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Cracked Me Up, The First Time She Came To My Country...


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First time my wife came to my home we had a 3 hour layover in L.A. We went outside for bit and she said

"Oh no America so cold what I do". I said oh this is not same same my home. My home..northern Minnesota.

Temp that day in L.A. 22....My home -19.Oh no.

She loves our home now after 5 years and is doing very well. Got many more funny stories but have to go now.

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First time my wife came to my home we had a 3 hour layover in L.A. We went outside for bit and she said

"Oh no America so cold what I do". I said oh this is not same same my home. My home..northern Minnesota.

Temp that day in L.A. 22....My home -19.Oh no.

She loves our home now after 5 years and is doing very well. Got many more funny stories but have to go now.

Ahh, its good to hear Thai girls doing well overseas. Look after them, underneath the hard outer layer, once theyre outside the Kingdom of Thailand and what they know, like how they have helped us all to understand their country, they really are precious.
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Actually, I'm much more proud of the fact that Aussies invented the wine cask (box wine) ... a far more usefull invention and a gift that keeps on giving ... till it's empty ... crying.gif.

I don't know, the empty one has often given me something the very next morning...

Great thread guys - amusing and positive... obliviously it is the Australian sense of humour

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I took the Mrs to Hawaii last January. We had to take sweaters, long pants, and long sleeve shirts for her. She was still cold. One night she asked me to call housekeeping and request more blankets, because the temperature had dropped down to a very cold 78F.

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The Mrs moved to Ireland and so I had to explain, that no matter how nice and sunny it is with blue skies in summer, always take a coat as it can change quickly. First few days, she chose not to listen and its hammered it down whilst out. She got soaked and was not impressed.

No standing in the cinema for national anthem, she didnt understand why the Irish dont do this.

Lots of other funny moments, but these two stand out.


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wife and i went out doing some crayfishing,a little bit of sea-sickness for her,she was loving it,saw the divers coming up with crays,emptying the pots as well,the look of disbelief on her face,when out came the calipers and we started throwing back the undersized ones,only keeping the best of the legal ones.

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MY GF filled up the small rubbish bin in the toilet full of used toilet paper before I noticed.

First time we pulled into a service station for petrol she was amazed that I had to pump the fuel myself.

Not just the Thais. I know an expat lady that sat in a gas station in the UK for 10 minutes before realising nobody was coming

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MY GF filled up the small rubbish bin in the toilet full of used toilet paper before I noticed.

First time we pulled into a service station for petrol she was amazed that I had to pump the fuel myself.

Not just the Thais. I know an expat lady that sat in a gas station in the UK for 10 minutes before realising nobody was coming

even into the 80's, when my cousins came down from the country, my aunt had to get my dad to go to the petrol station with her to fill up, 'cause they had full service in their town...

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Wife called me at work one day she said.."Oh no we have big problem outside now,many ice cubes fall from sky".

First time trying to get her too walk on a frozen lake. Her episode with a spoon in the garbage disposal.

Her first super blizzard. She could not get over the fact that we each had our own bathroom & shower.

" Why do people build small home on lake ice,are they ting tong. (Fish house)

She still looks wide eyed at the wild turkeys,Canadian geese and deer in the yard sometimes.

The look of pure joy on her face when she went down a big ski slope on a sled by herself.

She has her own car now, an I have too tell her.."This is not Thailand, you really do have too

stop at stop signs and no you can not give policeman 200baht.

Yeah classic. Have big ploblem darling. Have nam kaeng falling from da sky....cheesy.gif
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Yeah classic. Have big ploblem darling. Have nam kaeng falling from da sky....

Actually I had the same problem, one time I was walking down the driveway and a big - over 1" square cylindrical block hit me on the head. Then another fell right next to me.

I was 100% certain my brother was throwing ice cubes at me from up in a tree or something, but then they started coming down fast and hard and I had to run for shelter.

Much bigger than the ice cubes you get in drinks here, actually broke windows and dented car bonnets.

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Issues with temperatures seem to be common.

First time I took my ex to Hong Kong it was winter, not particularly cold, 16 degrees C. Her comment was "the whole city has aircon?"

First time in Europe it was about to snow as we got out of the airport terminal and immediately she started to panic "it hurts, I can't breath" I was telling her it was normal just cold, but it took her a couple of minutes to see that there was nothing wrong with her.

Great thread!

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Hi all first time I took wife to Oz drive from Syd to toukley why you have to many trees can cut(no) next got home why you have to much glass can cut so I got 2pairs of sissores gave her one and Iknelt and started to cut she just looked at me strange then got down and started cutting with me after 5min I got the mower out but the best was time for bed I went first and left her checking out things after about 30min she jumped into bed she screams got staight back out with a look of death on her face(I had a water bed) work of the devil then she slept on the floor for 2 nights well you can have a bit of fun when you bring the girls to adifferent County and different lifestyle (then theigh take over (memories) rgds Russell:rolleyes:

Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect App

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Judge for yourself the reaction............my walking calculator just couldn't enjoy the meal.

Dinner for Two near London

Pad Thai £12.95

Spring Rolls £7.95

Fried Rice £9.95

Pork and Basil £11.95

Singha £3.15

it was the quietest meal I've ever had, I thought I did something wrong smile.png

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when she first arrived,she couldnt believe that i did things like painting,gardening,car servicing etc myself, used to her dad just hiring the local available for any work when not drunk boys back home.

after she started working and gaining a better insight in costs and wages overseas,my she turned into the little painter,painting to be done she will do it.

getting some landscaping done at home at moment,she asked did she have to supply lunch for the workers(cant work hard if no money for food she said),beer after they finish work for the day,if they worked well.

she knows the cost of the project,but the old thai habits are hard to change.

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In the first few days, there was a lot of driving around to become familiar with the area and so forth.

'It's all so neat and tidy, the grass and gardens all look so nice, people care for their yards etc etc.'

Came home from work one day to discover her proudly cutting the lawn ..... with a bread knife.

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when she first arrived,she couldnt believe that i did things like painting,gardening,car servicing etc myself, used to her dad just hiring the local available for any work when not drunk boys back home.

after she started working and gaining a better insight in costs and wages overseas,my she turned into the little painter,painting to be done she will do it.

getting some landscaping done at home at moment,she asked did she have to supply lunch for the workers(cant work hard if no money for food she said),beer after they finish work for the day,if they worked well.

she knows the cost of the project,but the old thai habits are hard to change.

Yes. Even now, twenty years later, my wife's still amazed that I don't mind to do my own repairs to the car or fix the guttering. She can't understand why I 'waste' my own time doing it although she's well aware of what things cost these days. Having bought her own new car, she still doesn't get it even though her jaw dropped to the floor when she got the bill for its first regular service.

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When I first came to Thailand, I quickly understood that there were no Zebras in Thailand.

When my gf was chatting with another members gf in Australia ... they both agreed that they could not believe that there were so many Zebras in Australia.

That cars actually stopped for people to cross at the 'Zebra Crossing' ... never do like this in Thailand!

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when she first arrived,she couldnt believe that i did things like painting,gardening,car servicing etc myself, used to her dad just hiring the local available for any work when not drunk boys back home.

after she started working and gaining a better insight in costs and wages overseas,my she turned into the little painter,painting to be done she will do it.

getting some landscaping done at home at moment,she asked did she have to supply lunch for the workers(cant work hard if no money for food she said),beer after they finish work for the day,if they worked well.

she knows the cost of the project,but the old thai habits are hard to change.

Yes. Even now, twenty years later, my wife's still amazed that I don't mind to do my own repairs to the car or fix the guttering. She can't understand why I 'waste' my own time doing it although she's well aware of what things cost these days. Having bought her own new car, she still doesn't get it even though her jaw dropped to the floor when she got the bill for its first regular service.

Yes. "People no care about their face here?"

Edited by BigJohnnyBKK
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