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Gaemi Enters Thailand; Downpours Hit Provinces


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The fact that Bangkok faced serious flloding leading to traffic congestion last month is surely a simply inditement that regardless of all the money that has been thrown at the problem and all their elaborate pre emptive planning that the end result was useless. Last month they were dealing with normal seasonal monsoon rain and not the catastrophic mismanagement of last years flood prevention fiasco nor the historonics that they have given to this current tropical storm which is little more than a slight depression.

In essence owing to a myriad of factors, not the least of which is the location of most of metropolitan Bangkok in relation to mean sea level there is no other answer to this problem than to utilize the provision of water tunnels and pumping stations both orbital, for northern run off and within the capital itself.

Building flood walls and increasing flood barriers only dissapates the water to another areas. Flooding will occur unless a means of removing the water from sub sea level areas by physical means is put in place and the current government phlosophy appears to be that a group of individuals are left pontificating as to who gets wet and who does not.

The routine mindless rhetoric given daily from these officials is indeed for damage control.... but not flood damage, but political damage, lest they get found out as to the level of their incompetence.

It would indeed be a massive civil undertaking, however, the future survival of this city and surrounding regions depends on the provision of systems capable of rapidly taking water from low lying areas and physical transfering the water to containment dams or straight out to sea.


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It's hardly a cylone anymore. According to some sites its broken up and we are just expected to get a bit of rain. Nothing different than usual.

It was never a cyclone. It was never even a hurricane. It was a Tropical Storm, which was downgraded to a Tropical Depression, and now is just a "low pressure area".

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We have had very little rain all year in Chiang Mai, missed the wet season this year.

Not sure which 'Chiang Mai' you live in but where I am in Doi Saket the garden has been underwater nearly everyday for the last month and when it isn't it is totally water logged.

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Pattaya received one period of heavy rain lasting 40 minutes Monday. 10AM. Fine dizzle for the rest of the day. No significant standing water on the East-Side (Dark-Side) of the city.

Edited by indyuk
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I am constantly amazed at the fixation over the weather and the banal logic that is applied. This is Thailand and this is the wet season, Monsson, which is predominantly weather from the south and west and we are going to get rain as has been the case since time immemorial. It is a weather front that comes into Thailand over it's Eastren coastline The very fact that last months downpour caused so much traffic confussion in Bangkokt is a simple inditment that the activities and money that has been perportedly thrown into the various flood relief projects was useless at best.

The current flood scenarios can not be blamed on record rainfall or the release of water from the northern dams at least not to date. The latest threat which has been hyped out of all poroprtion is with the current "tropical storm" approaching from Vietnam. It has not been a tropical storm for the past 3 days but simply a tropical depression and that was the classification over 1000 kilometers away. It is simply another tool in the administrations arsenal which they can use to deflect the fact that they do not have a clue as to what they are doing.

Why has all the flood barriers , dredging and pumping stations not managed to eliminate water on the Bangkok roads. The answer is simple. It can not. Much of metropolitan Bangkok is at mean sea level or in certain areas lower. Building flood barriers , widening sluice gates ,dredging canals will have little or no effect except to divert the water to other areas.

We have so many learned bodies actively pontificating as to who should get wet and who should not. Should your home become flooded , never fear the authorities will provide compensation. 5000 Baht, which is less that the same authorities spend on lunches for journalists who distort information daily. It is simply shocking

Owing to the altitude of Bangkok, or lack thereoff, the only solution for saving this city and surrounding areas from annual floods would be to build discharge tunnels and pumping stations and transfer the surplus water to either holding dams or straight out to sea.

A simelar scenario would also be required to contain and transfer excess northern run of prior to it reaching the outskirts of the city..

A massive civil undertaking, however, if they do not want to emulate Atlantis, then they had better get a move on as it will only get worse. They are dealing with Mother Nature and the Laws of Physics and they simply have not realized yet that you cant bullshit them. Currently the attitude appers to be to reap as much personal wealth out of these scenarios and them imigrate to high ground with profits in pocket when the inevitable happens.

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I am constantly amazed at the fixation over the weather and the banal logic that is applied. This is Thailand and this is the wet season, Monsson, which is predominantly weather from the south and west and we are going to get rain as has been the case since time immemorial. It is a weather front that comes into Thailand over it's Eastren coastline The very fact that last months downpour caused so much traffic confussion in Bangkokt is a simple inditment that the activities and money that has been perportedly thrown into the various flood relief projects was useless at best.

The current flood scenarios can not be blamed on record rainfall or the release of water from the northern dams at least not to date. The latest threat which has been hyped out of all poroprtion is with the current "tropical storm" approaching from Vietnam. It has not been a tropical storm for the past 3 days but simply a tropical depression and that was the classification over 1000 kilometers away. It is simply another tool in the administrations arsenal which they can use to deflect the fact that they do not have a clue as to what they are doing.

Why has all the flood barriers , dredging and pumping stations not managed to eliminate water on the Bangkok roads. The answer is simple. It can not. Much of metropolitan Bangkok is at mean sea level or in certain areas lower. Building flood barriers , widening sluice gates ,dredging canals will have little or no effect except to divert the water to other areas.

We have so many learned bodies actively pontificating as to who should get wet and who should not. Should your home become flooded , never fear the authorities will provide compensation. 5000 Baht, which is less that the same authorities spend on lunches for journalists who distort information daily. It is simply shocking

Owing to the altitude of Bangkok, or lack thereoff, the only solution for saving this city and surrounding areas from annual floods would be to build discharge tunnels and pumping stations and transfer the surplus water to either holding dams or straight out to sea.

A simelar scenario would also be required to contain and transfer excess northern run of prior to it reaching the outskirts of the city..

A massive civil undertaking, however, if they do not want to emulate Atlantis, then they had better get a move on as it will only get worse. They are dealing with Mother Nature and the Laws of Physics and they simply have not realized yet that you cant bullshit them. Currently the attitude appers to be to reap as much personal wealth out of these scenarios and them imigrate to high ground with profits in pocket when the inevitable happens.

Yeah, but the cats out of the bag now. The politicians promised to fix something. Absolutely unheard of in the history of Thailand.

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The fact that Bangkok faced serious flloding leading to traffic congestion last month is surely a simply inditement that regardless of all the money that has been thrown at the problem and all their elaborate pre emptive planning that the end result was useless. Last month they were dealing with normal seasonal monsoon rain and not the catastrophic mismanagement of last years flood prevention fiasco nor the historonics that they have given to this current tropical storm which is little more than a slight depression.

In essence owing to a myriad of factors, not the least of which is the location of most of metropolitan Bangkok in relation to mean sea level there is no other answer to this problem than to utilize the provision of water tunnels and pumping stations both orbital, for northern run off and within the capital itself.

Building flood walls and increasing flood barriers only dissapates the water to another areas. Flooding will occur unless a means of removing the water from sub sea level areas by physical means is put in place and the current government phlosophy appears to be that a group of individuals are left pontificating as to who gets wet and who does not.

The routine mindless rhetoric given daily from these officials is indeed for damage control.... but not flood damage, but political damage, lest they get found out as to the level of their incompetence.

It would indeed be a massive civil undertaking, however, the future survival of this city and surrounding regions depends on the provision of systems capable of rapidly taking water from low lying areas and physical transfering the water to containment dams or straight out to sea.


Well said. They keep on talking about the system as it is. Now if the whole city is sinking below sea level at the rate of two centimeters a year or even one and sea level's rising they are going to have to make different plans. They spend all their time and money year round just trying to cope with conditions as they are today with no thought to the future.

Maybe that ten mile deep tunnel wasn't such a bad idea. When the water got to the sea they could use water pushers to push it up to the sea and submarines to hurry the water to the water pumps.

On the bright side I see where they have signed a letter with Australia to share all their information on water management and control. Don't understand what Australia hopes to gain. They all ready know water runs down hill.

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