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I tend to drink a bottle of decent red wine 4 times a month - hardly ever drink beer and never spirits.

I recently went a month without and had no issues except feeling a bit bored whilst the mrs was watching Thai soaps.

It made me realise that I need to resurrect a few of my many hobbies - ones not centred around booze.

I'm 47 and have probably drank this amount for the last 15 years - from 20 - 32 I was pretty fit and drank very little.

I used to look over old photos of me and notice there was glass in my hand pretty often...lol

Should I have a scan to see if the red stuff has affected my liver?

Cheers in advance :)

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To clarify, are you drinking the bottle of wine at one sitting or over the span of the week? It doesn't sound like a lot but I'm not a medical professional...... Hopefully, Sheryl will be along soon. No harm in getting a checkup, especially if you decide to make exercising one of your hobbies.

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A bottle of wine a week, whether over the week or at one sitting is nothing. Christ, ask Frenchman! Nothing wrong with 2 or three glasses of wine in the evening. Those Thai soaps will drive a sane man to drinking. But, if you find yourself with nothing to do during the day, yeah, you need to find something.

I'm getting ready to start building a house. It will have a lot of cabinets and built-ins. I will build all those myself and think it may take 2 or 3 years to finish it all. There are trees to trim, weeds to spray, gardens to plant, weeds to spray and things to fix! So much to do, so little time! If you have nothing to do, come see me; I'll put you to work!

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One bottle of wine a week doesn't sound like much, but everyone has different liver tolerance levels, and as you say, you may have contributed to liver damage by your past drinking, although this sounds unlikely.

In another thread, you mentioned that you have been feeling quite under the weather lately, so why don't you go and have a thorough health check-up and as part of that, have a full round of blood tests which will tell you if you have any liver abnormalities, as a first step.

As far as hobbies etc are concerned, it is so difficult to make suggestions without knowing more about you and the kind of things that interest you. There is certainly much you can do, either cerebral (computer related, creative writing etc), or more active , such as sports, fitness, diy, etc, but only you know the kind of things may be right for for you.

However, you admit to a certain degree of boredom while you wife is watching her Thai soaps, so why don't you start to download TV programmes from the UK and USA on your computer and watch them on your pc or another TV while your wife is watching her soaps. There is so much stuff available these days, and much of it very current.

Good luck.

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I wouldn't worry about it as it is way under what is usually considered a "recommended" daily allowance, for want of better terminology!

Personally, I have drunk 3/4 to 1 full bottle of red wine every evening for almost 40 years and then go out about three nights a week to enjoy other drinks on the town. I don't drink during the day and I do have a full medical at least once a year to check on general health etc and the liver seems fine, just a little fatty perhaps, but then at 65 years of age, only to be expected.

I remember once doing a vineyard trip in France and standing in the cellar of a very good producer in Beaune, tasting some of his wine, when in strode a rather portly, ruddy faced older gentleman wearing a traditional beret and what looked like overalls. He then proceeded to help himself to a glass or two and the producer introduced me to the gentleman and explained that he was his father, who was 82 years of age, still worked in the vineyards and consumed approximately 1 litre of red wine a day, and had done since he was 15!!

It gave me hope for the future.

All this is true, however I do consider my intake of red wine to be a little excessive and certainly not for everybody as our bodies seem to differ in the way that we handle alcohol.

Anyway, if you are feeling under the weather and are worried about it, no harm in getting a medical done to see how things are with you.

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I drink 5 + litres of cider in any given 17 hour waken day ,this has gone on for 20 years ...My liver is fine ,stop being a hypercondriac & have a drink on me.

That's the first time I've ever been called that...thanks for the chuckle :)

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To clarify, are you drinking the bottle of wine at one sitting or over the span of the week? It doesn't sound like a lot but I'm not a medical professional...... Hopefully, Sheryl will be along soon. No harm in getting a checkup, especially if you decide to make exercising one of your hobbies.

In one sitting/session.

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Great replies and advice - maybe my wife's concern has rubbed off on me too much - but I will definitely be seeking out some new hobbies nonetheless.

I'm having a health check done as soon this poxy flu has shifted also.

Thanks :)

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A bottle of wine a week, whether over the week or at one sitting is nothing. Christ, ask Frenchman! Nothing wrong with 2 or three glasses of wine in the evening. Those Thai soaps will drive a sane man to drinking. But, if you find yourself with nothing to do during the day, yeah, you need to find something.

I'm getting ready to start building a house. It will have a lot of cabinets and built-ins. I will build all those myself and think it may take 2 or 3 years to finish it all. There are trees to trim, weeds to spray, gardens to plant, weeds to spray and things to fix! So much to do, so little time! If you have nothing to do, come see me; I'll put you to work!

Cheers - but I teach in the day time - another reason for the need of a drink at the end of the week :)

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Do you feel any pain as if your liver is enlarged? I used to get this a lot. I was drinking two large bottles of whisky and about 5-10 beers a day for years

Crikey - you must be a teacher too :(

Nothing too painful - if I over indulged I feel a twinge or 2 the next day - but that was one of the rare times I was in Scotland visiting my folks and yes I had a few drams :)

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Just get some tests done, if they show there is no problem you can show your wife and you will not worry. If it shows something you can try to rectify it (if possible)

Both ways you win, personally i don't drink (anymore) but i dont feel a bottle of wine is a real lot. But its not a little either thik its similar to 4 or 5 big beers. That is considered binge drinking, not saying that i did not drink that much at times. The fact that others drink it or drink more does not make it nothing.

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Chon Mate....try being a Reading fanw00t.gif .....then you would probably have a serious drink problem, supporting the Spuds is a very safe option, IMHO you are probably fine, we all get times when we get a bit stressed, your trigger could be watching Thai Soaps, mine is watching Reading play.biggrin.png

Stay safe

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