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What Is The Thai Writing On Businesses


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Hi, so... this might be a really odd question, but...

What is the Thai writing that you see on the walls of most businesses? They look like symbols, but I have been told it is an old language?

I think it is some kind of a blessing maybe? To bring good fortune to the business?

When I was in Thailand last year a Thai girl tried to explain it, but there was a bit of a language barrier - her English was much better than my Thai :)

If anyone could explain what it is, who does it, when do they do it etc. I'd love to know :)


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Well, I guess not most businesses then .. I don't think I've ever seen a gold lettered Sanskrit message inside a business. Pictures of monks and kings, car upholsteries smeared with markers, all sorts of amulets and the usual lot, sure. Where in Thailand was this ?

EDIT: right, Chiang Mai forum. Isn't all that clear when using the app. Been there, but didn't notice.Is it a northern thing then ?

Edited by DrTuner
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Well, I guess not most businesses then .. I don't think I've ever seen a gold lettered Sanskrit message inside a business. Pictures of monks and kings, car upholsteries smeared with markers, all sorts of amulets and the usual lot, sure. Where in Thailand was this ?

EDIT: right, Chiang Mai forum. Isn't all that clear when using the app. Been there, but didn't notice.Is it a northern thing then ?

Sorry Dr. Tuner, no photos I'm afraid. It was Chiang Mai, so possibly a northern thing.

It's not part of the shop signage, just painted onto the wall next to the door, or above the door, that kind of thing.

bdw seems to know what's going on with it :) That sounds about right based on what I'd pieced together!

Thanks guys!

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I tried to google for those, not much luck, but maybe like this ?


Can't claim to have seen those, or at least I haven't noticed.

EDIT: Ha! Now that I think of it, there's one very, very faded one over the entrance of my mother-in-laws house. I'm probably too used to such to notice anymore. But I'll keep my eyes open next time I go to a mom&pop shop.

Edited by DrTuner
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I tried to google for those, not much luck, but maybe like this ?


Can't claim to have seen those, or at least I haven't noticed.

EDIT: Ha! Now that I think of it, there's one very, very faded one over the entrance of my mother-in-laws house. I'm probably too used to such to notice anymore. But I'll keep my eyes open next time I go to a mom&pop shop.

Yeah, that's them! The first picture is super-swanky. I think they're just showing off ;)

The second photo is pretty much exactly how I remembered most of them looking.

Thanks again guys :)

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