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Bush Support Slumps

the gentleman

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I'ms sorry but Daveyo, whom I like, ....


Daveyo came up in an outburst with his opinion about GWB that deserves respect.

My opinion about Bush, absolutely negative. Now, I do try to comment on him only as far as no internal American (yes, I agree it should read US-) matters are concerned.

For as the 'main-players' in these threats in the Bear Pit, well I hear 3 things, a) if you are against Bush you hate America b> I don't hear anything anymore and c) the same. The Gentleman had at the beginning interesting points, which Georgie-Porgie killed by personal attacks. Meanwhile, both are in a personal vandetta, FAR off the threat and becoming a US-bashing/defending, which I do not tolerate as it does not lead to anything.

No lecture given, but an interesting explanation by you. Talking about politics, it is the same around the world and IMHO every politician thinks of the own benefits b4 anythng else. Living in Thailand, you are confronted with US-politics, unless you switch off your TV or listen to Thaksin. The present primaries are as much a circus as Thaksin's chicken fight. The winner will be the guy with the best punch-line.

Back a few years in Asian history. The day Mao Tse Tung died in China, there was a big thunderstorm, the day Chiang Kai Check died in (the other) China there was an earthquake, the people on both sides realized, how important there resp. leader was that even nature interferred. Others, the smaller number, believed they where put on ice till the right moment came.

Why I mentioned this? GWB could learn. Just assume they get Bin Laden, put him on ice till October. Who would win the election?

My interest in US-politics is as marginal as the one in German or Swiss to which I am much closer. Shoot, the Austians will shoot me for not mentioning them, one of their guys is in CA. But 'god' beware, let's hope Bush will not win.

Let's not talk about the 'Florida-count' and not about the budget deficit, both are national points, to which I do not comment. Internationally, what did GWB do?

He broke more international treaties than any President in U.S. history.

He had the U.N removed the U.S. from the Human Rights Commission.

He withdraw U.S. from the World Court of Law in the Hague.

He effectively killed the Kyoto-agreement.

Never b4 protested so many people against a US-president simultaneouly (20 million), shattering the record for protest against any person in the history of mankind.

And worst of all, he collected the most sympathy for the U.S. after the World Trade Center attacks and less than a year later lost most of it, if not all.

Sorry, this became too long, what I wanted to say, shoot GWB ito retirement, whoever comes next, can only be better. But I don't need a hegemon, I need a US-President, who can stand up to the world and say "The state of my Nation is fine, how can I co-operate with you/"

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Axel I hereby elect and vote for you as next President of the USA. And Jeepz you can be Vice President. :D:D

Bravo Bravo Bravo. We most certainly will have a much better world if you guys ever get in for real. :o

Now we need Dr. PP's vote and ###### and of course our dear friend Mr. Vietnam. After that it is a shoo in both ways electorial and peoples.

Daveyoti :D

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Axel I hereby elect and vote for you as next President of the USA. And Jeepz you can be Vice President. :D:D

Bravo Bravo Bravo. We most certainly will have a much better world if you guys ever get in for real. :o

Now we need Dr. PP's vote and ###### and of course our dear friend Mr. Vietnam. After that it is a shoo in both ways electorial and peoples.

Daveyoti :D


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...becoming a US-bashing/defending, which I do not tolerate as it does not lead to anything.

Axel, I am sorry to respectfully disagree, but this "... becoming a US-bashing/defending, which I do not tolerate as it does not lead to anything" is what the Bear-Pit, and the posts before that, that led to the Bear-Pit, were mostly always about.

You have to go back to the beginning if you want your advice to be worth anything.

Almost every one of The Defenders has admitted that they are not Bush fans. We are just tired of constant bashing of the US in general.

The initial posts by "the gentleman" that pissed me off so much that I started commenting on them, were about how "stupid" Americans in general are. He, and some other illiterates, were laughing like hyenas about all the "morons" in the US. This is a guy who can barely spell his own name.

That is why I am completely justified in constantly pointing out all the gentleman's own inadequacies in this area, and probably why I haven't been thrown off for doing so. :o

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Interesting Georgie Porgie, you take excerpts and quotes from other forum sections and apply to this?????

The quotes you posted here from me was not in this forum it was involved about weapons. Nothing to do with the political aspect.

Nice of you to try to what sabatage other peoples topics.

There are people in this forum that I can really speak out and shove it deep, but to me it is not worth it to waste my time on such debate.

If you cannot handle some jokes then grow up.


Therefore I ignore you.

ignore us all Dave ... P L E A SE.... pretty please. I doubt that I ever knew a bigger knowall no nothing, and so badly expressed.

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you cant even lie well Georgie, the day you started having a go at me was the day I posted about "not all people held in US millitary prisons were terrorists" and I quoted a young lad being held, for no reason - thats why and then you carried on - as you put it and I quote "now your on my shit list" - you wouldnt have a clue what is really happening around the world and what your secret government people are doing and I bet you have never interacted with the like - so what would you know? Carry on slagging me off Georgie as you do with everyone else who doesnt agree with you. Dot your I's and cross your T's and Ill get back to posting facts, you standby, learn a little bit and have your ususal attacks.

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My how short your memory is illiterate one. This incident that you mention was after a fairly long truce between you and I, when you had refrained from any anti-American postings. I am talking about when I first let you have a taste of my wrath!

Now, are you going to apologize, for once again being so miserably wrong?

Pop-up dummy. You are a glutten for punishment.

This is what one sees painted on your Pop-up dummy face every time that I knock you over again::o

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Without a doubt this is some rather large - porcine individual who was probably a cook's helper in his army now living grandiose dreams pecking away on his computer. Ha! :o

Boon Mee

Boon Mee,

let me assure you that the Gentleman is quite genuine, he served with me in Nigeria and has a proven record of his abilities, he is neither porcine, or a cook (though he does knock up a mean spagetti sauce) and got his nickname through some rather brave acts helping the Ibu people along the Cameroonian borders, I can't go into too many details as it was not a much reported event, but knowing him as I do, he is smart, effective and a man to have by your side when the 'merde' hits the fan.


this guy , is indeed the 'real deal' I have known him for many years, he may appear brash in some of his ways, and has understandable dislike for septics, but for good reason, he was left in some serious guano by the good old marines, so lets have a bit of respect for him, he is on the 'right' side.

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Axel, I am sorry to respectfully disagree, but this "... becoming a US-bashing/defending, which I do not tolerate as it does not lead to anything" is what the Bear-Pit, and the posts before that, that led to the Bear-Pit, were mostly always about.

Almost every one of The Defenders has admitted that they are not Bush fans. We are just tired of constant bashing of the US ...

Georgie-Porgie, the Bear-Pit is something of a glass house.

I read probably all of the posts. Let's forget who threw the first stone, let's find out who will be the first one to bring facts again, relevant to the topic without a personal attack. He or she will be my hero.

Btw, as an outsider listening in, yes I realized the remarks on not liking Bush.

I don't really like Chirac and think Schroeder is an id....t, but not so much one, to compare Bush with the other Austria, as somebody mentioned in here.

Facts and peace. When we all agree on the best solution, we send our proposal to

whoever sits in the Oval office.

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Actually Axel, I went back and looked at the gentleman's old posts, just to make sure that my memory was accurate about who started this. What made me a little sad was that he really was a gentleman until he started the America-bashing and U.S. conspiracy posts. From then on he is just bitter and nasty.

Actually he seemed like a happy, pretty nice guy.

I get no great pleasure out of ripping him apart. I don't really care if someone is bright, or not, if they leave me alone and mind their own business. The only reason that I keep pointing out his intellectual inadequacies, is because of his remarks about most Americans "being stupid", some of his really nutty "conspiracy" posts and also, to remind him that on this forum, we are battling with our minds.

He is right that knowing correct punctuation, spelling and grammar doesn't mean that someone is necessarily intelligent, but when one is trying to convince others of their point of view on a written forum, these tools are an invaluable resource. If one doesn't have these skills, then one is going to come off looking like a dummy no matter what they say or do.

Someone in this position who wants to participate on here should either keep their negative views to themselves, run out and quickly get, at least, a High School education, or be prepared to have their heads ripped off every time they log in, without any chance to ever come out on top.

A word to the wise. :o

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A little bit of a history lesson.

As the USA finally elects its President, let us take a look at the 43rd President of the United States of America, George W. Bush. We can start with an interesting comment by the new President himself:

? I think that anyone who thinks that I am not clever enough (to be the President) is underestimating me¦.

Why should he have brought up the question of not being clever enough? This brings one to analyse his academic record, which after careful consideration, could be described as ?discreet¦, if not ?modest¦. Why is it that Mr. Bush never allowed his academic record to be publicised?

Surely not because in his first English test at Andover High School, he received the mark of zero. He was only a boy. He never entered the ?distinguished students¦ list but all the same, managed to get a place in Harvard Business School (a top university, where places are ferociously fought over by bright students from not only the USA but around the world). However, his father had studied there, as had other relatives and so Mr. Bush obtained his place (there is a special clause for relatives of former students).

Once at University, there are a number of stories about the young George W. Bush, perfectly normal for a spirited young man, but he never appears to have been mentioned for his academic prowess.

The first mention of note comes in 1967, in an article in the ?New York Times¦, about the practice of ?branding¦ university freshmen (first year students) with burning metal coat-hangers. Mr. Bush was quoted as saying that the burns ?were like a cigarette burn¦. We hope he was not involved in this cruel practice.

Instead of going to the Vietnam War, the young Bush appeared as a pilot-not in the USAF but in the Texas National Guard, after managing to obtain 25% in a pilot aptitude test. He jumped over the waiting list of 150 candidates for the place. The suspicion starts to arise that Bush Junior spent his early life walking through doors opened by his father, George Herbert Bush, former President (1988 v 1992), who had made a fortune in Texan oil.

Out of the National Guard, George W. again followed his father into the oil business but without success. Most of the companies he was involved with failed, until finally he found success v as Director of the Texas Rangers Baseball Club. He built up the club and sold his share for a fortune, making a name for himself in Texas.

George W. Bush the politician appeared briefly in 1978, as a defeated candidate for the House of Congress and then again in 1994, when he was elected Governor of Texas. The Texas governor is one of the governors with fewest powers in the USA but he managed to create an image as a moderate. Re-elected in 1998, he became a figure of interest for the Republican party, desperately seeking a new leader after Dole-s defeat by Clinton two years previously-with nobody else in view, George W. was an option.

some of his "smarter answers":

About finance and economics:

?This is obviously a budget. It-s full of numbers¦

?More and more of our imports come from abroad¦

About his foreign policy:

?I am going to have an external policy which turned towards the exterior¦

About debates:

?When I am speaking about myself and when he is speaking about me, we are all speaking about me¦

About politics:

?The most important post is not to be governor, or First lady, in my case¦

About geography:

?We have to keep good relations with the Grecians (correction: Greeks)¦

?The Kosovanians (correction: Kosovars) should return to their homes¦

?The East Timorians (correction: East Timorese) decided to revolt¦

To finish, a promise of competence:

? I read - I understand reality. If you ask me if as president I will understand reality, yes, I will¦. Let us hope so, Mr. President. It is right to give unknown people a white paper to write on and not to pre-judge them...over to you, Mr. Bush.

being as dumb as you suggest I am Georgie, I wish I was American - I could of become president. :o

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I am your composer/puppet master, I think Basher knows what I mean - without me you have no life - 2nd week of training hey Bash


No mate, it was 3rd week when we were doing the interrogation section, buggers really beat us down, but as Sun Tzu says 'know your enemy and know yourself' the more you learn the stronger you get, there is nothing wrong with a little humility, and self control, but I am yet to see it here, apart from our french friends, they appear to be in complete control. Remember when we met those legion guysin Chad? , now they were really cool and talk about drink! I have never seen men perform under such conditions, no wonder they feel no pain, it is all the Pastis in their system.


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being as dumb as you suggest I am Georgie, I wish I was American - I could of become president. :o

I don't really need to suggest anything. Anyone who reads these pages would realize that, at the most, you are semi-literate; At very most a grammar school education.

Believe me, George Bush might not be a genius, but he would look like one compared to you.

Almost anyone would. :D

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being as dumb as you suggest I am Georgie, I wish I was American - I could of become president. :o

I don't really need to suggest anything. Anyone who reads these pages would realize that, at the most, you are semi-literate; At very most a grammar school education.

Believe me, George Bush might not be a genius, but he would look like one compared to you.

Almost anyone would. :D

Grammar schools are up market private colleges Georgie.

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Is this called the Georgie-Porgie>Gentleman debate????? :o Darn, I better get the camera crew and the news people and invite Ted Koppel into this debate. It should turn out very interesting. :D One of you just might become the President of ??????????????!!!!!!!! I leave that as question mark.

Oh by the way fellas which of you is Democrat and which is Republican??? :D

Daveyoti :D:D

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being as dumb as you suggest I am Georgie, I wish I was American - I could of become president. :o

I don't really need to suggest anything. Anyone who reads these pages would realize that, at the most, you are semi-literate; At very most a grammar school education.

Believe me, George Bush might not be a genius, but he would look like one compared to you.

Almost anyone would. :D

Grammar schools are up market private colleges Georgie.

Is everything the opposite of us over there Doc? How about Elementary School? Is that where you go until you are about 11 years old over there? That is what I mean.

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being as dumb as you suggest I am Georgie, I wish I was American - I could of become president. :o

I don't really need to suggest anything. Anyone who reads these pages would realize that, at the most, you are semi-literate; At very most a grammar school education.

Believe me, George Bush might not be a genius, but he would look like one compared to you.

Almost anyone would. :D

Grammar schools are up market private colleges Georgie.

Is everything the opposite of us over there Doc? How about Elementary School? Is that where you go until you are about 11 years old over there? That is what I mean.

Wrong yet again :D

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I am your composer/puppet master, I think Basher knows what I mean - without me you have no life - 2nd week of training hey Bash


No mate, it was 3rd week when we were doing the interrogation section, buggers really beat us down, but as Sun Tzu says 'know your enemy and know yourself' the more you learn the stronger you get, there is nothing wrong with a little humility, and self control, but I am yet to see it here, apart from our french friends, they appear to be in complete control. Remember when we met those legion guysin Chad? , now they were really cool and talk about drink! I have never seen men perform under such conditions, no wonder they feel no pain, it is all the Pastis in their system.


Yes you are right Bash - seems many moons ago.

The French/nutters! were always great blokes and yes could drink as well as any Aussie or Brit.. I would have to say even the non French, Legion boys were great to - Great memories, BIA :D

Yes you are right about the self control of some of the septics and there supporters - never answer a post, if you can bullsh1t your way out of it :o

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being as dumb as you suggest I am Georgie, I wish I was American - I could of become president. :o

I don't really need to suggest anything. Anyone who reads these pages would realize that, at the most, you are semi-literate; At very most a grammar school education.

Believe me, George Bush might not be a genius, but he would look like one compared to you.

Almost anyone would. :D

Grammar schools are up market private colleges Georgie.

Is everything the opposite of us over there Doc? How about Elementary School? Is that where you go until you are about 11 years old over there? That is what I mean.

Wrong yet again :D

Maybe, this time, and only in British English, but you are still illiterate in every language, and that is all that really counts! :D

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being as dumb as you suggest I am Georgie, I wish I was American - I could of become president. :o

I don't really need to suggest anything. Anyone who reads these pages would realize that, at the most, you are semi-literate; At very most a grammar school education.

Believe me, George Bush might not be a genius, but he would look like one compared to you.

Almost anyone would. :D

Grammar schools are up market private colleges Georgie.

Is everything the opposite of us over there Doc? How about Elementary School? Is that where you go until you are about 11 years old over there? That is what I mean.

Wrong yet again :D

Maybe, this time, and only in British English, but you are still illiterate in every language, and that is all that really counts! :D

Boys....boys...kiss and make up :D

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