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Headache, Sore Throat And Aches...but Too Lazy To Go To The Hossie/docs


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I've felt pretty crap for about 2 days - symptoms as above plus night sweats last night.

I had Dengue fever about 2 months ago and the feeling is similar, except no rash.

I'm one of those who prefers to tough it out, hoping for a viral infection instead of something more serious ( even though they can be... )

I feel drained and then have a 2 hour kip - wake up feeling good. And then an hour later feel crap again.

From my experience in the Hospital/Doctors they will give me a load of pills possibly a painful injection and send me on my way.

Does anyone have the same opinion as me , also has anyone felt this way and believe I am being dumb by trying to get rid myself?

I'm taking lots of liquids but find it hard to eat as my throat hurts.

Edited by chonabot
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Update - the day before I started to feel this way we visited the Local Hotel swimming pool.

The chlorine/ph levels are way out and I swallowed a little bit of water by accident - the sore throat I have now is very similar to that incident.

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No idea what is wrong with you as I'm not a doctor but...

Drink hot water with lemon and honey to soothe your sore throat. Avoid dairy as it makes your body produce more mucus. Take paracetamol for fever and achey body. Try to eat lots of ginger and garlic, they're good for your immune system!

Get some rest. ;)

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Thanks Phuturatica smile.png

I've just come back from the hospital and apparently I have Flu sad.png

Ohno! That's rubbish! Where abouts are you based?! The flu was doing the rounds here in Bangkok late September time. I was shot down for a whole week with it. I caught it off my students. :(

I second everything I said in my first post. There is nothing you can really do for the Flu except nurture the aches and pains and rest until you feel better.

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Redoxan (Vit C + zinc) is very helpful although more so if taken at the very start of symptoms.

Zinc throat lozenges, if you can find them, also very good -- I have sometimes seen them in the pharmacy section of Tesco Lotus

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Thanks Phuturatica smile.png

I've just come back from the hospital and apparently I have Flu sad.png

Ohno! That's rubbish! Where abouts are you based?! The flu was doing the rounds here in Bangkok late September time. I was shot down for a whole week with it. I caught it off my students. sad.png

I second everything I said in my first post. There is nothing you can really do for the Flu except nurture the aches and pains and rest until you feel better.

I'm in Kalasin, kind of lucky it's the half term and hopefully I'll be ok by the end of the week wai.gif

I have an unbelievable amount of tablets to take - they gave me a painkilling shot that made me feel great...and then it wore off hehe.

Thanks for the advice again thumbsup.gif

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