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Has The Fa Cup Lost Its Magic?


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Has it?

Many teams are now openly saying that the FA Cup is not their priority and are fielding weaker sides than they would in the league just so they can concentrate on either getting promoted or avoiding relegation.

I watched Reading play Birmingham the other night and Reading had EIGHT regular starters out of their team.

When we played Sheffield United in the League Cup Neil Warnock told his club's supporters through their website not to even bother making the journey as NOT ONE of his regular players would be on the field as he did not care about how they did!

One of the reasons for this is because bookings or sending offs in the Cup competitions count against league games and vice-verca. I feel that if this law was reversed so that if you do pick up a yellow or red card then it only applies to the competition you are playing in.

I can remember when struggling sides used to do quite well in the Cup Competitions, I suppose there is just to much at stake now to either GET IN or STAY IN the Premiership that the Cup Competitions are no longer of any importance to many teams,which is a shame as you never really know if the BEST TEAM actually won the Cup or it was won by default on behalf of the other teams.

I remember when Man Utd went overseas to play 5 or 6 years ago and decided not to enter the FA Cup. I think what they did started this downward spiral of complacance about the Trophy, although every Man Utd supporter was saying that if they had been in it they would have won it :D

So I reckon on that basis if Reading had fielded their BEST SIDE we would have won the FA CUP :o ... and got promoted!

What is your opinion on this subject?


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The F.A. Cup lost it's magic, when, the still at that time great Manchester United spurned it to play elsewhere. I'm afraid, that it's my opinion that they should have never been allowed back in it. Ever. It was the greatest, most famous and revered team football competition in the World. To do what they did was indescribable and inexcusable. :o

Edited by lampard10
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The FA Cup seemed to lose it's magic about the same time that the Premiership started. The money available in the Premiership is staggering and throw into the mix the Champions league and it's not surprising that some teams priorities lie elsewhere. Chelsea, Man Utd, Liverpool and Arsenal continually field weakened teams as they concentrate on other competitions that can earn them more money.

It's also sad to watch FA Cup games these days played in front of half empty stadiums. The Birmingham v Reading game the other night was a fine example.

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The F.A. Cup lost it's magic, when, the still at that time great Manchester United spurned it to play elsewhere. I'm afraid, that it's my opinion that they should have never been allowed back in it. Ever. It was the greatest, most famous and revered team football competition in the World. To do what they did was indescribable and inexcusable. :o

Strangely the FA cup is regaining its magic for Man U now that they can't win the league.

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football has lost it,s magic, fullstop.

The reasons being many with money, commercialism and player behavior problems maybe the main reasons.

What ever happened to the loyalty to fans by the clubs and wether your top of the pile or not you are only of the same importance as a shopper in a supermarket.

Love of the game and loyalty to your team is abused by the double standards clubs managers and players alike display week in and week out.

What an pathetic example most of them are...........................

Just look at Rednap for an example and what he and his latest club have been allowed to do.

No i do not have any emotional ties to anyone involved and judge it for what it is.

Sorry for the quick edit redrus but even your loyal supporters where recently abused by the club on there take over and new owners.

No consideration even to your supporters speaks volumes for me..........................

marshbags :o:D:D

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The F.A. Cup lost it's magic, when, the still at that time great Manchester United spurned it to play elsewhere. I'm afraid, that it's my opinion that they should have never been allowed back in it. Ever. It was the greatest, most famous and revered team football competition in the World. To do what they did was indescribable and inexcusable. :D

We did not spurn "THE" greatest cup competition in the world.

I'm going to try and not lower myself to that utter bollo* Lampard. United were given no choice by the powers that be. We had to go to and, represent "Engerland". If we'd of stayed, we would have been lambasted for refusing to "carry the flag". We obviously could not win with all parties.

The FA were also the ones who refused to let us play in both competitions, as Liverpool did recently.

The fact that you think we made the choice lightly and, the fact that no-one, not players, fans or coaching staff wanted to go halfway round the bleeding world (mid season) to take part in a new competition, that nobody cared/cares about instead of play in the competition that most United fans remember more fondley than most as, we've won it more than all, is <deleted>**in mindless.

I expected better more informed comments than this from some on TV and, not just another attempt to turn a thread into an United love/hate thread. :o:D


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its not lost its magic your justused to it.

me and NOK have lostthe magic and she wants to stay here with her ######ing family and saysd she wont come back with me to jomytien on Mondaty - WHO HAS THE CASH???? When she wakes up and smells the coffe it will be a different story i bet you a millionbucks. :o:D

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. Chelsea, Man Utd, Liverpool and Arsenal continually field weakened teams

What do you call a weakened Chelsea team?

I would say a weakened Chelsea team would include Cudicini, Johnson, Huth, Geremi, Wright-Phillips and Carlton Cole.

These guys have done the job in the FA Cup this season but I don't think they will figure against Barcelona in the Champion's league, if Mourinho has a full squad to pick from. :o

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While i don't agree with Rus' assertions that Utd didn't want to play in the world championship, i also don't think that their withdrawl from the competition has had anything to do with the decline of the FA cup. In all honesty it's just a convenient excuse to bash Utd, as Rus says, and believe me i love bashing Utd, but i don't think you can blame them on this one :o .

Since the expansion of the European Cup/Champions League, all of the top teams have far greater fish to fry. It's a far more prestigious competition and quite rightly all the sides involved take it far more seriously than the domestic cups. In the days when you usually would only have one English representative in the European Cup, the FA Cup retained a much greater sense of importance for the big sides. When the big sides aren't that interested anymore you have to face the fact that the domestic cups are not particularly prestigious tournaments to win, and no amount of sentimentality can change that.

A lot of teams would rather finish fourth in the league, than win the FA Cup. If you want to be challenging for the big trophies you need to be playing Champions League football. It's understandable, the FA Cup is not a big trophy anymore.

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[We did not spurn "THE" greatest cup competition in the world.

I'm going to try and not lower myself to that utter bollo* Lampard. United were given no choice by the powers that beI expected better more informed comments than this from some on TV and, not just another attempt to turn a thread into an United love/hate thread. :o:D


Sorry if I offended you, but I beleive United could have said no. At the time United were the greatest thing since sliced bread( although then, none of us Chelsea supporters laid into you,like you seem to be laying into us)Of course a lot of teams thought. FA Cup.....United can't be bothered with it, and they are the best. Maybe it's not so good after all. The fact that they got humiliated IS a chanca for the Man U knockers to chirp in, not the fact that they went. I weould have said the same about Chelsea. But we would have bought the trophey back. :D

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Sorry if I offended you, but I beleive United could have said no. At the time United were the greatest thing since sliced bread( although then, none of us Chelsea supporters laid into you,like you seem to be laying into us)Of course a lot of teams thought. FA Cup.....United can't be bothered with it, and they are the best. Maybe it's not so good after all. The fact that they got humiliated IS a chanca for the Man U knockers to chirp in, not the fact that they went. I weould have said the same about Chelsea. But we would have bought the trophey back. :o

Lampard10 behave? If you look back Utd asked the FA to play our 3rd round at a later date and even offered to play a weakened team, so get your facts right. As Redrus said we were pushed into by the FA cos it looked good for them and we got slated for it. Tony Banks (i think he was sports minister at the time) got involved and said it would be good for the UK if we went.

As for Utd fans having a go at the team who have won a few trophies over the last few years and all Chelsea fans think the world is aganist you. Well, get used to it cos you are the best at the moment and teams at the top get slagged off. In a different thread i have said all along that Chelsea deserve to be top. Your football is not that good to watch but hey, you are winning matches, are you not? When we were winning all the time i used to sit back and enjoy it, so why cant you?

The thing is Lamp10, Chelsea are not even in our top 5 rivals as a team or supporter wise for that matter.

As for Chelsea winning the Fifa world club thingy, maybe. We have won it already and are the only British club to do so, before they changed the format to 6 teams. It was the Euro champs v the South America champs and if you check, we won it in 1999.

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A lot of teams would rather finish fourth in the league, than win the FA Cup. If you want to be challenging for the big trophies you need to be playing Champions League football. It's understandable, the FA Cup is not a big trophy anymore.

Eddie, whilst taking your point ,that was not what I was really getting at.

I was pedominantly talking about teams that are really at the bottom of the Premiership or teams that are top end of the Championship. Those teams do not take the competition seriously any more.

As I mentioned in my opening post these clubs are fighting for something else and the FA Cup is a distraction for the reasons I mentioned.

These teams probably feel they have "no chance" of winning it so why bother when they can concentrate on either being promoted or avoiding relegation. Neil Warnock went on record as sayng that reaching the semi-finals of both competitions cost the club promotion and so he won't be much bothered with it again until S.Utd are safely esconsed in the Premiership

The bigger clubs do, as a rule as it offers entry to Europe SHOULD things go wrong for them in the league and they don't get a top four finish.

The "Usual" winners of the FA Cup are either United, Liverpool, Arsenal or Chelsea over the last 10 years so it's not quite true that they don't bother with it.

One of them will win it again this year (well except for Arsenal and either Liverpool or Man U after the next round)

So my money will be on either Chelsea or United to win it

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A lot of teams would rather finish fourth in the league, than win the FA Cup. If you want to be challenging for the big trophies you need to be playing Champions League football. It's understandable, the FA Cup is not a big trophy anymore.

Eddie, whilst taking your point ,that was not what I was really getting at.

I was pedominantly talking about teams that are really at the bottom of the Premiership or teams that are top end of the Championship. Those teams do not take the competition seriously any more.

As I mentioned in my opening post these clubs are fighting for something else and the FA Cup is a distraction for the reasons I mentioned.

These teams probably feel they have "no chance" of winning it so why bother when they can concentrate on either being promoted or avoiding relegation. Neil Warnock went on record as sayng that reaching the semi-finals of both competitions cost the club promotion and so he won't be much bothered with it again until S.Utd are safely esconsed in the Premiership

The bigger clubs do, as a rule as it offers entry to Europe SHOULD things go wrong for them in the league and they don't get a top four finish.

The "Usual" winners of the FA Cup are either United, Liverpool, Arsenal or Chelsea over the last 10 years so it's not quite true that they don't bother with it.

One of them will win it again this year (well except for Arsenal and either Liverpool or Man U after the next round)

So my money will be on either Chelsea or United to win it

Regarding the O.P. you have in the last couple of sentences answered your own post ?

It is no longer a glamour situation and before all teams in the top divisions had a chance of winning it.

Nowadays as you say only certain clubs have a chance normally and while thats good for their fans it has become a non event to the unfortunate less well off ones.

I as a supporter of my club am fed up of seeing this situation and consequently have lost interest in the competition

As Eddie says i loose interest in the later stages also unless a non glamourous team are still in it.

No offence or critism of your points T. P and again they are fair reflection of todays situation.

marshbags :o:D:D

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The latest report on the richest clubs in ( official ) 2004-2005 and especially for you redrus

It,s no shame coming second to Real in monetary terms........................

Unfortunately my club will be in the poorest clubs list for last year, never mind i,m still a supporter, after all that,s the true test of loyalty. :o:D

Maybe in a couple of seasons we,ll turn it all around.

1(2) Real Madrid £186.2m

2(1) Man Utd £166.4m

3(3) AC Milan £158m

4(5) Juventus £154.9m

5(4) Chelsea £149.1m

6(7) Barcelona £140.4m

7(9) Bayern Munich £128m

8(10) Liverpool £122.4m

9(8) Inter Milan £119.7m

10(6) Arsenal £115.7m

11(12) Roma £89m

12(11) Newcastle £87.1m

13(14) Spurs £70.6m

14(17) Schalke £65.8m

15(-) Lyon £62.7m

16(13) Celtic £62.6m

17(16) Man City £60.9m

18(-) Everton £60m

19(-) Valencia £57.2m

20(15) Lazio £56.1m

Source: Deloitte (Previous season's positions in brackets)

marshbags :D:D:D

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interesting and informative post Marshbags.

Sorry but I may have missed it but who do you support?

I,m still a proud Owl so why not say it.

Sheffield Wednesday and yes i,m still a supporter.

When the times are bad you show your loyalty by getting behind your club.

Unlike the classless players who dropped us in the mire on leaving the premier, refused to play for us, even though they where still under contract, and left us with big debts from which we,re still struggling to recover.

Let,s start with 2 Italians....................................

marshbags :o:D:D " But we shall return " :D:D:D

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Think yo have another darby game in the offing, really hope you win!!

I will never forget the 90's matches when Wednesday with Warhurst, Waddle etc played those classic Cup matches with Arsenal, in the days of replays.

Exciting stuff..

Those days will return MB.. Everything is cyclical... I have been waiting all my life and I am now over 50 for Reading to get a sniff of the top flight.

Dreams can come true, you are dead right for sticking by your team, thats what REAL fans do.

Chock Dee


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Think yo have another darby game in the offing, really hope you win!!

I will never forget the 90's matches when Wednesday with Warhurst, Waddle etc played those classic Cup matches with Arsenal, in the days of replays.

Exciting stuff..

Those days will return MB.. Everything is cyclical... I have been waiting all my life and I am now over 50 for Reading to get a sniff of the top flight.

Dreams can come true, you are dead right for sticking by your team, thats what REAL fans do.

Chock Dee


Fair play TP :D

Thanks for a sporting reply and the encouragement.

I,m sure you,ll go top flight in style by winning the championship. :o

marshbags :D:D:D

P.S. I went to all the games against Arsenal in the 5 match thriller, the weather was atrocious but made them all, it was a brilliant period for all football supporters.

I can still see Pat Jennings hugging our goalie and coming over to us along with most of there players to applaud and salute our supporters.

Even now i cannot believe how many times they got the results, but that,s football and just to be a part of it, i will never forget it.

I also remember spending Saturdays at Chai,s bar first in soi 7 and then when he moved to soi 8 near Flipper Lodge.

At that time Chai was the only guy who could guarantee viewing facilities with his massive satellite

dish along with the BBC world radio transmissions.

That was when there really was interest in the F.A.cup ( and all football ) and anyone of a number of teams had a chance.

Happy days eh :D

Enjoy the moment when they do it Paul and treasure it.

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