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Culture Minister Uraiwan Thienthong Resigns

Jai Dee

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Reasons to watch and comment and poke our noses in .....


Actions by Thaksin & Thai Rak Thai directly affecting the expats here -

Big Picture - in 2001 the Democrats handed over a very healthy Public Current Account Balance carefully gathered despite the 1997 Economic Crash and it's after effects.

It took Thaksin three years to blow it, during which time Thaksin repaid the IMF against all advice, then declared the repayment date (31 July) to be Thai Independence Day becuse "the foreigners have been removed from the Thai financial system" after which ....

Visa fees went up 400%

Work Permit Fees went up 300%

Entry fees to National Parks (for foreigners only) went up 1,000%

Minimum cash holding in Thai bank for retirement or marriage visa doubled

Minimum Salary for working visa as a businessman generally doubled ( +/- around 20% based on Nationality)

Minimum paid up cash investment by foreigner in an employing company went from 500K Baht to 3 million baht if they wanted a work permit from their business (100 million if operating in any form of retail - yeah right - like the soi store has 100 million invested in it?)

Residency application fees doubled and the fee for the residency book trebled

Meanwhile .... Price of petrol has trabled since TRT came to power, Internet access per month for broadband is at above UK pricing and government employed teachers earn per month here, what they get paid per week in the UK. An LG washing machine made in Thailand costs more to buy in Thailand than the same model from the same factory costs in the UK (yeah - I know - go figure!! It IS true)

This government banned kiddies karaoke booths in shopping malls because they corrupted the moral values of the young, closed the bars at midnight - despite the body clock of most tourists still being at between midday and 6pm when midnight arrives in Thailand, and then were surprised at the rise of motoring accidents just after midnight and the increase of temple robberies in the small hours.

This is the government who issued a law that began with the words

"If a foreign man wants to marry a Thai woman and live in Thailand, this is forbidden unless the foreign man has a lot of money" but never specified how much is "a lot" leading to local interpretations at each different immigration office

and continued with

"if the child of a Thai woman and foreign man is born in the foreign man's country, and they want to live in Thailand, then the child must have an income of 400,000 Baht per year" - hey if I've got a three year old earning that sort of money I want to know where it's coming from.


"if a Thai woman is married to a foreign man and living in another country, then the Thai Police will regularly interrogate the woman's parents to discover how much money she is sending to them and the police will decide how much tax the parents must pay" - Oooooh what an open invitation to blackmail and corruption generally.

...... so, Braindeadman do not tell us we should not monitor, discuss, or pressure the government of this country - which other government has set a condition of non-immigrant residency to be highly racist scales of minimum salary, dozens of times higher than for it's own citizens? Whilst paying government employed foreigners a fraction of those minimums (thus jeapardising visa renewals because their tax receipt doesn't match the minimum needed)?

Which other country has two sets of directly opposed laws designed purely to put foreign professionals in a catch-22 gotcha? (Royal decree 1979 [never repealed] proscribing work as accountants, legals, architects etc, and Foreign Business Act 1999 permitting that work)

Some of us are here for more sincere reasons that retiring to the sun or shagging our way along Pattaya 2nd road - and the playing field we have to work with is so unlevel that it's perpendicular.

And we remain because of the climate, the food, the ordinary people, the festivals, etc etc

Or maybe because to leave would lose us our jobs, our pensions, and a host of other things we'll need in a couple of years or decades..

I agree with a lot of your post, however, petrol prices were subsidised which was unsustainable as the world price is outside the control of governments world-wide. Furthermore the price of petrol has risen significantly in most countries throughout the world, not to mention the UK.

Many things have gone up significantly in cost for farangs, However, as I guess you are from the UK, you should know the amount a Thai needs, if wanting to retire in the UK, is an eye watering sum that most Brits would be unable to afford if Thailand demanded the same amount on a direct exchange rate basis.

It is still possible for Brits to get a Retirement Visa after showing the required 800,000 baht bank balance but without a reasonable level of pension income. Then marry a Thai lady on arrival and use 'loan' facilities to renew their visa every year. They even get the wife to borrow money from the bank for a house purchase.

Internet access in the UK has only come down in price significantly since the infrastructure has been put in place. Therefore you are not comparing like with like. At the equivalent time the cost of internet services in the UK were significantly higher than they are now. High levels of investment are needed to install the infrastructure and prices are always high during that period. It is only after that has been completed that prices tend to fall.

I guess you were on Warp 5 on your keyboard when writing your post!

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If I enter a foreign country's borders, and the immigration officer places a muzzle on my mouth, I will book the next flight out of there. If the net result is the same, I'll leave.

Until then, I don't have to leave, because the Immigration Police say I can stay.

I stayed in Mexico after I violated their Constitution (for doing politics), and they let me stay anyway.

In my native country, there's only one thing that legal immigrants can't do, that citizens can do: VOTE.

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In my native country, there's only one thing that legal immigrants can't do, that citizens can do: VOTE.

Hey! The illegals VOTE in the US! We don't want to "hurt their feelings"! :D:D

By the way, thanks to EVERYONE for quoting the whole string when commenting on someone's post. It's SOOOOOOOOOO much fun scrolling down thru TONS of words to get to a sentence with 5 words in it!

-Bufo, Picker-of-Nits :o

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Who would you like to run the country; a person that can amass a fortune or someone crying poor mouth.

If the one who is amassing the fortune does it through corrupt government contracts and lobbying, then I'd rather have "someone crying poor mouth" running the country.

Its up to the laws to govern the land; people make the laws. If they are no good change them.

That's exactly the problem... a functioning democracy needs to be ruled by laws and institutions. But that's not the way Thailand is ruled - Thaksin rules Thailand and Thaksin makes the laws. If he doesn't like the laws, he changes them. If he's broken a law before he's had a chance to change it, he makes sure it isn't enforced.

This was exactly the problem when Thaksin was nearly kicked out of office early in his term over the asset concealment case. He argued that it didn't matter whether he broke the law - because he was ELECTED, so to hel_l with the laws! Well, that sounds a bit familiar. After all, a plurality of Germans elected Hitler, so maybe we should cut him some slack too!

Maybe you should understand the issue? Isn't it the capital gains tax laws that the issue is based around?

Why aren't people talking about this?

Wasn't the money made capital gains free?

Why do you think the upper class don't want to see this happen! When the next lot come to power won't their mates get into the jobs where they will have shares aloted to them?

research the so called public companies and see who is there.

Why is the Thai stock market around the 700's?

I don't know about you but I would be careful about going into the woods with you as a guide; I don't think we would get out!

But then again maybe I just needed some stimulation tonight.

When I see a problem I don't leave the blinkers on.

Didn't Hitler give us the VW :D:o:D

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In accordance with the latest governmental restrictions, the hours for breconman bashing have been adjusted to from 12:00 to 23:00.

Thank you for very much for your cooperation,

Khun Withouttaclue, Vice Sub-Assistant to the Deputy Minister

Department of Hourly Restrictions

Ministry of Oppression

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Maybe you should understand the issue? Isn't it the capital gains tax laws that the issue is based around?

Why aren't people talking about this?

Wasn't the money made capital gains free?

I was not talking about the capital gains tax specifically, I'm talking about Mr. Thaksin's attitude toward the rule of law in general. You yourself were the one who brought up the matter of "making" and "changing" laws, so I think it was fair for me to address this issue. Back to the matter of Thaksin's attitude toward the rule of law, I don't think I need to give you a lesson on that, I think his record speaks for itself.

I don't know about you but I would be careful about going into the woods with you as a guide; I don't think we would get out!

But then again maybe I just needed some stimulation tonight.

When I see a problem I don't leave the blinkers on.

Didn't Hitler give us the VW :D:o:D

I don't think I need to dignify this with a response. If you're serious about discussing the issues, you should address the merits of arguments directly and refraim from personal comments about other posters. I don't take it personally, but don't always count on being so lucky - others may not be as tolerant of such behavior.

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Maybe you should understand the issue? Isn't it the capital gains tax laws that the issue is based around?

Why aren't people talking about this?

Wasn't the money made capital gains free?

I was not talking about the capital gains tax specifically, I'm talking about Mr. Thaksin's attitude toward the rule of law in general. You yourself were the one who brought up the matter of "making" and "changing" laws, so I think it was fair for me to address this issue. Back to the matter of Thaksin's attitude toward the rule of law, I don't think I need to give you a lesson on that, I think his record speaks for itself.

I don't know about you but I would be careful about going into the woods with you as a guide; I don't think we would get out!

But then again maybe I just needed some stimulation tonight.

When I see a problem I don't leave the blinkers on.

Didn't Hitler give us the VW :D:o:D

I don't think I need to dignify this with a response. If you're serious about discussing the issues, you should address the merits of arguments directly and refraim from personal comments about other posters. I don't take it personally, but don't always count on being so lucky - others may not be as tolerant of such behavior.

What can u do? Didnt u start it, or this is just a facist taunt. U see u talk about fredoom of speech, which is an elemet of your post.

I am truly soory that your feelings are hurt.

But the real issue, all jokes aside is that there needs to be a change to the capital gains tax laws if this is the real problem. I have seen many messengers shot in my life.

Maybe some good reading for you would be on the core elements of empowerment education and the poitical process of the poor. this is good reading for the soul, but better when u put it in your life. :D

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What can u do? Didnt u start it, or this is just a facist taunt. U see u talk about fredoom of speech, which is an elemet of your post.

I am truly soory that your feelings are hurt.

But the real issue, all jokes aside is that there needs to be a change to the capital gains tax laws if this is the real problem. I have seen many messengers shot in my life.

Maybe some good reading for you would be on the core elements of empowerment education and the poitical process of the poor. this is good reading for the soul, but better when u put it in your life. :o

No worries, no offense taken :D

Try checking out my latest post on the "Ousting Thaksin" thread, I think I address some of the concerns you raise.

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Uraiwan resigns ‘to uphold political ethics’

Published on February 04, 2006

Culture Minister Uraiwan Thienthong yesterday announced her resignation on the grounds that she needed to set an example of political ethics in the wake of the tax-free sale of Shin Corp by Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra’s family.

“As culture minister, I am obliged to demonstrate ethical standards in the prevailing political situation,” she said, adding her resignation took effect immediately.

“I say this with love, respect and sincerity – I don’t think I should stay on in the position of culture minister if I am to uphold my political ethics.”

Political observers saw Uraiwan’s resignation as a crucial gesture on the eve of today’s anti-Thaksin rally at the Royal Plaza.

Asked to comment on the link between her move and the rally, Uraiwan said she had not planned to have an impact on the rally.

She played down speculation that her resignation would lead to a rift between Thai Rak Thai’s Wang Nam Yen faction – led by her husband Snoh Thienthong – and other party factions.

*see following article*

“This is an individual decision by myself as culture minister and a Thai Rak Thai member,” she said.

When asked what was her stance on calls for the prime minister to resign, she said Thaksin should decide for himself because she had no advice for him.

She denied allegations she and the Wang Nam Yen faction had mobilised Sa Kaew residents to join the rally.

The faction has no involvement in the rally and would abide by the party line even though its MPs were free to air their individual opinions, she said.

In her parting statement, she urged Thaksin to chart his future course by bearing in mind his responsibility to the people.

“Under democratic means, no one can derail this government. But more important than surviving is the responsibility to the people,” she said. Khunying Dhipavadee Meksawan, permanent secretary of the Culture Ministry, led senior officials in bidding farewell to Uraiwan.


Thaksin has abused his power: Snoh

Published on February 04, 2006

Wang Nam Yen faction leader Snoh Thienthong said yesterday that the biggest disappointment of his 30-year political career had been his support of Thaksin Shinawatra’s bid to become prime minister.

Following the resignation of his wife Uraiwan Thienthong from the Culture Ministry, Snoh refused to answer if Wang Nam Yen would secede from Thai Rak Thai Party.

“Today things are obvious. Everything that happened is because of one person. What gave the PM the right to order the State Audit Commission to reinstate Khunying Jaruwan Maintaka?’’ he said.

He believes that the political dark cloud that covers the country will be removed today because people from all walks of life are united to oust Thaksin. Snoh refused to say if he would attend the rally.

Snoh also attacked Thaksin over Shin Corp’s sell-off, saying that the PM abused his power by legislating a new law that would allow foreigners to own Thai companies. “They issued the law like a Royal Decree,’’ he said.


Snoh denounced Thaksin as "shameless"

TRT Party Wang Nam Yen faction leader Snoh Thienthong Friday denounced Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra as being "shameless" for not paying taxes over the Shin Corp sale.

"I don't understand why he wasn't ashamed of himself regarding the sale of Shin Corp. Even, the Crown Property Bureau also pays taxes. So why did he had to make plans to enact laws to help him avoid paying taxes," Snoh said.

He said he was sorry for having supported Thaksin to the power and the political situation under the Thaksin government was "dark, not grey".

But he said it appeared that the sky would turn bright again after the anti-Thaksin rally at the Royal Plaza on Saturday.

"The sky is opening up again on February 4," Snoh said.

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"A politician must have morals."




Comedy gold!

I understand your levity Slackula, but the point is that there are some things even a Thai-Robs-Thai minister won't stoop to , and continuing to support Thaksin is one of them. :o

The lady-in-question's former job entailed standing-up for Thai moral & cultural standards - and her political boss's antics had made this simply too hard a conflict-of-interests.

Edited by Ricardo
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Deputy Surakiart indicated he did not know the reason for Mrs. Uraiwan's resignation

Deputy Prime Minister Surakiart Sathirathai (สุรเกียรติ เสถียรไทย) indicated that he did not know the reason for the resignation of former Culture Minister Uraiwan Thienthong (อุไรวรรณ เทียนทอง). However, he did not believe the Cabinet's budget adjustment to promote cultural values was the reason that led to her decision to resign.

Dr. Surakiart, who is now the acting Culture Minister, said he immediately called Mrs. Uraiwan Thienthong once he acknowledged the news, and received her confirmation. However, he had not talked about the motive behind the move.

Deputy Prime Minister Surakiart said Prime Minister will make the decision to appoint the new Culture Minister. He also disclosed that Mrs. Uraiwan had complained about the budget limitations, but he did not know whether this was an issue.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 04 Febuary 2006

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Deputy Surakiart indicated he did not know the reason for Mrs. Uraiwan's resignation

Deputy Prime Minister Surakiart Sathirathai (สุรเกียรติ เสถียรไทย) indicated that he did not know the reason for the resignation of former Culture Minister Uraiwan Thienthong (อุไรวรรณ เทียนทอง). However, he did not believe the Cabinet's budget adjustment to promote cultural values was the reason that led to her decision to resign.

Dr. Surakiart, who is now the acting Culture Minister, said he immediately called Mrs. Uraiwan Thienthong once he acknowledged the news, and received her confirmation. However, he had not talked about the motive behind the move.

Deputy Prime Minister Surakiart said Prime Minister will make the decision to appoint the new Culture Minister. He also disclosed that Mrs. Uraiwan had complained about the budget limitations, but he did not know whether this was an issue.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 04 Febuary 2006

and so the 'spin' commences.

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We not forced to stay here and pay our taxes, staying here is a choice. Being born in Australia, we are familiar with a certain group of europeans who constantly whine about Oz, and how great it is "back home".

The oppinion in oz is "if its so great back home, then go home !"

Sure I have my oppinions and thoughts about Tax-sin, but the Thai's voted him in so who am I as a non-Thai to say whether he should be in or out ?

Edited by skippybangkok
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Khunying Sudarat has demanded Mrs. Uraiwan to clarify the cause of her resignation

Deputy Thai Rak Thai Party, KHUNYING SUDARAT KEYURAPHAN (คุณหญิง สุดารัตน์ เกยุราพันธุ์), said that she would like to hear Mrs. URAIWAN THIENTHONG's (อุไรวรรณ เทียนทอง) clarification regarding her resignation as the Culture Minister. Khunying Sudarat said she was surprised to Mrs Uraiwan's resignation as she is diligent person working and representing the Ministry of Culture.

She said that she has not been told about Mrs. URAIWAN’s tendering her resignation from her position. Reports elleged that Mrs Uraiwan's resignation is connected to the movements of the WANG NAM YEN faction.

However, she has demanded Mrs. URAIWAN to clarify the cause of her resignation.

You want a reason, Sudarat???

Here you go:

from the Post:

"A politician must have morals."

now then, Sudarat... you know.

and now, since you surely realize you fall short of that criteria, so you should go, too... as well Thaksin... right?

Deputy Surakiart indicated he did not know the reason for Mrs. Uraiwan's resignation

Deputy Prime Minister Surakiart Sathirathai (สุรเกียรติ เสถียรไทย) indicated that he did not know the reason for the resignation of former Culture Minister Uraiwan Thienthong (อุไรวรรณ เทียนทอง). However, he did not believe the Cabinet's budget adjustment to promote cultural values was the reason that led to her decision to resign.

*sigh*... "Surakiart, you inattentive Prathom 2 schoolboy. You are too easily distracted. We covered this lesson yesterday!"

"For not paying attention, you must turn in your Social Studies assignment a day early now. You do remember what the homework was, don't you?"

"Sorry, Mr. John... I forgot."

"Sudarat, do you?"

"Yes, Mr. John... It was to write a resignation letter. I'm almost finished with mine. It should be done tomorrow."

"Very good, Sudarat. Now, Surakiart, I'll be expecting yours later today. And next time, PAY ATTENTION!"

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We not forced to stay here and pay our taxes, staying here is a choice. Being born in Australia, we are familiar with a certain group of europeans who constantly whine about Oz, and how great it is "back home".

The oppinion in oz is "if its so great back home, then go home !"

Sure I have my oppinions and thoughts about Tax-sin, but the Thai's voted him in so who am I as a non-Thai to say whether he should be in or out ?

davethailand Yesterday, 2006-02-03 00:24:48 Post #22
QUOTE(skippybangkok @ 2006-02-03 00:02:18)

Fraud ? Jail them, ....nah. Hopefully he will return where he belongs. There are too many of that kind out here, we can do without them.

What a stupid comment :o

Ditto on his latest comment, Dave :D

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Khunying Sudarat has demanded Mrs. Uraiwan to clarify the cause of her resignation

Deputy Thai Rak Thai Party, KHUNYING SUDARAT KEYURAPHAN (คุณหญิง สุดารัตน์ เกยุราพันธุ์), said that she would like to hear Mrs. URAIWAN THIENTHONG's (อุไรวรรณ เทียนทอง) clarification regarding her resignation as the Culture Minister. Khunying Sudarat said she was surprised to Mrs Uraiwan's resignation as she is diligent person working and representing the Ministry of Culture.

She said that she has not been told about Mrs. URAIWAN’s tendering her resignation from her position. Reports elleged that Mrs Uraiwan's resignation is connected to the movements of the WANG NAM YEN faction.

However, she has demanded Mrs. URAIWAN to clarify the cause of her resignation.

You want a reason, Sudarat???

Here you go:

from the Post:

"A politician must have morals."

now then, Sudarat... you know.

and now, since you surely realize you fall short of that criteria, so you should go, too... as well Thaksin... right?

Deputy Surakiart indicated he did not know the reason for Mrs. Uraiwan's resignation

Deputy Prime Minister Surakiart Sathirathai (สุรเกียรติ เสถียรไทย) indicated that he did not know the reason for the resignation of former Culture Minister Uraiwan Thienthong (อุไรวรรณ เทียนทอง). However, he did not believe the Cabinet's budget adjustment to promote cultural values was the reason that led to her decision to resign.

*sigh*... "Surakiart, you inattentive Prathom 2 schoolboy. You are too easily distracted. We covered this lesson yesterday!"

"For not paying attention, you must turn in your Social Studies assignment a day early now. You do remember what the homework was, don't you?"

"Sorry, Mr. John... I forgot."

"Sudarat, do you?"

"Yes, Mr. John... It was to write a resignation letter. I'm almost finished with mine. It should be done tomorrow."

"Very good, Sudarat. Now, Surakiart, I'll be expecting yours later today. And next time, PAY ATTENTION!"

Careful there, young Surakiart may instictively think you are asking for a bribe! :o

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Guys, PLEASE do limit this massive overuse of quotes, already mentioned by Bufo. It is not needed nor wanted. Yes sometimes a short quote can be useful, but make it just that; SHORT and to the point. Some posters put 2km of qutes, followed by yes, wait for it...: NOTHING. Now back to the topic at hand, which I for now shall refrain to comment on, there are already too many experts on the stage.

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Rats and sinking ships ? :o

You took the words right out of my mouth, Doc. ! ! !

Let's just hope we're right, hey ?!


Khunying Sudarat has demanded Mrs. Uraiwan to clarify the cause of her resignation

Deputy Thai Rak Thai Party, KHUNYING SUDARAT KEYURAPHAN (คุณหญิง สุดารัตน์ เกยุราพันธุ์), said that she would like to hear Mrs. URAIWAN THIENTHONG's (อุไรวรรณ เทียนทอง) clarification regarding her resignation as the Culture Minister. Khunying Sudarat said she was surprised to Mrs Uraiwan's resignation as she is diligent person working and representing the Ministry of Culture.

She said that she has not been told about Mrs. URAIWAN’s tendering her resignation from her position. Reports elleged that Mrs Uraiwan's resignation is connected to the movements of the WANG NAM YEN faction.

However, she has demanded Mrs. URAIWAN to clarify the cause of her resignation.

You want a reason, Sudarat???

Here you go:

from the Post:

"A politician must have morals."

now then, Sudarat... you know.

and now, since you surely realize you fall short of that criteria, so you should go, too... as well Thaksin... right?

Hear, Hear, Hear ! ! ! !

Take heart, people; common sense will always prevail (eventually !).

Right on; Sriracha-John ! !

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Why is it that those who are not Thai nationals but who live and maybe work in Thailand

have to poke their noses into Thailands political affairs?

We are guests in this country and most of us are uninvited guests. We should show respect

for our hosts, it's their country and they must govern the way they see fit.

If you do not like the system GO HOME Thailand does not need you.



"Breconman" maybe you're just discharging your Verbal Diarrhea to get a stirr out of people, but really; if you would have any real economics-information about this great Kingdom, you would come to realize that IF all Farang, who are part of the work-force in Thailand, would leave tomorrow morning, this country would be up the proverbial sh-t-creek, without a paddle ! ! !

Having said that; I believe that if YOU went home, the avarage IQ in Thailand and wherever the hel_l it is you hail from, would both markedly and simultaneously increase . . . . . . . . . . .

Perhaps you ought to change you "handle" (if one can call it that) to "Baconman", because you're obviously as thick as a pig, mate !

Have a pleasant journey home, okay ?

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Sounds like sour grapes. The editor as well!

Who would you like to run the country; a person that can amass a fortune or someone crying poor mouth.

Its up to the laws to govern the land; people make the laws. If they are no good change them.

I am a little envouis of someone making so much money, but then again I know the sacrifices it takes to make money. Very hard job.

The only crime the Prime Minister has commited is that he entered politics when he may never had to. I take my hat off to the man.



Wauw; I didn't know we had chidren on this particular forum . . . . . . Okay Christian; if you can just put your little toys down, Uncle will explain a few facts of life to you, okay ?

The first thing "man" of certain allures require is "money". Once they've made a lot of this stuff, then the next "kick" they can think of, would be "power". Of course this attitude does not axiomatically infer that these kinds of people have the true grit which it takes . . . . see here: Taksin ! A winner in terms of making lots of dough (although it must be said that he did not mind going over bodies to acquire his fortune ! ! !) but a real LOSER when it comes to Democratic Based Governement !

Stick that in your little toy-pipe and smoke it. But be careful: don;t smoke, while you're busy "tipping-your-hat" to despotes, okay ?

Good boy !

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Sounds like sour grapes. The editor as well!

Who would you like to run the country; a person that can amass a fortune or someone crying poor mouth.

Its up to the laws to govern the land; people make the laws. If they are no good change them.

I am a little envouis of someone making so much money, but then again I know the sacrifices it takes to make money. Very hard job.

The only crime the Prime Minister has commited is that he entered politics when he may never had to. I take my hat off to the man.



Wauw; I didn't know we had chidren on this particular forum . . . . . . Okay Christian; if you can just put your little toys down, Uncle will explain a few facts of life to you, okay ?

The first thing "man" of certain allures require is "money". Once they've made a lot of this stuff, then the next "kick" they can think of, would be "power". Of course this attitude does not axiomatically infer that these kinds of people have the true grit which it takes . . . . see here: Taksin ! A winner in terms of making lots of dough (although it must be said that he did not mind going over bodies to acquire his fortune ! ! !) but a real LOSER when it comes to Democratic Based Governement !

Stick that in your little toy-pipe and smoke it. But be careful: don;t smoke, while you're busy "tipping-your-hat" to despotes, okay ?

Good boy !

I dont think u can see the wood for the trees, mate.

U r in need of some serious counselling; try ringing Ray Hadely at 2GB in Australia, he might be able to help u to take the blinkers off.

Someone makes money I do not cry sour grapes. Maybe u just didnt see it before but the best way for the upper class here is to make capital gains tax free is the stock market. Maybe u just realise this and upset u invest in business that not make as much money; which make u cranky P"""k.

Have a nice day and dont take any more of the yellow tablets. :D

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Two caretaker ministers will be assigned

Published on Feb 06 , 2006

Government Spokesman Surapong Suebwonglee said the Cabient on Tuesday will formally assign two deputy prime ministers as caretaker culture minister and information and communication technology minister.

He said Deputy Prime Minister Surakiart Sathirathai will be assigned as caretaker culture minister while Suchai Charoenratanakul will become caretaker ICT minister.

Two members of Wang Nam Yen faction, Uraiwan Thienthong and Sora-at Klinpratoom, last week resigned as culture minister and ICT minister respectively.

- The Nation

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We not forced to stay here and pay our taxes, staying here is a choice. Being born in Australia, we are familiar with a certain group of europeans who constantly whine about Oz, and how great it is "back home".

The oppinion in oz is "if its so great back home, then go home !"

Sure I have my oppinions and thoughts about Tax-sin, but the Thai's voted him in so who am I as a non-Thai to say whether he should be in or out ?

Man, like you said, "if you don't like here then don't come".

The Thais voted him, but they realized they've made a big mistake, good for Thai people, intelligent people are trying to ammend what they did wrong in the first place, and we should support them, letting them know that foreigners are on their side.

Did you know that the tax for a car is 300% including pick-up truck (Thaksin said they are not working vehicles anymore, they're family vehicles), what about the working guy that wants to buy a car, a car is his dream, and Thaksin is cutting it, I don't mind to pay high taxes for a luxurious car, but let's think about normal people, with normal needs like take their kids to school, should't a basic vehicle pay less taxes.

I'm here to speak, like I said before this is my country now, and I'm not comparing with my country, I talking about common sense and corruption, I love this country and I want to see it grow for me and all the Thais, and with Thaksin I don't see that happening.

BTW, anyone have seen Breconman???

PS: We're posting here because we care about Thailand and Thai people, if you don't care, then maybe you should be the one to go home!, Nothing personal... my position would be the same sitting with you and a beer.

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Two caretaker ministers will be assigned

Government Spokesman Surapong Suebwonglee said the Cabient on Tuesday will formally assign two deputy prime ministers as caretaker culture minister and information and communication technology minister.

- The Nation

Hub of caretaker-ministers.

Would the last minister, to leave the cabinet, please turn out the lights ? :o

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