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Supreme Court Issues Arrest Warrant Against Thaksin


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Supreme Court issues arrest warrant against Thaksin

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The Supreme Court Thursday issued an arrest warrant against former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra for failing to turn up to hear the court's decision to proceed with the Krung Thai Bank loan scandal case.

Thaksin is the first defendant in the case, accused of collaborating with 26 others to have the state-owned bank approved loans for some firms in the Krissadanakhon group.

The 26 others appeared in the court to hear the court's decision. The Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Holders of Political Office scheduled the next hearing on January 25 for the 26 defendants and public prosecutors to verify evidences. The case against Thaksin will be suspended pending his arrest.

The court reasoned that Thaksin has been informed of the schedule Thursday but refused to turn up so he was regarded as fleeing from the trial.


-- The Nation 2012-10-11

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If Thaksin did not want this warrant issued, it would not have been issued. He knew about it long before the court made the ruling and allowed it to happen. He has full control from top to bottum is this Kingdom. There is some reason he allowed it that will ultimately benefit him, be assured of that.

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So does this mean that by the appropriate laws and regulations his Thai pasport should now be revoked, suspended, cancelled, whatever?

Just an aside, interesting how he recently got a visa to the US.

Surely one can assume, given that's he's a contraversial figure, the US immigration dept., would have done quite some up to date fact finding about this man before the visa was issued.

Therefore they would have known that the supreme court had agreed the case had merit and should proceed.

Nobody can claim this is a politically motivated case.

Interesting to say the least...

Edited by scorecard
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One is inclined to ask whether this decision along with other decisions by the judiciary concerning the renegade bail jumper are the prime motives behind certain Red Shirt luminaries visiting their sponsor in Hong Kong?

The judiciaries decisions would have of course been known about prior to the warrants being issued as Thaksin and his acolytes know full well how the Thai legal system works and the result if one fails to appear in court to to answer charges, indeed it's much the same in the U.K. too.

What better time is there than now to re-ignite the passion that the Red Shirt brigade and their known leaders and of course their sponsor to have an action replay of the let's destroy Bangkok by burning and destroy the country.

This so a bunch or should I say ''rabble' of assorted megalomaniacs can return and try to attempt to assume power and create chaos in their bid to have a megalomaniac returned to power so as the said megalomaniac can resume the plundering of the state coffers and of course the manipulation of the judicial system and the rewriting of the constitution so as to benefit one person, his family and their brown nosing acolytes in his unquestionable desire for revenge,power and money at any cost?

The meeting agenda in Hong Kong probably reads thus from Pavlov. ''.Let loose the dogs of war !''

You might have something here. We all know that the red shirt burn Bangkok campaign started immediately after Thaksin's assets were seized. It could be another "mob on demand" in the making.

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But but but, this was politically motivated! Sondhi is still free! Thaksin is a great man who can do no wrong! Abhisit went to a rich mans school!

Well 2 out of 4 are right anyway. I'm suprised you think that all 4 are correct.

Typical of your meaningless posts.

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Thaksin is but one of over two dozen defendants involved with this case of over 11 and a Half Billion Baht in bogus loans extended to them.

He's the only one that had failed to appear to answer the warrant.

The cases against the others begins Jan. 25.

Supreme Court To Try Thaksin



One wonders if they will make a request to Interpol to arrest him this time around ? seeing as this time it appears there is no "political motive" considering his sister is PM...

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On a very similar thread IndyUK just wrote

When will you guys wake up? Taksin is not a criminal by any rational Juristic persons standards other than the system of justice corrupted by the Democrat conspiracy at that time. Everything since Taksin's conviction is orchestrated by Democrat conspirators who continue to hope that Taksin is further damaged or even destroyed. Anyone in Thailand that is copus mentos will know that is irrational. In fact what the Democrats seek woulhat d probably Damage Thailand even more seriously than the damage that they already caused.

So is this arrest warrant issued by a Government and system of Justice corrupted by Democrat conspiracy at this time? IndyUK, I think we should be told.

Edited by GentlemanJim
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So now he can only visit countries that do not have extradition treaties with Thailand? If he does he can be arrested? Yeah right! cheesy.gif

He can be arrested only if the Thai government requests it. Don't hold your breath as long as little sis is PM.

But surely in this case if she doesnt, she is intentionally perverting the course of justice/conflict of interest etc etc as this is under her goverment, and she I am sure as part of her duties she has acknowleged she will follow the rule/decision of a thai court..

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