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Thai Muslims Protest At Danish Embassy

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It is quite clear from some of the postings on this topic that many of you are completely misinformed about Islam & Muslims. Perhaps this is due to the poor representation or as some like to say, the Islamaphobia that is prevalent in the european media. Some of you even find it difficult to make the distinction between muslims & terrorists.

Please find below a peice that was recently printed in a UK newspaper. I am really impressed by the way the UK have handled this issue and it seems that they finally have realised that to forge a safer & unified international community, we need to re-build bridges and we ALL need to remain calm and show unconditional love for our fellow man regardless of creed or religion.

Hello all, please read this. Unfortunately all mainstream press are going with this Islamophobic tide and sometimes we need an alternative angle.

Cartoon row: the issue is racism

This is not about "freedom of speech". It's not about a "war of civilisations". It's about racism. Anyone who doubts that need look no further than the right wing Danish paper that commissioned the notorious anti-Muslim cartoons last September.

It would have us believe it was all for a noble principle of "freedom of speech". Oh, really? This is the same paper, Jyllands-Posten, which:

Campaigned in 1984 to censor an artist who produced an erotic image of Jesus.

Refused three years ago to print a cartoon because the editors said it would provoke an outcry among Christians.

No brave commitment to freedom of speech there. That was

only invoked, cynically, when the editors chose to target Muslims, not for debate about religious views, but with bigoted caricatures that imply every Muslim is a terrorist.

One rule for the majority, another for Arab, Asian and African immigrants. There's a word for that - it's called racism.

And the same scapegoating, masked by the same hypocrisy about freedom, is oozing from the other right wing papers in Europe that have leapt to give these racist images a wider circulation.

The French paper France-Soir claims it is committed to freedom of expression. But not, it seems, for Muslims.

The same paper supports the French government's ban on young Muslim women wearing headscarves in school. What's "tolerant" or "liberal" about that?

As for those who claim it is impossible to be racist against Muslims because Islam is a religion "not a race", consider the followers of the Jewish faith.

If a paper

reprinted a cartoon depicting a Jewish person in the manner of Nazi propaganda in the 1930s, every liberal paper and commentator would rightly slam the racism, rather than denouncing Jewish people and anti-­racists for being outraged.

None would say it was merely a question of debating religious views rather than being about spreading racism.

Yet in Britain, while no paper has republished the cartoons, we have not had furious editorials in the millionaire-owned press exposing the racist demonisation of Muslims.

Instead, the media is further demonising Muslims by suggesting that they don't understand "Western democracy" and press freedom.

These well paid editors could do with learning a thing or two themselves about standing up to censorship.

The lot of them have gone along with government censorship in refusing to name Nicholas Langman, an MI6 agent implicated in the illegal seizure of Pakistani immigrants in


What kind of fearless media is this that refuses to stand up to powerful secret government agencies, but berates some of the most powerless people in society?

And make no mistake, Muslim immigrants in Europe are among the most downtrodden across the continent.

In Britain they fall behind the average on every social indicator - housing, earnings, employment, education. The same is true in France, Germany, Demark and the rest of the European Union.

And since 11 September 2001 they have been systematically targeted. Anti-Muslim racism, Islamophobia, is the ideological cover for George Bush's endless "war on terror".

The US and British military refuse to even count the number of dead in Iraq. That would not be the case if they, their governments and the bulk of the media considered the lives of brown skinned Muslims in the Middle East every bit as valuable as those who have been killed in New York, Madrid and London.

They don't. "Our" names honoured, "theirs" not even recorded - racism.

The British government cannot admit that the war on Iraq and decades of Western intervention in the Middle East are the reason why Britain and the US are so hated in the region and beyond.

Instead, we are told it is something to do with Muslims themselves. And in order to prove you are a "good Muslim", not an "evil extremist", you have to sign up to Bush and Blair's campaign. Hence there are the endless loyalty tests.


Supposedly liberal commentators feel no restriction, show no signs of "self censorship", when they routinely abuse people who were born here (and who happen to be Muslim) of being insufficiently British - racism.

Government ministers sense no shame in telling one group of people what language they should speak in their own home, as if every British resident on the

Costa del Sol spoke Spanish round the kitchen table.

This "respectable" Islamophobia fuels the violent racist attacks of the Nazi British National Party (BNP), which exploits the general anti-Muslim climate and whose leader, a Holocaust denier, walks away from a court case over incitement to racial hatred.

And when those on the receiving end of all this speak out and protest, they are demonised again.


The cameras seek out those images that will confirm the provocative stereotypes that people are objecting to in the first place.

It's like kicking someone repeatedly and then, when they hit back, saying, "Look, I told you they were violent."

And the overall effect goes beyond Muslim people who are targeted. For if those responsible for wars, exploitation here and across the globe, and the destruction of our civil liberties succeed in scapegoating Muslims, we

will all suffer - Muslim or not.

Racism has always meant divide and rule. It has always been undermined by unity of working people against the common enemy we all face.

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It is quite clear from some of the postings on this topic that many of you are completely misinformed about Islam & Muslims. Perhaps this is due to the poor representation or as some like to say, the Islamaphobia that is prevalent in the european media. Some of you even find it difficult to make the distinction between muslims & terrorists.

Please find below a peice that was recently printed in a UK newspaper. I am really impressed by the way the UK have handled this issue and it seems that they finally have realised that to forge a safer & unified international community, we need to re-build bridges and we ALL need to remain calm and show unconditional love for our fellow man regardless of creed or religion.

Hello all, please read this. Unfortunately all mainstream press are going with this Islamophobic tide and sometimes we need an alternative angle.

Cartoon row: the issue is racism

This is not about "freedom of speech". It's not about a "war of civilisations". It's about racism. Anyone who doubts that need look no further than the right wing Danish paper that commissioned the notorious anti-Muslim cartoons last September.

It would have us believe it was all for a noble principle of "freedom of speech". Oh, really? This is the same paper, Jyllands-Posten, which:

Campaigned in 1984 to censor an artist who produced an erotic image of Jesus.

Refused three years ago to print a cartoon because the editors said it would provoke an outcry among Christians.

No brave commitment to freedom of speech there. That was

only invoked, cynically, when the editors chose to target Muslims, not for debate about religious views, but with bigoted caricatures that imply every Muslim is a terrorist.

One rule for the majority, another for Arab, Asian and African immigrants. There's a word for that - it's called racism.

And the same scapegoating, masked by the same hypocrisy about freedom, is oozing from the other right wing papers in Europe that have leapt to give these racist images a wider circulation.

The French paper France-Soir claims it is committed to freedom of expression. But not, it seems, for Muslims.

The same paper supports the French government's ban on young Muslim women wearing headscarves in school. What's "tolerant" or "liberal" about that?

As for those who claim it is impossible to be racist against Muslims because Islam is a religion "not a race", consider the followers of the Jewish faith.

If a paper

reprinted a cartoon depicting a Jewish person in the manner of Nazi propaganda in the 1930s, every liberal paper and commentator would rightly slam the racism, rather than denouncing Jewish people and anti-­racists for being outraged.

None would say it was merely a question of debating religious views rather than being about spreading racism.

Yet in Britain, while no paper has republished the cartoons, we have not had furious editorials in the millionaire-owned press exposing the racist demonisation of Muslims.

Instead, the media is further demonising Muslims by suggesting that they don't understand "Western democracy" and press freedom.

These well paid editors could do with learning a thing or two themselves about standing up to censorship.

The lot of them have gone along with government censorship in refusing to name Nicholas Langman, an MI6 agent implicated in the illegal seizure of Pakistani immigrants in


What kind of fearless media is this that refuses to stand up to powerful secret government agencies, but berates some of the most powerless people in society?

And make no mistake, Muslim immigrants in Europe are among the most downtrodden across the continent.

In Britain they fall behind the average on every social indicator - housing, earnings, employment, education. The same is true in France, Germany, Demark and the rest of the European Union.

And since 11 September 2001 they have been systematically targeted. Anti-Muslim racism, Islamophobia, is the ideological cover for George Bush's endless "war on terror".

The US and British military refuse to even count the number of dead in Iraq. That would not be the case if they, their governments and the bulk of the media considered the lives of brown skinned Muslims in the Middle East every bit as valuable as those who have been killed in New York, Madrid and London.

They don't. "Our" names honoured, "theirs" not even recorded - racism.

The British government cannot admit that the war on Iraq and decades of Western intervention in the Middle East are the reason why Britain and the US are so hated in the region and beyond.

Instead, we are told it is something to do with Muslims themselves. And in order to prove you are a "good Muslim", not an "evil extremist", you have to sign up to Bush and Blair's campaign. Hence there are the endless loyalty tests.


Supposedly liberal commentators feel no restriction, show no signs of "self censorship", when they routinely abuse people who were born here (and who happen to be Muslim) of being insufficiently British - racism.

Government ministers sense no shame in telling one group of people what language they should speak in their own home, as if every British resident on the

Costa del Sol spoke Spanish round the kitchen table.

This "respectable" Islamophobia fuels the violent racist attacks of the Nazi British National Party (BNP), which exploits the general anti-Muslim climate and whose leader, a Holocaust denier, walks away from a court case over incitement to racial hatred.

And when those on the receiving end of all this speak out and protest, they are demonised again.


The cameras seek out those images that will confirm the provocative stereotypes that people are objecting to in the first place.

It's like kicking someone repeatedly and then, when they hit back, saying, "Look, I told you they were violent."

And the overall effect goes beyond Muslim people who are targeted. For if those responsible for wars, exploitation here and across the globe, and the destruction of our civil liberties succeed in scapegoating Muslims, we

will all suffer - Muslim or not.

Racism has always meant divide and rule. It has always been undermined by unity of working people against the common enemy we all face.

Jaffy, Whilst I don't condone racism in any form and I don't accept the BNP as bedfellows of convenience I still have the following observations. I can provide sources for information backing up my points from articles published on the BBC, who are hardly fox news.

1. The cartoons appeared in an Egyptian newspaper during ramadan, where was the furore then, why no burning of Egyptian embassies or economic boycotts?

2. The Danish Iman added three pictures not published in the paper to fan the flames when he went to the middle east, one of these (extra) pictures could clearly be seen brandished by protestors storming an EEC representative building in Gaza.

3. The Arab press are constantly publishing antisemitic literature such as the protocols of the elders of zion, so there is a clear double standard at work here.

4. An Islamic extremist group was convicted in Denmark of incitement to murder back in 2003 so the 'oppressed minority' are not exclusively victims.

5. The press have a justifiable reason for defending their right to freedom of expression within the law be they left wing or right wing. The murder of the Dutch film producer Theo Van Gogh for making a film some extremists disapproved of illustrates perfectly just why the press may see fit to make a stance protecting their rights.

6. Secular democracies are just that secular. The aricle mentioned Le Soir defending the French government stance on Muslims not wearing headscarves in schools. Well Turkey have the same rule regarding to their libraries and educational establishments. I suppose they are Islamophobic too :o Furthermore speaking the language of a Country allows easier integration with society and access to jobs markets. Such integration does not eliminate differences but certainly helps co-existance. On a personal level I once lived in Brussels and my girlfriend at the time walked into an area where many Moroccan imigrants lived. She had abuse screamed at her and stones thrown in her direction as her shoulders were not covered. Now Belgium is a secular democracy and it is right for its citizens to suscribe to acceptance of the laws of the land. It takes two to tango and I would ask the question as to how many times you can recall say Chinese or Jewish minorities rioting in Europe or the U.S. Downtrodden is as downtrodden does.


It is quite clear from some of the postings on this topic that many of you are completely misinformed about Islam & Muslims. Perhaps this is due to the poor representation or as some like to say, the Islamaphobia that is prevalent in the european media. Some of you even find it difficult to make the distinction between muslims & terrorists.

Please find below a peice that was recently printed in a UK newspaper. I am really impressed by the way the UK have handled this issue and it seems that they finally have realised that to forge a safer & unified international community, we need to re-build bridges and we ALL need to remain calm and show unconditional love for our fellow man regardless of creed or religion.

i did not want to paste all of your posting as it is to long, but basically you seem to infer england as being a somewhat racist nation, where we may be biased towards english well why not it is england.

we have a proven track record of accepting other races and religions without all this fuss,

i.e the larger immigrant poulations living in the uk are

polish, italian, chinese, pakistani, indian, afro-carribean, eastern european. jewish

these have intergrated and have flourished.

show unconditional love for our fellow man regardless of creed or religion

well we have the credentials


Hi Opothai,

Thank you for reading my submission.

I am British, though not by birth but have called the Uk home for nearly 30 years.

I copied & pasted the article in it's entirety & upon reading it again can see where you are coming from. But pls do remember the article was in response to to some of the muslim bashing that was taking place.

I would just like this opportunity to say that the majority of British people are warm, caring, tolerant & open minded people. Despite tyhe irresponsible actions of our governement ( in supporting & partaking in an illegal war based upon blatant lies) the British people remain united against terrorism as well as prejudice & bigotry. Unfortunately, this is not the attitude of many of the posters on this topic and some of the views expressed have been fuelled by hatred & lack of understanding.

Hi Opothai,

Thank you for reading my submission.

I am British, though not by birth but have called the Uk home for nearly 30 years.

I copied & pasted the article in it's entirety & upon reading it again can see where you are coming from. But pls do remember the article was in response to to some of the muslim bashing that was taking place.

I would just like this opportunity to say that the majority of British people are warm, caring, tolerant & open minded people. Despite tyhe irresponsible actions of our governement ( in supporting & partaking in an illegal war based upon blatant lies) the British people remain united against terrorism as well as prejudice & bigotry. Unfortunately, this is not the attitude of many of the posters on this topic and some of the views expressed have been fuelled by hatred & lack of understanding.

Do you think of the whole Danish population as racists just because of the poor judgement of one newspaper editor ?

I could mention many muslims living a good life in Denmark, well respected by the other Danes, we even have a very popular member of parliment, he's a muslim and very moderate.


Appeasement policies tend to blowup in the end.... give an inch and eventually those appeased will take a mile. This isn't about racism, its about stirring the shi*e since this rubbish was published in Sept.

It takes two to tango and I would ask the question as to how many times you can recall say Chinese or Jewish minorities rioting in Europe or the U.S. Downtrodden is as downtrodden does.

Ain't that the truth.

Appeasement policies tend to blowup in the end.... give an inch and eventually those appeased will take a mile. This isn't about racism, its about stirring the shi*e since this rubbish was published in Sept.

It's OK brit, you can say "shiite". :o


This is not about "freedom of speech". It's not about a "war of civilisations". It's about racism. Anyone who doubts that need look no further than the right wing Danish paper that commissioned the notorious anti-Muslim cartoons last September.

Right wing? Are you out of your mind? This newspaper is more liberal than the most liberal paper you will be able to find in USA.

Your first statement show your ignorance and invalidates the remainder of your post.


The recent furor has not been aqbout Muslims REQUESTING respect for their religion. The furor has been about Muslim community and national leaders DEMANDING UNQUESTIONING AND IMPECCABLE OBEDIENCE to the practices of their religion by all peoples, of all faiths and nationalities, at all locations in the world, at threat of DEATH.

In all civilized societies, disagreements and complaints are dealt with through legal and social processes.

Except - when Muslims are involved. Muslims murder clergymen, burn Embassies, and call for deaths of artists and authors.

Listen clearly Muslims: I'm not a Muslim. I do not give a shit about your religion - or your prophet. It would normally not occur to me to demean or ridicule your religion - it is normally not a factor in my life that even rises above background noise. But - if you want to demand my obedience to your religious tenants when I am in a country where your religion is not law - I will tell you to go f#$k yourself.

I know something about Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Shintoism, Taosim, Zoroastrianism, Anism, Satanism - and Islam. Of all those, as of 2006, Islam is the only one that strikes me as a widespread, evil, violent, intolerant, hateful, bullying religion that seeks to impose its will and belief system on all the rest by force of violence. As such, it loses the right of respect that I normally assign by default to all religious belief systems.

I believe that dream of the leaders of Islam is to establish a global Caliphate - a 12th Century theocracy based on Sharia law - upon all the peoples of the earth. Many, many hundreds of violent incidents in all parts of the globe ABSOLUTELY CONVINCE ME that Islam is COMMITTED to achieving its dream through intimidation, and bullying violence. Bullys attract my attention - I was bred and indictronated into the belief that bullys should be confronted, defanged, and humilated - made an example of - to help purge unsocial behavior from the community.

Islam is the global bully - and many nations and media organizations have bowed their heads in fear and cowardice. It turns my stomach.

Steve Sykes



I sense a hidden agenda in Jaffy's post:

"If a paper reprinted a cartoon depicting a Jewish person in the manner of Nazi propaganda in the 1930s, every liberal paper and commentator would rightly slam the racism, rather than denouncing Jewish people and anti-­racists for being outraged"

Let's answer that point by taking a look here:


Or here:


The double standards are sickening, as are the "cartoons"

"Yet in Britain, while no paper has republished the cartoons, we have not had furious editorials in the millionaire-owned press exposing the racist demonisation of Muslims."

Would these be the millionaire Jews who own the World media / banks?

I am a very tolerant man with no religious agenda, but this is a fire the Muslims have made all by themselves, and they ain't making many friends in the west.

BTW, I think the Iraq war was and is wrong, but it has little to do with Islam, more to do with oil. Saddam was no friend of Islam.


Racism has always meant divide and rule. It has always been undermined by unity of working people against the common enemy we all face.[/b]



Its also odd but typical of Islam to cry racism when someone speaks out against it. You could scream bias, or bigotry and maybe be correct. But there is no one race that defines Islam. The largest Islamic country in the world is Indonesia. There are Chinese, other asian, black and arab, white, arab and others that make up Islam. What seperates Islam is the lack of tolerance toward others not of their faith. The need to control and change others, and if you need to kill, well that seems to be ok as the Quran allows it (yes I've read the Quran)

The setto over the cartoons is typical Islam stratedgy, decry their rights are being trampled, while in truth others rights are endangered. Islam operates on incrementalism. Take a little here take a little there, until their in control. Look at Malaysia. Thailands neighbor and how a country with at that time a minority population of Islamics took over the country. A killinbg here, a killing there doesn't matter, the goal is dominance.

And why not look in askance at people who look so much different than what your upbring was. A people who do not enter your society and meld as others have done, but stick to themselves in self imposed ghettos, who call you infidels, yet take all they can from you. A people who have no sense of collective humor, who want to change your style of life, replace who you worship and demand obedience to a life that says you must kill, another that would leave the worship of Allah.

BTW, I think the Iraq war was and is wrong, but it has little to do with Islam, more to do with oil. Saddam was no friend of Islam.


my cents...

it does not have anything to do with oil. if the usa had wanted to conquer the middle east, they could have done it a long time ago. and get this, if they did, they would have ALL the oil.

I can't wait when the world gets off the oil standard. boy! it would be interesting to see what the folks in the middle east think when the rest of the world don't need their oil anymore.





we are getting there. people are talking. just a matter of time.


BTW, I think the Iraq war was and is wrong, but it has little to do with Islam, more to do with oil. Saddam was no friend of Islam.


my cents...

it does not have anything to do with oil. if the usa had wanted to conquer the middle east, they could have done it a long time ago. and get this, if they did, they would have ALL the oil.

I can't wait when the world gets off the oil standard. boy! it would be interesting to see what the folks in the middle east think when the rest of the world don't need their oil anymore.





we are getting there. people are talking. just a matter of time.

Aye that will be the day!!! :o

Racism has always meant divide and rule. It has always been undermined by unity of working people against the common enemy we all face.[/b]



The setto over the cartoons is typical Islam stratedgy, decry their rights are being trampled, while in truth others rights are endangered. Islam operates on incrementalism.

Exactly! The truth has gradually emerged and the whole furore shown to be completely spurious and hypocritical. Not one law, not one sentence should be changed, not one inch should be given; otherwise they will be back for more.... :o

Racism has always meant divide and rule. It has always been undermined by unity of working people against the common enemy we all face.[/b]



The setto over the cartoons is typical Islam stratedgy, decry their rights are being trampled, while in truth others rights are endangered. Islam operates on incrementalism.

Exactly! The truth has gradually emerged and the whole furore shown to be completely spurious and hypocritical. Not one law, not one sentence should be changed, not one inch should be given; otherwise they will be back for more.... :D

we now have the muslim in our penal system crying ' you do not understand our religion and you treat us with no respect'

so our wise leaders have decread that the prison officers must learn about the islamic religion so we can understand and meet thier needs,

one big complaint was pork on the menu is insulting :o

this is not a big deal but it is again giving that little bit more, for nothing in return :D

the prisoners in question are in belmarsh high security prison on terrorist charges :D


we now have the muslim in our penal system crying ' you do not understand our religion and you treat us with no respect'

so our wise leaders have decread that the prison officers must learn about the islamic religion so we can understand and meet thier needs,

one big complaint was pork on the menu is insulting :o

this is not a big deal but it is again giving that little bit more, for nothing in return :D

the prisoners in question are in belmarsh high security prison on terrorist charges :D

The UK is a multicultural society, and a considerable number of British citizens follow Islam, which is reflected in the prison population.

I think it's reasonable to expect some basic knowledge of this religion from prison officers. Also, inmates should have a choice of a meal which doesn't contain pork, if they can't eat it for religious reasons. After all, it's also Muslims' tax money which is used for preparing the food.

I do disagree with taking pork off the menu completely, though, that would be imposing on the other inmates. :D

Hi Opothai,

Thank you for reading my submission.

I am British, though not by birth but have called the Uk home for nearly 30 years.

I copied & pasted the article in it's entirety & upon reading it again can see where you are coming from. But pls do remember the article was in response to to some of the muslim bashing that was taking place.

I would just like this opportunity to say that the majority of British people are warm, caring, tolerant & open minded people. Despite tyhe irresponsible actions of our governement ( in supporting & partaking in an illegal war based upon blatant lies) the British people remain united against terrorism as well as prejudice & bigotry. Unfortunately, this is not the attitude of many of the posters on this topic and some of the views expressed have been fuelled by hatred & lack of understanding.

saddam is a terrorist

saddam is a terrorist

Anything else you wish to add?

Does this relate in some way to the post you quoted? :o:D

well, it relates as to "the british people remain against terroism as well prejudice& bigotry". it would be difficult to imagine what group of people,outside his own inner circle, who did not want this scourge of humanity "terminated".

Racism has always meant divide and rule. It has always been undermined by unity of working people against the common enemy we all face.[/b]



The setto over the cartoons is typical Islam stratedgy, decry their rights are being trampled, while in truth others rights are endangered. Islam operates on incrementalism.

Exactly! The truth has gradually emerged and the whole furore shown to be completely spurious and hypocritical. Not one law, not one sentence should be changed, not one inch should be given; otherwise they will be back for more.... :D

we now have the muslim in our penal system crying ' you do not understand our religion and you treat us with no respect'

so our wise leaders have decread that the prison officers must learn about the islamic religion so we can understand and meet thier needs,

one big complaint was pork on the menu is insulting :o

this is not a big deal but it is again giving that little bit more, for nothing in return :D

the prisoners in question are in belmarsh high security prison on terrorist charges :D

Big deal, put pork on everyone of their plates every meal. Maybe that'll deter them from doing the crime :D As for Muslims not eating pork, what a crock, I know Muslims who eat it, and they're the same neighbors who make their children cover their heads at tens years of age. What a bunch of hypocrits Islamics are. Ever see a drunk Muslim in Thailand ? I know be drunk today, Allah will forgive tomorrow. Islam doesn't care about their transgressions, only precieved transgressions to them are viewed. Notice how the uproar about the cartoons is shifting away from Europe to be blamed on America. Its not about the cartoons, ita abouit the destruction of the west and control of the world. Lots of oil money going into the backing of this. Saudia Arabia the center of the Islamic religion, stands to be the center of world power in a world Islamic. I sure want a bunch of Wahabbis telling me what to do.


Still wondering why it took the allahhood a full 5 months to discover the existence of the cartoons.

Also unclear whether they're pissed off at images of the pedophile Mohamud, or that he was depicted as a terrorist.

Any ideas?

Still wondering why it took the allahhood a full 5 months to discover the existence of the cartoons.

Also unclear whether they're pissed off at images of the pedophile Mohamud, or that he was depicted as a terrorist.

Any ideas?

The cartoons was first printed in a small Danish newspaper in September 05, a month later they were reprinted in a Egyptian newspaper, still no reaction.

Then a few weeks back a group of " Danish " Imans together with the Egyptian ambassador to Denmark went on a tour of the Middle East to show the pictures, together with some fake ones which had never been published or had anything to do with the Mohammed cartoons, to the more fanatic islamic groups, that's when it all started.


Still wondering why it took the allahhood a full 5 months to discover the existence of the cartoons.

Also unclear whether they're pissed off at images of the pedophile Mohamud, or that he was depicted as a terrorist.

Any ideas?

The cartoons was first printed in a small Danish newspaper in September 05, a month later they were reprinted in a Egyptian newspaper, still no reaction.

Then a few weeks back a group of " Danish " Imans together with the Egyptian ambassador to Denmark went on a tour of the Middle East to show the pictures, together with some fake ones which had never been published or had anything to do with the Mohammed cartoons, to the more fanatic islamic groups, that's when it all started.

If this is true the Danish Imans need jailing for all the trouble they caused. In the UK the charge would be incitement to racial hatred. If by any miracle they are jailed I would feed and water them exclusively with boycotted Danish products. Cooked breakfast anyone? :o


Still wondering why it took the allahhood a full 5 months to discover the existence of the cartoons.

Also unclear whether they're pissed off at images of the pedophile Mohamud, or that he was depicted as a terrorist.

Any ideas?

The cartoons was first printed in a small Danish newspaper in September 05, a month later they were reprinted in a Egyptian newspaper, still no reaction.

Then a few weeks back a group of " Danish " Imans together with the Egyptian ambassador to Denmark went on a tour of the Middle East to show the pictures, together with some fake ones which had never been published or had anything to do with the Mohammed cartoons, to the more fanatic islamic groups, that's when it all started.

If this is true the Danish Imans need jailing for all the trouble they caused. In the UK the charge would be incitement to racial hatred. If by any miracle they are jailed I would feed and water them exclusively with boycotted Danish products. Cooked breakfast anyone? :D

Quite right, I hear that it's being investigated by the government at the moment, but with my knowledge of our politicians I doubt anything will happen. :o

saddam is a terrorist

Anything else you wish to add?

Does this relate in some way to the post you quoted? :D:D

well, it relates as to "the british people remain against terroism as well prejudice& bigotry". it would be difficult to imagine what group of people,outside his own inner circle, who did not want this scourge of humanity "terminated".

This doesn't make Blair less of a liar. :o

BTW, "terrorist" is one of these fashionable, overused phrases, whose meaning has been distorted beyond recognition... :D

I stop here, since this doesnt belong in this topic. :D

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