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Uk Man Jailed For Wearing "kill A Cop 4 Fun" T-Shirt


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Utter dick....but 4 months for a moronic tshirt. Makes the UK look like Putin's Russia.

Often the best way to deal with brain-dead gits is to let them make fools of themselves , a skill they often excel at.

Nah, he'll only do a couple of months - I would say thats just about right in the circumstances - he isn't a kid and doesn't have mental issues.

he SHOULD be allowed to say whatever he wants to say!!!

how many people (in a debate, or on chat shows, or TV) say: "I hope that rapist gets executed", or some kind of pro-nazi (jew killing) comment.

do these people end up in Jail for inciting murder? NO!!

people are allowed to say what they want!

so should the writers of Southpark go to jail??? they do pretty much everything that is possibly bad!!!

but they DONT go to jail!

i think its disgusting how the Police always protect their own! they go to the end of the earth to "look after themselves" (like a maffia family), but they never show such commitment when it comes to 'non-connected' people.

yes, the guty is silly for doing such a thing. but he should NOT be in jail for it. even for a few hours. NO.

if you know speakers corner in london (hyde park) you will hear this kind of talk all day long!!!

how about jailing the editors of all newspapers when they WISH or incite that terrorists are caught and killed.

You are confused. The sentiments written on the man's T shirt were akin to the sort of things preached by the muslim cleric recently extradited to the USA. That is preaching (in the case of the T shirt, advocating) killing of UK citizens. How else do you interpret "One less pig; perfect justice" on the front and "kill a cop 4 fun.com ha,haaa?" It is incitement to murder and should not be tolerated. The example above of newspaper editors is just plain wrong. I have never heard of a newspaper editor inciting readers to murder or inciting police officers to "kill" terrorists. Advocating that terrorists should be executed after they have been found guilty is something most of us would agree with, and does not amount to incitement to commit a crime.

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This 'jerk' shouldn't be able to hide behind laws made for decent people. It is good that some of his previous misdeeds could be used to 'try' to teach him a lesson. I still doubt that he will learn.

How insensitive of him when so many decent people were grieving - Rightfully deserves more punishment than he got.

Four months in jail for being 'insensitive' seems a little harsh to me.

I didn't realise not being a decent person (or being a jerk) was a jail-able offense.

Glad I don't live in the UK, dreading going back for a week.

Perhaps you have missed the point. sad.png
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Utter dick....but 4 months for a moronic tshirt. Makes the UK look like Putin's Russia.

Often the best way to deal with brain-dead gits is to let them make fools of themselves , a skill they often excel at.

Nah, he'll only do a couple of months - I would say thats just about right in the circumstances - he isn't a kid and doesn't have mental issues.

I beg to differ.

Yes, certainly not a child, but....

I think someone who does this has mental problems

Not the behaviour of any "normal" mind

do you think his previous conviction has any bearing on this later behaviour ?

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There are two issues here, freedom of speech and Incitement

Should he be allowed to make such comments, yes of course he should, its freedom of speech, however repulsive it may be. Its is his opinion however warped it maybe.

Should he be allowed to incite violence, which is not covered by Freedom of Speech, no he should not.

So the question to be asked is did his T-Shirt try to get others to commit an act of violence, in this case against the police. It is not whether this statement causes irrational behaviour in others but whether it it provokes people to commit violence.

In my opinion it does and as such the jail sentence was correct.

Edited by Scott
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Utter dick....but 4 months for a moronic tshirt. Makes the UK look like Putin's Russia.

Often the best way to deal with brain-dead gits is to let them make fools of themselves , a skill they often excel at.

Nah, he'll only do a couple of months - I would say thats just about right in the circumstances - he isn't a kid and doesn't have mental issues.

I beg to differ.

Yes, certainly not a child, but....

I think someone who does this has mental problems

Not the behaviour of any "normal" mind

do you think his previous conviction has any bearing on this later behaviour ?

If he was naughty before and warned if he is naughty again then he will have three square meals a day, then so be it. Remember, IF, he made a racial comment then he would be in trouble again.

ME, would like to beat the shit out of him cos the guy is the lowest form of DNA of our country.

OK, OK, every country has it's lowlife, BUT, draw a line. The line WAS drawn in this case.

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Ask a school if the kids there can make christmas cards in Barking see what happens, why your at it ask where the christmas trees are.

Barking Schools? Do you mean Dagenham schoolboy wins Barking MP’s Christmas card competition

Arry Berry’s card, featuring a snowman on a podium and the Olympic rings, was chosen from thousands of entries as the winner of Barking MP Margaret Hodge’s annual Christmas card contest.......Arry, a pupil at Roding Primary School, Hewett Road, was presented with a bicycle at the official prize-giving ceremony on Friday at Barking Town Hall. The three schools which sent in the largest number of designs were given an equal share of £1,200 in prize money.....Kerry Shipley, from Thames View Junior, Bastable Avenue, Barking; Martin Nicholson from Grafton Junior, Grafton Road, Dagenham; and Hugh Godfrey from Monteagle Primary, Burnham Road, Dagenham, accepted the money on behalf of their schools.
This was in December 2011.

N.B. For those whose geography isn't up to it, Barking and Dagenham are both part of the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham!

Where are the Christmas trees? Well, it is still only October! I suspect that the Christmas tree farm down the road from me will, as usual, open for sales on the 1st December.

Even if you are as well traveled as you claim, you do seem to be under the delusion that the UK is subject to USA decisions on the naming of Christmas trees!

You have made outlandish claims with no evidence; indeed the evidence shows these claims to be nonsense. You should either provide sources to back up your assertions or withdraw them.

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Fair justice, if some police officer had grabbed him pushed him down some alley and kick 7 bells out the scum bag, the police officer would have lost his job, probably ended up in court and even prison, the police would have lost a good officer who was well trained at considerable expense to tax payers.

What this is about is a S#!t who ambushed two unarmed women police officers with a hand grenade and executed them in cold blood, and that scum bag tried to glorify him.

In a nut shell.

Sure there are many here that would willingly ''educate'' the guy in the error of his ways. thumbsup.gif

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Utter dick....but 4 months for a moronic tshirt. Makes the UK look like Putin's Russia.

Often the best way to deal with brain-dead gits is to let them make fools of themselves , a skill they often excel at.

Nah, he'll only do a couple of months - I would say thats just about right in the circumstances - he isn't a kid and doesn't have mental issues.

I beg to differ.

Yes, certainly not a child, but....

I think someone who does this has mental problems

Not the behaviour of any "normal" mind

do you think his previous conviction has any bearing on this later behaviour ?

He's 39, with a string of convictions. the slogans on the shirt were incredibly offensive and IMO disgraceful.

I think this guy is one of the bad apples and, given the circumstances, a custodial sentence of 4 months is not excessive.

The UK police aren't perfect and have been heavily criticised for institutional racism in recent years following the Stephen Lawrence murder, and are coming in for a slating now that J.Savile's alleged offences are coming out, BUT I maintain the vast majority of them are decent public servants and should be protected from this type of crass and inhumane behaviour.

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There are two issues here, freedom of speech and Incitement

Should he be allowed to make such comments, yes of course he should, its freedom of speech, however repulsive it may be. Its is his opinion however warped it maybe.

Should he be allowed to incite violence, which is not covered by Freedom of Speech, no he should not.

So the question to be asked is did his T-Shirt try to get others to commit an act of violence, in this case against the police. It is not whether this statement causes irrational behaviour in others but whether it it provokes people to commit violence.

In my opinion it does and as such the jail sentence was correct.

I don't quite agree with your freedom of speech argument, in this particular case.

Personally speaking, I am as fed-up hearing people use derogatory words such as 'pig' to describe police officers, as I am hearing phrases such as 'nigger', 'chink' and 'paki' banded about. I'm almost 50 and I thought we'd done away with this type of hateful language a long time ago - guess I was wrong sad.png.

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So hate speech is illegal in the UK? How do Religious leaders then get away with calling for the death of people of another religion, of the destruction of that religions country. How can they say that the leaders of the country they are living in should be killed also and the people living there should be converted or become 2nd class citizens with special taxes placed on them. How can the call for the deaths of citizens of other counytries not under the sway of their religion. Sounds pretty hateful to. Yet this moron wears a shirt and gets 4 months in the jail for a hate crime. Pretty selective usage of the law

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So hate speech is illegal in the UK? How do Religious leaders then get away with calling for the death of people of another religion, of the destruction of that religions country. How can they say that the leaders of the country they are living in should be killed also and the people living there should be converted or become 2nd class citizens with special taxes placed on them. How can the call for the deaths of citizens of other counytries not under the sway of their religion. Sounds pretty hateful to. Yet this moron wears a shirt and gets 4 months in the jail for a hate crime. Pretty selective usage of the law

He has other stuff backed up. rolleyes.gif
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1) What a total prat. No brain, clearly.

2) What a ridiculous perversion of justice to convict this guy for being a prat. What, do we now ban the Obama 9-11 T-shirts, offensive rock band T-shirts, etc?

3) In fact, this guy is in jail for two reasons - (i) he got caught in the past with some pot and (ii) he's a prat. What a dangerous man to society.

He certainly has the makings of one!

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The UK police aren't perfect and have been heavily criticised for institutional racism in recent years following the Stephen Lawrence murder, and are coming in for a slating now that J.Savile's alleged offences are coming out, BUT I maintain the vast majority of them are decent public servants and should be protected from this type of crass and inhumane behaviour.

My personal experiences with the UK police force demonstrated to me that the vast majority appeared to be corrupt. Good to hear your personal experiences were the opposite to mine.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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This would not be news 50 years ago whistling.gif slap on the head and off home with yar lad clap2.gif or i tell your dad w00t.gif


50 years ago he would have "fallen" down the staircase on his way to the cells and then be released the next morning with a stern warning from the Desk Sergeant.

Remember "Harry Roberts is our friend, he kills coppers" (to the tune of London Bridge is Falling Down). I don't remember anyone seeing the inside of a courtroom over that football chant.

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The UK police aren't perfect and have been heavily criticised for institutional racism in recent years following the Stephen Lawrence murder, and are coming in for a slating now that J.Savile's alleged offences are coming out, BUT I maintain the vast majority of them are decent public servants and should be protected from this type of crass and inhumane behaviour.

My personal experiences with the UK police force demonstrated to me that the vast majority appeared to be corrupt. Good to hear your personal experiences were the opposite to mine.

So you were a choir boy and the UK BiB stitched you up eh. cheesy.gif
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Utter dick....but 4 months for a moronic tshirt. Makes the UK look like Putin's Russia.

Often the best way to deal with brain-dead gits is to let them make fools of themselves , a skill they often excel at.

The UK is indeed rapidly resembling a police state, freedom of expression, however unpalatable is what protects the people against a drift towards totalitarianism.

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So hate speech is illegal in the UK? How do Religious leaders then get away with calling for the death of people of another religion, of the destruction of that religions country. How can they say that the leaders of the country they are living in should be killed also and the people living there should be converted or become 2nd class citizens with special taxes placed on them. How can the call for the deaths of citizens of other counytries not under the sway of their religion. Sounds pretty hateful to. Yet this moron wears a shirt and gets 4 months in the jail for a hate crime. Pretty selective usage of the law

What you describe is illegal and covered by several statutes. People have been prosecuted and gaoled for it; Abu Hamza, for example

On 26 August 2004, Hamza was arrested by British police under section 41 of the Terrorism Act 2000 which covers the instigation of acts of terrorism. Charges against him were dropped on 31 August 2004, but he was kept in jail whilst a U.S. extradition case was developed and British authorities drew up further criminal charges of their own.[23] Almost two months later, on 19 October 2004, Hamza was charged with 15 offences under the provisions of various British statutes, including encouraging the murder of non-Muslims, and intent to stir up racial hatred.[24] The trial commenced on 5 July 2005, but was adjourned, and not resumed until 9 January 2006. On 7 February 2006, he was found guilty on eleven charges and not guilty on four:

  • Guilty of six charges of soliciting murder under the Offences against the Person Act 1861; not guilty on three further such charges.
  • Guilty of three charges related to "using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour with intent to stir up racial hatred, [contrary to section 18 (1) of the Public Order Act 1986]",[25] not guilty on one further such charge.
  • Guilty of one charge of "possession of threatening, abusive or insulting recordings of sound, with intent to stir up racial hatred [contrary to section 23 of the Public Order Act 1986]".[25]
  • Guilty of one charge of "possessing a document containing information likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism"[25] under the Terrorism Act 2000, s58. This charge under the Terrorism Act of 2000 related to his possession of an Encyclopedia of Afghan Jihad, an Al Qaeda Handbook and other propaganda materials produced by Abu Hamza.[26]

In sentencing, Mr Justice Hughes said Hamza had "helped to create an atmosphere in which to kill has become regarded by some as not only a legitimate course but a moral and religious duty in pursuit of perceived justice."[27] Abu Hamza was sentenced to seven years' imprisonment.


Although there are those here who feel that he, and those like him of any race or creed, should be allowed to say what they wish.

The UK is indeed rapidly resembling a police state, freedom of expression, however unpalatable is what protects the people against a drift towards totalitarianism.

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Utter dick....but 4 months for a moronic tshirt. Makes the UK look like Putin's Russia.

Often the best way to deal with brain-dead gits is to let them make fools of themselves , a skill they often excel at.

Nah, he'll only do a couple of months - I would say thats just about right in the circumstances - he isn't a kid and doesn't have mental issues.

Are you sure?

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Utter dick....but 4 months for a moronic tshirt. Makes the UK look like Putin's Russia.

Often the best way to deal with brain-dead gits is to let them make fools of themselves , a skill they often excel at.

The UK is indeed rapidly resembling a police state, freedom of exp<b></b>ression, however unpalatable is what protects the people against a drift towards totalitarianism.

While I agree with your sentiments re freedom of speech, describing the UK as "rapidly resembling a police state" is either pure exaggeration or displays a comprehensive ignorance about the country. The usual criticism is that the police are not doing enough.

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A readers comment lifted from the Huffinton Post http://www.huffingto...?utm_hp_ref=uk

The problem is that this gentleman has issues with the police in Manchester; he has probably been asked to obey the law? The t-shirt is distasteful but symptomatic of his level of intelligence and moral decency. He wouldn't be alive if the word pig was replaced with "Jew" or "Muslim" for example. People like this think they are clever and funny, unfortunately society hasn't bothered for years to inform them of the truth. In the end prison was the only option available to the judge to placate the general populous, which is why we need the stocks bringing back to keep prison available to real criminals & not d*ckheads.

I could not agree more...

Edited by Basil B
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For example take the Non offensive ( to the masses in UK) Christmas tree banned from being labelled as such, now a holiday or festive tree as some (read minorities) found it offensive.

You have posted some &lt;deleted&gt; in this topic, but the above takes the biscuit!

The word Christmas and Christmas tree have never been banned by anyone in the UK.

However it won't change the fact it sets a dangerous precedent on censorship had the jailing been based purely on his T-shirt

And if my Auntie had testicles she'd be my uncle.

But she hasn't, and it wasn't, so your whole ridiculous argument is built on sand..

I beg to differ here. several councils have banned the use of the term Christmas in case it offends other religions and they refer to this period as winter festival. Also the banning of giving out Xmas cards in local authority offices and workplaces has also been enforced as has the banning of putting up Xmas decorations.

You obviously have no experience of just how politically correct the UK is today.

Rather than built on sand his argument is built on a rock steady, concrete foundation of fact !

You have been reading too much of the Sun and Daily Mail,whatever has been reported,in these two rags is a wind up for the gullible,go to the UK for Christmas,and have a look around,nobody is without Christmas Decorations, and Towns and Villages and indeed Cities put on a Great show,and Politically Correct people,can go to Churches and hear the Traditional Celebrations and Hymns,if they want, or preferably stay at home and talk BS,Like you just have.

And incidently the Union Jack has reportedly been in the process of being banned in Public Places,you should have been in the UK for the Olympics and seen the 10s of Millions of Union Jacks on display.

Contrary to the wishes of some nere do wells, Doommongers, Minority Groups,and Verbal Anarchists, the UK is still alive and kicking.

Edited by MAJIC
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As for my geography it's pretty good based on extensive travel.The same travelling experience has given me the same views /Opinions that some have described as &lt;deleted&gt; or idiotic.Still I have met small minded opinionated defensive types the world over so why should a Forum be any different. tongue.png

Any how back to subject, the Op Title reads "UK man jailed for wearing kill a cop t-shirt" Not Repeat offender with countless previous convictions, wears an offensive cop killing t-shirt and finally gets a sentence as Judge has had enough .

Ask a school if the kids there can make christmas cards in Barking see what happens, why your at it ask where the christmas trees are.

And will the evidence be along shortly???

Foot note: Rag Newspaper articles,are not acceptable evidence.

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Utter dick....but 4 months for a moronic tshirt. Makes the UK look like Putin's Russia.

Often the best way to deal with brain-dead gits is to let them make fools of themselves , a skill they often excel at.

Nah, he'll only do a couple of months - I would say thats just about right in the circumstances - he isn't a kid and doesn't have mental issues.

I beg to differ.

Yes, certainly not a child, but....

I think someone who does this has mental problems

Not the behaviour of any "normal" mind

do you think his previous conviction has any bearing on this later behaviour ?

Why should it if he was proven guilty of a crime? Sour grapes or what?

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Seems many on here treat google as gospel,and a way to beat others down and feel better about themselves...well done.

Some of us here research the facts before posting and therefore have evidence to back up our arguments.

Others just post their prejudices and ignore the facts.

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So hate speech is illegal in the UK? How do Religious leaders then get away with calling for the death of people of another religion, of the destruction of that religions country. How can they say that the leaders of the country they are living in should be killed also and the people living there should be converted or become 2nd class citizens with special taxes placed on them. How can the call for the deaths of citizens of other counytries not under the sway of their religion. Sounds pretty hateful to. Yet this moron wears a shirt and gets 4 months in the jail for a hate crime. Pretty selective usage of the law

What you describe is illegal and covered by several statutes. People have been prosecuted and gaoled for it; Abu Hamza, for example

On 26 August 2004, Hamza was arrested by British police under section 41 of the Terrorism Act 2000 which covers the instigation of acts of terrorism. Charges against him were dropped on 31 August 2004, but he was kept in jail whilst a U.S. extradition case was developed and British authorities drew up further criminal charges of their own.[23] Almost two months later, on 19 October 2004, Hamza was charged with 15 offences under the provisions of various British statutes, including encouraging the murder of non-Muslims, and intent to stir up racial hatred.[24] The trial commenced on 5 July 2005, but was adjourned, and not resumed until 9 January 2006. On 7 February 2006, he was found guilty on eleven charges and not guilty on four:

  • Guilty of six charges of soliciting murder under the Offences against the Person Act 1861; not guilty on three further such charges.
  • Guilty of three charges related to "using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour with intent to stir up racial hatred, [contrary to section 18 (1) of the Public Order Act 1986]",[25] not guilty on one further such charge.
  • Guilty of one charge of "possession of threatening, abusive or insulting recordings of sound, with intent to stir up racial hatred [contrary to section 23 of the Public Order Act 1986]".[25]
  • Guilty of one charge of "possessing a document containing information likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism"[25] under the Terrorism Act 2000, s58. This charge under the Terrorism Act of 2000 related to his possession of an Encyclopedia of Afghan Jihad, an Al Qaeda Handbook and other propaganda materials produced by Abu Hamza.[26]

In sentencing, Mr Justice Hughes said Hamza had "helped to create an atmosphere in which to kill has become regarded by some as not only a legitimate course but a moral and religious duty in pursuit of perceived justice."[27] Abu Hamza was sentenced to seven years' imprisonment.


Although there are those here who feel that he, and those like him of any race or creed, should be allowed to say what they wish.

The UK is indeed rapidly resembling a police state, freedom of expression, however unpalatable is what protects the people against a drift towards totalitarianism.

As of last week Abu Hamza has been Extradited to the USA to face further charges of Terrorism,and 5 others,are also expected to be Extradited,with similar charges pending.

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