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Bifidus - No!


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Where to find yogurt with NO BIFIDUS? Don't want no Bifidobacterium!

Yogurt can be made with many different bacteria. Acidophilus is one of them, and is in most yogurts.

Bifidus is only used in some yogurts. Does anyone know what bacteria is used in the various yogurts in CM?

I need one without Bifidus.

And are there any yogurt starters available in CM? Anybody know what brands? And what active bacteria are in them?

Thanks, and thanks...


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Try hitting up the local mosque or shops frequented by Islamics.

Bifidus as a starter culture can come from Milk (Halal), or "modified" milk products or Meat (Haram) so they have to work that out.

Also as the culture undergoes a fermentation process it becomes Haram regardless of meat/milk starter culture..

To be sure most devout practitioners stay away from having to find out either way and go for a Halal certified (non probiotic) Yoghurt.

There will usually be a sign that says Halal in English and Arabic, or a big letter M in a circle with a half crescent.

Stuff from Malaysia is usually ok.

Those guys protesting outside the US consulate might be good for something after all (for you anyway).

Edited by mamborobert
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"And are there any yogurt starters available in CM?"


Once you find a yogurt you like, what's to stop you from simply using it, as the starter?

Haven't made any for ages but in Africa I always just made a new pot out of half a teaspoon from the old pot.

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