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Durable Ear Buds: Where To Buy?


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Can anyone recommend where to buy a pair of reasonably-priced, durable ear buds that will last more than a month or so? Ear buds seem to be sold everywhere, but no matter which ones I buy they malfunction after a few weeks time, maybe a month. The problem always seems to be in the wiring, never in the speakers themselves -- and I have been unable to find anyone that repairs them.

"Just buy new ones," is the reply I inevitably get.

Lately I have given up and bought larger headphones that have a metal clamp that fits over the head, but I always feel like the bus driver in the Simpsons when I use them.

I would be happy to pay out 500-600 baht for good ear buds if I knew they would last six months or more.

Any help most appreciated (please specify brand, model and where to buy).



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