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Wifey Wants To Buy A Girly Gun


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Thank you for those statements. You have proved my point.

Would the fact that I never have and would never own a gun myself make a difference?

Personally I'm a pretty extreme pacifist, my policy advocacy is purely theoretical.

Just hope you meet an armed robber who feels the same way and then the world will be happy and in balance.smile.png

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Thank you for those statements. You have proved my point.

Would the fact that I never have and would never own a gun myself make a difference?

Personally I'm a pretty extreme pacifist, my policy advocacy is purely theoretical.

Just hope you meet an armed robber who feels the same way and then the world will be happy and in balance.smile.png

I know your a big vietnam war hero and such but do you really think you could out shoot someone already pointing a gun at you. Or that you have the right to do so and possibly injure innocent bystanders ?

Im just a big sissy, anyone pointing a gun at me gets my wallet. I wont put up a fight unless its not a robbery but an execution, and even then i doubt id win its hard to bounce back bullets.

Edited by robblok
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Just hope you meet an armed robber who feels the same way and then the world will be happy and in balance.smile.png

I've been robbed at gun- and knife- point eight times in total, three times before I was twelve, once beaten with a baseball bat even after they took the mitt they were after.

All in farang honky-dominated countries, never came across someone credible in person who's encountered the same here.

I totally respect your right to do whatever you like to defend yourself, just expressing what I consider right (and smart) for my own preferences.

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every holiday in thailand, it is off to the police rifle range for the wife, she loves firing her dads ancient 38 but her brother in laws beretta doesnt seem to fit the bill, she loves shooting, used to often go duck hunting with her dad and uncles.

she was bought up around fire arms, and as safe as houses with them.

love the hello kitty weapon, i will not be showing her that picture.

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Just hope you meet an armed robber who feels the same way and then the world will be happy and in balance.smile.png

I've been robbed at gun- and knife- point eight times in total, three times before I was twelve, once beaten with a baseball bat even after they took the mitt they were after.

All in farang honky-dominated countries, never came across someone credible in person who's encountered the same here.

I totally respect your right to do whatever you like to defend yourself, just expressing what I consider right (and smart) for my own preferences.

Ouch, i must have lived a sheltered life (i guess its true). Small town in the Netherlands, never had anyone pull a knife on me. Been in a few bar fights (not by choice) but that is it.

I did work in Amsterdam but even there i did not feel unsafe. But there are places there that you better not go to.

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Thank you for those statements. You have proved my point.

Would the fact that I never have and would never own a gun myself make a difference?

Personally I'm a pretty extreme pacifist, my policy advocacy is purely theoretical.

Just hope you meet an armed robber who feels the same way and then the world will be happy and in balance.smile.png

I know your a big vietnam war hero and such but do you really think you could out shoot someone already pointing a gun at you. Or that you have the right to do so and possibly injure innocent bystanders ?

Im just a big sissy, anyone pointing a gun at me gets my wallet. I wont put up a fight unless its not a robbery but an execution, and even then i doubt id win its hard to bounce back bullets.

You bring up an interesting point. It is very difficult to shoot someone pointing a gun at you. This has been a problem for Generals for a long time. In Vietnam it took about 3000 bullets to kill one soldier.

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As a side not i did fire a gun in Thailand and many air rifles in the Netherlands and i do think its fun. I would love to do some target shooting once in a while but i don't feel the need to own a gun and keep it home. I see it more as a hobby.

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I know your a big vietnam war hero and such but do you really think you could out shoot someone already pointing a gun at you. Or that you have the right to do so and possibly injure innocent bystanders ?

Im just a big sissy, anyone pointing a gun at me gets my wallet. I wont put up a fight unless its not a robbery but an execution, and even then i doubt id win its hard to bounce back bullets.

You bring up an interesting point. It is very difficult to shoot someone pointing a gun at you. This has been a problem for Generals for a long time. In Vietnam it took about 3000 bullets to kill one soldier.

I believe your statistics, i read a lot about that war. But in general you guys were not aiming because not many targets presented themselves. Its quite different if someone is standing a meter from you with a gun pointed at you. I believe then the chances of getting hit are a bit higher as 3000 to 1.

In the movies you see people disarming someone ect ect.. i would not like those risks and think the few baht in my wallet are not worth it. Different story if you are fighting to protect someone or your life. Trick question is of course to know what is what. But even so with someone already pointing a weapon at you even with a gun your chances are not high.. so what is the point.

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Well, my wife and I are not anti social nor or we into crime related business, yet we do own a gun for home protection and we both now how to use it due to weekly practice at the shooting range. Father in law is a cop, sees lots of crime and advised us to get a gun and use it against any intruder. It's legal and IMO people should have the right to protect themselves against intruders/thieves ! By the way also got a lovely rottweiler who doesn't roam the streets of our compound as some of our Thai neighbours allow their far more dangerous Bangkaews to do ! Plain bullshit stating that people who own guns are anti social. It's boys toys and merely for protection.

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Thank you for those statements. You have proved my point.

Would the fact that I never have and would never own a gun myself make a difference?

Personally I'm a pretty extreme pacifist, my policy advocacy is purely theoretical.

Just hope you meet an armed robber who feels the same way and then the world will be happy and in balance.smile.png

I know your a big vietnam war hero and such but do you really think you could out shoot someone already pointing a gun at you. Or that you have the right to do so and possibly injure innocent bystanders ?

Im just a big sissy, anyone pointing a gun at me gets my wallet. I wont put up a fight unless its not a robbery but an execution, and even then i doubt id win its hard to bounce back bullets.

I am not a hero at all. In answer to your question could I shoot someone who was pointing a gun at me, ya no problem. You see during a war that is what happened every day. The other soldiers were not trying to frighten you; they were trying to kill you. They pointed a gun at you and started shooting and you pointed your gun at them and shot back.

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Well, my wife and I are not anti social nor or we into crime related business, yet we do own a gun for home protection and we both now how to use it due to weekly practice at the shooting range. Father in law is a cop, sees lots of crime and advised us to get a gun and use it against any intruder. It's legal and IMO people should have the right to protect themselves against intruders/thieves ! By the way also got a lovely rottweiler who doesn't roam the streets of our compound as some of our Thai neighbours allow their far more dangerous Bangkaews to do ! Plain bullshit stating that people who own guns are anti social. It's boys toys and merely for protection.

I let my bangkaew's roam the street so far not too many Thai casualties as of yet (0), he only bit a farang once by accident.. It all depends on how you raise them and of course im always in earshot of the dogs on there 3x 30 min roam.

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I know your a big vietnam war hero and such but do you really think you could out shoot someone already pointing a gun at you. Or that you have the right to do so and possibly injure innocent bystanders ?

Im just a big sissy, anyone pointing a gun at me gets my wallet. I wont put up a fight unless its not a robbery but an execution, and even then i doubt id win its hard to bounce back bullets.

I am not a hero at all. In answer to your question could I shoot someone who was pointing a gun at me, ya no problem. You see during a war that is what happened every day. The other soldiers were not trying to frighten you; they were trying to kill you. They pointed a gun at you and started shooting and you pointed your gun at them and shot back.

I was not having a go at you (maybe a lil but i got respect for guys in that war). But what i mean is more someone has a gun drawn at you standing close to you having you covered (or however they call it). That is how most robberies happen, their gun out before yours. I am not talking people at range in cover ect shooting at each other.

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I would also advice on buying a Smith and Wesson revolver, doesn't block like automatics can do and is easier to use, the Smith and Wesson .38 bodyguard is an awesome weapon for self defense in the house, also easy to conceal if your wife gets a license to carry which is not hard around here to get if for example you have a business and because of that have large amounts of cash on you.

Edited by likewise
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I know your a big vietnam war hero and such but do you really think you could out shoot someone already pointing a gun at you. Or that you have the right to do so and possibly injure innocent bystanders ?

Im just a big sissy, anyone pointing a gun at me gets my wallet. I wont put up a fight unless its not a robbery but an execution, and even then i doubt id win its hard to bounce back bullets.

You bring up an interesting point. It is very difficult to shoot someone pointing a gun at you. This has been a problem for Generals for a long time. In Vietnam it took about 3000 bullets to kill one soldier.

I believe your statistics, i read a lot about that war. But in general you guys were not aiming because not many targets presented themselves. Its quite different if someone is standing a meter from you with a gun pointed at you. I believe then the chances of getting hit are a bit higher as 3000 to 1.

In the movies you see people disarming someone ect ect.. i would not like those risks and think the few baht in my wallet are not worth it. Different story if you are fighting to protect someone or your life. Trick question is of course to know what is what. But even so with someone already pointing a weapon at you even with a gun your chances are not high.. so what is the point.

The movies are silly. Two people facing off at 20 paces. If a guy tries to rob me with a gun I figure he is going to shoot me. I have an advantage because I have shot people before. If a person points a gun at me, I get any weapon I can and try and stop him. Of course I have an attack puppy too and my wife has a very loud voice.

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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If in our house a intruder points a gun at me.... yes I will shoot without hesitation to protect my family and myself. in such a situation it's us or him, I prefer to choose the latter.

If you know he is going to kill your family by all means shoot him. But if he has the gun aimed at you already. Are you going all Wyat Earp on him and outdrawing someone who has a gun pointed at you.

I certainly would try if i knew i was going to die anyway. But fact is they are not there to kill you just rob you.

Ow and likewise the farang who was bitten was me.. actually more of a nip. All the locals let their dogs roam. So i do too, but only 30 min at a time and i can see and hear them from where i am sitting.

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I know your a big vietnam war hero and such but do you really think you could out shoot someone already pointing a gun at you. Or that you have the right to do so and possibly injure innocent bystanders ?

Im just a big sissy, anyone pointing a gun at me gets my wallet. I wont put up a fight unless its not a robbery but an execution, and even then i doubt id win its hard to bounce back bullets.

You bring up an interesting point. It is very difficult to shoot someone pointing a gun at you. This has been a problem for Generals for a long time. In Vietnam it took about 3000 bullets to kill one soldier.

I believe your statistics, i read a lot about that war. But in general you guys were not aiming because not many targets presented themselves. Its quite different if someone is standing a meter from you with a gun pointed at you. I believe then the chances of getting hit are a bit higher as 3000 to 1.

In the movies you see people disarming someone ect ect.. i would not like those risks and think the few baht in my wallet are not worth it. Different story if you are fighting to protect someone or your life. Trick question is of course to know what is what. But even so with someone already pointing a weapon at you even with a gun your chances are not high.. so what is the point.

The movies are silly. Two people facing off at 20 paces. If a guy tries to rob me with a gun I figure he is going to shoot me. I have an advantage because I have shot people before. If a person points a gun at me, I get any weapon I can and try and stop him. Of course I have an attack puppy too and my wife has a very loud voice.

Ok if you say so, i always thought that if someone was a meter from me gun pointed at me my chances were slim to none to get a weapon out aim and shoot.

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Dogs should be on leash when not accompanied by their owner or when in public.

Thailand here. How many millions of Soi dogs are there? I tied up my pup with a rope once and my wife said, "He is not a buffalo, you trying to make our dog a buffalo! He is a dog!" I thought it was quite funny.

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You bring up an interesting point. It is very difficult to shoot someone pointing a gun at you. This has been a problem for Generals for a long time. In Vietnam it took about 3000 bullets to kill one soldier.

I believe your statistics, i read a lot about that war. But in general you guys were not aiming because not many targets presented themselves. Its quite different if someone is standing a meter from you with a gun pointed at you. I believe then the chances of getting hit are a bit higher as 3000 to 1.

In the movies you see people disarming someone ect ect.. i would not like those risks and think the few baht in my wallet are not worth it. Different story if you are fighting to protect someone or your life. Trick question is of course to know what is what. But even so with someone already pointing a weapon at you even with a gun your chances are not high.. so what is the point.

The movies are silly. Two people facing off at 20 paces. If a guy tries to rob me with a gun I figure he is going to shoot me. I have an advantage because I have shot people before. If a person points a gun at me, I get any weapon I can and try and stop him. Of course I have an attack puppy too and my wife has a very loud voice.

Ok if you say so, i always thought that if someone was a meter from me gun pointed at me my chances were slim to none to get a weapon out aim and shoot.

Maybe that's the advantage of being an old guy. I know I am gone in a few years anyway. Oh and about the Army; I was a clerk. The only time I saw any combat was by mistake.biggrin.png

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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Goes like this : We sleep in bedroom door closed, rottie sleeps in front of bedroom door, if he starts barking I know something is up, gun comes out of drawer and in case intruder is in the house, too bad for him but he will get shot.

Concerning the dogs I know, the Thais tend to let them roam the streets, then the beasts hang around in front of our gate, provoking my rottie, of course he goes berserk..... Sometimes I let him out and then he does the dog thingthumbsup.gif the other dogs seem to know that he is the bigger,stronger dog, stopped them from coming back for awhile, when they do come back I let Prince out and do his "thing" again. smile.png But when we go out in public he is on the leash with me, we tend to go to our private spot where he get unleashed so he can get his daily run in. Usually at one of our plantations where he is the main dog smile.png . All good Robblok, I do think the Thais are a bit too easy concerning the roaming dog situation, not everyone is a dog lover and we had occassion where some of their beloved dogs got poisoned by other neighbors. Who is in the wrong ??

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A girly gun.


But as mentioned, your local ampur should be able to point you in the right direction.

It the gun does not kill you you fall down laughing anyway.

Ah yes! This would be the one where, if you flick one of the levers to the centre position, it changes to a camera. If you switch the lever to the down position, you get a bullet AND a picture. Imagine the fun to be had with that after a few Lao Khaos and Red Bull.

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9 mm should be the minimum. The 'girly' calibers are less likely to stop an aggressor.... (well, feel free to Google the thousands of debates on the net regarding this issue). If she's anything like my wife, she'll want something 'cute' like a Beretta Bobcat. You might be able to steer her towards something more effective/practical but still relatively 'cute' in a Glock 26 or Ruger LC9.


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9 mm should be the minimum. The 'girly' calibers are less likely to stop an aggressor.... (well, feel free to Google the thousands of debates on the net regarding this issue). If she's anything like my wife, she'll want something 'cute' like a Beretta Bobcat. You might be able to steer her towards something more effective/practical but still relatively 'cute' in a Glock 26 or Ruger LC9.


Did l read somewhere that Thai ladies can only own a .22.
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9 mm should be the minimum. The 'girly' calibers are less likely to stop an aggressor.... (well, feel free to Google the thousands of debates on the net regarding this issue). If she's anything like my wife, she'll want something 'cute' like a Beretta Bobcat. You might be able to steer her towards something more effective/practical but still relatively 'cute' in a Glock 26 or Ruger LC9.


Did l read somewhere that Thai ladies can only own a .22.

I believe both Al Capone and James Bond used a .25 cal.


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