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Yingluck Sets Goal Of High-Income Nation: Thailand


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Yingluck sets goal of high-income nation



BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's administration has set an ambitious goal of developing Thailand into a high-income country in five to 10 years through policies for promotion of research and development, income equalisation, capacity-building for small and medium-sized enterprises, and environmental enhancement.

The Cabinet appointed PM's Office Minister Varathep Rattana-korn to spearhead this initiative, which is expected to kick off in fiscal 2014. Varathep, who was also assigned to oversee the Budget Bureau, said yesterday that first, the government planned to raise average annual growth in gross domestic product to 5-6 per cent from an estimated 4.2 per cent this year.

The expansion in GDP would lift per capita income from US$4,420 to $12,400 a year in five to 10 years. In the same period, national research and development investment would be increased to 1 per cent of GDP from just 0.24 per cent now.

The government will focus on bridging the gap between rich and poor. It wants to bring the Gini coefficient down from 0.47 to under 0.4. The Gini coefficient measures the inequality among people's income.

The contribution of SMEs would be expanded to at least 40 per cent of GDP from 36.6 per cent now.

Along with all this growth, the country would become greener. Carbon emissions in the energy sector would be slashed to less than 4 tonnes per head annually while forested areas would be stretched to 128 rai (20.5 hectares) from 107 rai per head now.


-- The Nation 2012-11-15

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Here we go, lets all get rich by redistibuting the wealth, here is how it will be distributed, one for me and one for you, two for me and one for you, three for me and one for you, four for me and, oh sorry there's none left for you.

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This is just the introduction for her new campaign slogan: "A new BMW in every garage". It will probably work on those voters who have graduated from the schools in her "High-Education Nation" plan.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Edited by jaltsc
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That will help the Thais, living from jobs in the tourism industry, for sure. I didn't read something about a better school system, to 'help' the poor, to develop the needed language skills.

Also I do not read anything about, to assist the people,who never had chance, to learn English in their schools, with a program, to correct this in the next 2 years.

So it looks like, some of the TV members are dam_n right, who should be the winners of this campaign, and who the losers.

Wasn't it already the problem of her brother, that there is no such thing, like outsourcing sumptuous provinces/citizen? I mean, in case you wanna get 'em up2date? Leading a country like a company is limited by some natural rules. No war, no chang/ce!

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Interesting plan, it will take increased productivity from every member of society, increased tax participation, innovative thinking, reduced corruption and red tape and increased value added production. However, this will also create accelerated inflation and require increase policing and social contols. So say goodbye to a cheap, relatively free society and hello to the heavily taxed and heavily controlled nanny state your escaping from. Luckily this government is inept and incapable of achieving anything contructive so its just rhetoric

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"... expansion in GDP would lift per capita income from US$4,420 to $12,400 a year in five to 10 years."

Says it all. If she or her cabinet of loonies had access to the internet before they gave her the statement to quote, she would see how ridiculous a statement this is. Hey PM!!! - just so you know ...


Thailand currently rates #86 and at a tad of USD9,000. Who do we believe? rolleyes.gif

Edited by asiawatcher
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The policy is to raise the wealth of its citizens, then she need to raise the productivity level of

the people who work here.

To raise the productivity level, workers need to improve their job and education skills.

The educational system needs to reform itself to improve the quality of future graduates.

It's possible to improve the wealth of the country but there is a lot of work ahead.

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The policy is to raise the wealth of its citizens, then she need to raise the productivity level of

the people who work here.

Both right, but one little thing: The policy is to raise the wealth of some citizens, only

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