told them to knock my door if my sound was too loud and let me know, I don't like annoiying folks like that.

The one thing to consider if you are going to be slightly noisy is the time of the day - being noisy when people are trying to sleep is unacceptable unless very special situation like new years eve etc, most people would understand. Complaining about noise at 3pm in the afternoon unless exceptional would be pushing the boundaries, I have known people who try to listen for noise and if they can pick it up at all they will complain - in my view unacceptable.

There have been several people removed from my building over the last couple of years, mostly for fighting in the room and in the corridors and slaming doors so hard the whole building shakes - these issues were usually in the early hours (2am on) and two times involved people from Russia or easter block countries, they were given a warning then told to leave, another were two English nationals that contantly argued with wives or girlfriends shouting and slaming doors.

So in sumary - expect to hear other people in a communial residence - it's unavoidable

Consider the time of day you are complaining about and the level of noise

If it's unsociable hours i.e. after 1am and very noisy - tell them politely, if that doesn't work gather a few other residents that are also victims and complain to management

I don't think the police will have much effect in cases like this - in fact it could possibly make it worse by involving them.

If all fails then find somewhere else to live.

BTW - my biggest beef right now in pattaya are soi dogs barking and the numerous Thais that have added noisey exhausts to their small bikes (basically no exhaust) if it continues then the noise pollution will be intolerable in Pattaya from thousands of small bikes riding around trying to sound like noisey falangs and their Harley's with no exhausts (who I ulimately blame for the problem), I sleep with windows open and sometimes can't here my TV because of these asswipes and their noise banging 125's

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Sleep with music, just loud enough to drown them out. I've also got noisy neighbours who just moved in - a condo construction site - that's daytime noise, but I sleep until noon undisturbed with piano music.

If I had night time noisy neighbours my wife wouldn't worry - it would just give her licence to play loud music at any time.

In the end I think there is only one solution - learn to live with more noise. Asians can do - so why can't we? It's all in the mind. When I visit my wife's province in the Philippines I can sleep with 10 cocks crowing outside the window starting at about 4:00 am.

I had this problem while on holiday there in Pattaya with a nearby disco. I put earplugs in my ear and got a good sleep but I don't think ths is the answer to your problem. Go to the police immediately and see if they will talk to them or else find another place, if you just cop it you'll just get angrier. Edited by stewieg
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IMO the only thing that works is to move,

but before you move, ask some folks at the new place if it's noisy.

Yeah, and new noisy neighbours could arrive at any time and then you'll have to move again.

The only answer is to become more tolerant of noise. It can be done, but sitting around getting stressed about it doesn't help. You need to learn how to relax and accept the noise - it's all in the mind.

Right now I'm in Australia in a very quiet place and I have to walk around on tip-toes trying not to wake the other people in the house at night. It's a real pain living with people who need total silence at night. They also complain about the crows squawking in the morning but I hardly hear them.

People who are too sensitive about noise can be just as much a pain the ass as people who are noisy.

Calling it noise pollution is silly. It's only noise pollution if it bothers you or it is loud enough to cause hearing loss.

Music to one person's ear can be noise to another's.

Edited by tropo
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A friend asked the neighbours downstairs if they could turn there music down a bit at 4 am. It had been going full blast since 10pm, He got 42 stitches in his head and a gun in his face for his trouble. So beware.

If they're blasting music at 4am there's a good chance someone's on drugs.

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