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Farang Negatitivity Towards Rich Farang In Thailand


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I think I am a good example of an outright bitter and envious towards any Farang that mentions how they are above the normal farang wealth level in Thailand. And I call most posters without at least 11 posts who post obvious troll posts; trolls. Hope that helps. smile.png

Why are you bitter and envious? I would have always thought Thai people would be bitter and envious but when I talk to them, they are so accepting of thie position in life and really feel there is so little they can do to change it. With farnags, they have evey opportunity in the world and you might think they would admire another farang who worked hard and was able to rise above the general level, as we are taught to respect hard work and dedication.

What does 10 posts have to do with being a troll? So if I had 10,000 posts and lived my life on ThaiVisa, that in some way gives me more credibility?

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I tend to agree with you. Respect is earn't irrespective of wealth or position.

I have to admit I do not like the Thai custom of almost bowing down to someone if they are financially better off or hold a certain type of job, for example a teacher or bank or government worker.

As I have said in a previous post I have as much respect for the old man or woman pushing their cart along all day picking up cans , cardboard, plastic bottles etc so that they can feed themselves, as I have for others in much better jobs. I have a very close friend in the UK who through hard work and some luck is a multi-millionaire and I treat him the same as anyone else. Saying that there are those who think their wealth or status should automatically expect higher regard.. These people I can not tolerate.

As far as TV members, don't judge all farangs by what you read on this forum. Most of them will be the same as I but you will always get negativity from a few. The few however are the ones that tend to put their views on the forum. But yes they are the minority thankfully..

The old saying of 'never judge a book by it's cover' is so true when meeting people. Get to know them a little then make your own mind up.

You just have to remember that a a lot of what you read on this forum in negative terms on this subject is only posted by a small percentage of farang in THailand.

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I'm asking this because I am moving to Thailand and while I am very well off, in Canada I am just treated as any other person by my freinds and so on. I want to know if posters on ThaiVisa are representative of average farang in Thailand

Does that mean we gonna have to put up with numerous threads about how much money you really have ?

Edit to add: I know the answer already since 10 of your so far 11 posts on this froum were about your money

Edited by jbrain
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I'm asking this because I am moving to Thailand and while I am very well off, in Canada I am just treated as any other person by my freinds and so on. I want to know if posters on ThaiVisa are representative of average farang in Thailand

Does that mean we gonna have to put up with numerous threads about how much money you really have ?

Perhaps you like socialism? Or more likely perhaps because you're skint you don't like anybody else mentioning they've got some coin to spend. Good luck to him I say.

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I'm asking this because I am moving to Thailand and while I am very well off, in Canada I am just treated as any other person by my freinds and so on. I want to know if posters on ThaiVisa are representative of average farang in Thailand

Does that mean we gonna have to put up with numerous threads about how much money you really have ?

Perhaps you like socialism? Or more likely perhaps because you're skint you don't like anybody else mentioning they've got some coin to spend. Good luck to him I say.

Maybe it's you that's skint, otherwise you would know that people who have earned their money with working usually don't brag about it.
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Looks like you have got the flak that I anticipated. The few I mentioned are coming at you in a big way.

Anyway I am very wealthy because I am in reasonably good health and happy with my life and love living in Thailand.

Saying that if any one has few hundred thousand Baht spare I am more than willing to take it off your hands.

P.s. Thank you in anticipation of your generosity

Edited by Pormax
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Let‘s keep it in perspective, folks. We have had many threads about how much money is enough to live in Thailand. Some have income of 10k a month and are happy and still save some, while other wouldn‘t know how to make ends meet if they had less than 500k a month. Thai Baht, that is.

The beauty of ThaiVisa is that all these people meet here, even in the same threads.

Sent from my LG-P698f using Thaivisa Connect App

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Let's keep it in perspective, folks. We have had many threads about how much money is enough to live in Thailand. Some have income of 10k a month and are happy and still save some, while other wouldn't know how to make ends meet if they had less than 500k a month. Thai Baht, that is.

The beauty of ThaiVisa is that all these people meet here, even in the same threads.

Sent from my LG-P698f using Thaivisa Connect App

Nice sentiment - and I entirely agree - with the sentiment. However I wouldn't call it a beauty, not even the grossest optimist would call it that. Nice spin - but what you really should have written is it is an ugly depiction - which is closer to the truth as far as I can tell. I criticise because I would like to help TV - but not with rose-blinkered glasses.

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My reaction is to something else in the OP. We live in Thailand so we're supposed to internalize stereotypical Thai values and Thai conditional behaviors such as being toadies to superficial wealth? Why? Do we pick our noses in public?

Edited by Jingthing
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It is very much part of North American culture, and even more so Aussie/NZ that people with lots of money shouldn't flaunt it and definitely shouldn't let it separate them from the rest of society and most definitely never imagine it makes them better than the "common people".

Those that handle their riches well and maintain genuine relationships with their poorer friends and family members are respected for their achievements - assuming it was earned in a way that's productive for society rather than harmful - and for themselves.

Not just for the fact that they are wealthy.

At least that's the way it's supposed to be, in practice these days more of a myth, at least in the US the upper reaches even nouveau have been more and more open about their lack of concern and even disdain for ordinary people, similar to the Thais, and therefore there's a huge backlash of resentment against their perceived arrogance and excesses.

In my opinion the only reason Mitt lost, he just couldn't fake that common touch needed to help normal people identify with him.

You'll notice I've left out the Brits. My perception is that classism is still much more acceptable there, probably reflecting the fact that they still consider monarchy an institution worth keeping, and is one of the reasons why the upper socio-economic elite here prefer that culture to the other English-speaking ones.

Edited by BigJohnnyBKK
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