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Tensions Flare As Protesters Urge Yingluck To Quit: Thailand


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there is another angle to look at today's events and possibly it was a plan or part of it

1. Court ruled against the government and rally was legitimate

Government went against court ruling and was blocking people from attending

2. 500 or so people were allowed to dismantle the barb wires/road blocks and then fired upon. Keep in mind police outnumbered the protesters like 3 to 1, they stood by, allowing them to dismantle before taking any actions, which shows police intent or perhaps police orders.

I am not law expert, but i think there is already grounds for some legal action against the government.

The aim of this group and protest is to oust the government, which ever way possible, may be setting up traps was/is the plan

1) seems normal to me i never saw any govermant follow rules in handling protestors, some made roadblocks..... others take army forces out and let them shoot

2) theese people standing in between highly sharp NATO fence is used by military, i dont see a chance to interact diffrent if you want not hurt own forces in this highly dangerous fences, nearby behind the barrier are buildings like the UN, administrative govermant buildings, i bet many remembered what the people did in 2006 and this now is the mostly the same kind of people, that this mob will COUPE the government have to get stopped ! where we are if countries let allow 500 people to overthrow a govermant ? ......right in the same mess brought us to 2010..........

its important not only to watch "from another angle" but to think about the past and now in the same time!

this people are extremist and from a very right orientated wing of society (same crowds was forcing thailand into problems with cambodia)

surly this fashist scum want to create a dictatorship and again bring more problems to thailand by stopping the process of legal election.

Nearby 50 % are backed up by the green wing because the government now makes peace with everyone and even stop the spending on army equipment.

its all politics.........its not about corruption fighting, or about that there are some people have microchips in their brains they get secret order from.

its about rich old familys, armed forces and poor littel doubags are happy to get a small share from the bigguy (500 thb a day)

face it............this governmant get called police close but guess what, they fight corruption inside the police :) i think everyone ride a bike or a car knows there there are now

around 3 -5 controls less per week on the streets of bangkok - this alone makes me totaly belive in this government because i never see anything moving against drugs or criminal police

in last 5 years before (2006 to 2011)

we not have to watch this case from any angle, we should blame people bring problems to thailand (red, jellow or green), the press should jelling on them as well

but seems to me everone is kinda entertained of it instead of the the it all as a whole big shit problem thailand has wont stop if people keep on trying get power

over COUPES And not over ELECTIONS.

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Anyone living in Thailand for the past decade has witnessed a series of protests and surely has heard people on both sides call for coups and deaths and revoloutions of all sorts. They have urged their followers to occupy government buildings, airports, public spaces. We have seen grenade attacks, gunfire in the streets, and many people die. Some may be shocked at such antics and feel that a protest that uses these tools would be illegitimate. Here in Thailand that is what happens because it has been effective. The current government decided that it would actively undermine this protest even before it started. Yes what the Pitak Siam was calling for was not a good option, but the government gave them what they wanted and demonstrated how heavy handed they were and how intolerant of any dissent they are.

As someone not involved with either side, I do wonder if the government has made this a thousand times worse. Behind the scenes, the army must feel humiliated and disgraced. It has nothing to do with the rally organizer pe se but with the symbol of national authority seemingly being given over to the police. The army, in effect, has been told to shut up, put on parades, and leave the defense of the country to policeman. It's like the SS state establishing rule over the Wehrmacht. What will the army do in light of the immense loss of face they have just suffered? Best for all outsiders to just sit back and watch, I think, instead of take sides.

Excuse me?

Where I come from, the police handles demonstrations- not the army!

The defense of the country is still with the army, because that is mainly the purpose of an army!

What we have seen here, has nothing to do with the defense of a country.

It was rally! No attack!

Was it poorly handled?

I think so!

But the army had better really nothing to do with that!

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Every Thais can see that the government has been trying to suppress the rally that is constitutional right of Thai people. Too bad that hypocrisy red shirts, whom I doubt they really know what hypocrisy means, are just blindly support the government's decision to do so in the name of democracy.

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An estimate of 20,000 as opposed to the anticipated 100K plus would seem to be a major vote for the government.

Violence begets violence so better avoided but it appears that there were those out to cause it in the opposition and itchy trigger fingers on the government side.

Hopefully we will see little more from this lot and just let the elected gov get on with it's job whatever it may be.

Those that are not satisfied with whatever will have an opportunity to vote them out in a couple of years time.

Actually, according to the BBC, there was only around 10,000 demonstrators

Furthermore, according to the latest poll, a majority of people backed the use of the Internal Security Act.

It should be obvious for all, the Thai people are clearly opposed to the violent method of Pitak Siam. They do not want a coup, They're tired of street violence.

The people who here support Pitak Siam, the PAD and all similar terrorist organizations are clearly out of touch with the feeling of the Thai population.

According to the Suan Dusit poll 62.38% of the 1017 people asked in Bangkok area agreed with the invocation of the ISA.

Furthermore it should be obvious that Gen. Boonlert shot himself in the foot with repeatedly asking for a coup. People may be against the Yingluck government, but through a coup is not in their mind.

The people here who call Pitak Siam , PAD and similar terrorist organisations might gain more respect if the UDD was named in this list rather than let all wonder if the poster includes them in the 'similar terrorist organisations'.

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Pitak Siam is primarily Yellow Shirt and Democratic Party. A recent thread asked what can Thailand learn from American Democracy? I say learn that if you don't like the government, you have to wait for the next election.

Pitak Siam seems a small organisation with some core supporters. PAD allowed it's members to join today. Yellow shirts are no longer really primarily attached to PAD and the Democrats are a different and political organisation all together.

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there is another angle to look at today's events and possibly it was a plan or part of it

1. Court ruled against the government and rally was legitimate

Government went against court ruling and was blocking people from attending

2. 500 or so people were allowed to dismantle the barb wires/road blocks and then fired upon. Keep in mind police outnumbered the protesters like 3 to 1, they stood by, allowing them to dismantle before taking any actions, which shows police intent or perhaps police orders.

I am not law expert, but i think there is already grounds for some legal action against the government.

The aim of this group and protest is to oust the government, which ever way possible, may be setting up traps was/is the plan

They didn't use live rounds,did they?


You are quite correct in that assertion lopburikid they didn't use live rounds, unlike the UDD / Reds who used then on an almost daily basis. So perhaps if the Pitak Siam had the government today would have responded likewise

Don't try to distort the truth we know the story - UDD used live rounds / Army responded with live rounds. Pitak Siam no live rounds, police today no live rounds. It seems both governments responded to different circumstances as dictated by the amount of force being used against them.

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The army are the bad guys,who kicked out the last free elected government,so why current government should get involved with the army?

Are you saying that the PPP was kicked out by the army or that it wasn't a free elected government?

Or maybe you're saying that Thaksin's caretaker government was a free elected government??

In the end everything is about Thaksin,ask yourself why royalists,army,and elites are so scared Thaksin comes back,I'm not a Thaksin friend but things were better for thais and Thailand with him,and most thais don't care how much he cheats or fills his pockets as long they have a good life,and about army I would say it's never good if the army has to much power and starts a coup whenever they don't like the government,please save ur irony for somebody else

Things were better under him because of a global economic boom. He doesn't seem to be doing so well now.

That is a fact that most Thais do not know. They also do not know much of any thing because the government will not teach them. Thaksin was in power for almost 6 years and their level of education remained the same. Never once did he give a thought to educating them.

In all fairness there has been 5 Governments since he was in power. None of them has done a thing to help the poor people to get an education. Mind you the first four were not in long enough and had their hands full on other matters. Like keeping in power and fighting terrorists. At last we have a government with the vote to make a difference and what do they do buy them a pad to replace thinking.

Next election they will be promising X boxeswhistling.gif

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An estimate of 20,000 as opposed to the anticipated 100K plus would seem to be a major vote for the government.

Violence begets violence so better avoided but it appears that there were those out to cause it in the opposition and itchy trigger fingers on the government side.

Hopefully we will see little more from this lot and just let the elected gov get on with it's job whatever it may be.

Those that are not satisfied with whatever will have an opportunity to vote them out in a couple of years time.

Actually, according to the BBC, there was only around 10,000 demonstrators

Furthermore, according to the latest poll, a majority of people backed the use of the Internal Security Act.

It should be obvious for all, the Thai people are clearly opposed to the violent method of Pitak Siam. They do not want a coup, They're tired of street violence.

The people who here support Pitak Siam, the PAD and all similar terrorist organizations are clearly out of touch with the feeling of the Thai population.

Yep people are sick and tired of street violence as they have more pressing concerns, such as rising costs of living to deal with on a daily basis. I think the true face of Bangkok politics (which is what this rally was about) will be borne out in the coming Bangkok Mayoral election, Many of my Thai friends (and i'm sure people have friends who think differently) who voted PTP are voting Dem either 1) out of protest at being forgotten by PTP - I mean seriously what has PTP done to help the Bangkok middle classes except waste their hard earned tax money on rice or 2) to keep a balance in politics as many feel PTP are becoming too powerful.

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I am sure I saw some of those protesters wearing red shirts at an earlier protest. Professionals perhaps ?

They purchased many red shirts hoping to use them to create unrest and point the finger at the opposition....

the truth is some of the trouble making red shirts of 2010 actually was yellow shirts hidden for give the armed forced a reason to shoot in 2010, of course you saw them 2006 as yellow, 2010 as red and today as somhow greenish yellow or so called MULTICOLOUR or whatever new funny name they give themselve........ indeed professional payed people u see here.

By the way i totally like how its clearly visible by the low numbers of people came, that thaksin haters and flamers are the real problem of thailand, and that people have to focus on making the country stable and ready for ASEAN instead of belive in some kind of magic trick...................like letz magicaly let disappear thaksin (the reason of all problems) and the future is bright, thailand wont have financial problems in near future and abisith start laying golden egs.

i realy ask myselve why thais not use their voice for things like STOP the law protecting parliament members from get sued for criminal acts, like money laundering, tax betray, under table money or such stealing

THAT WOULD HELP FIGHT CORUPTION INDEED - but no .........again and again people use now old problems like corruption or thaksin for make imaginary problems in the air "have to get solved" and they present themselve as the solution.

this is the real evil in thailand..............people like yellow, multicolour mostly rich phony familys what their interests pushed

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hellodolly wrote:

"None of them has done a thing to help the poor people to get an education."

..and none ever will!

No PT- government, no Democrat - government and for sure no appointed elite- government!

They are all very happy, with the uneducated and therefore easy to influence, masses!

...that is, as long as they vote, what they are supposed to vote!

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the truth is some of the trouble making red shirts of 2010 actually was yellow shirts hidden for give the armed forced a reason to shoot in 2010, of course you saw them 2006 as yellow, 2010 as red and today as somhow greenish yellow or so called MULTICOLOUR or whatever new funny name they give themselve........ indeed professional payed people u see here.

Fake red shirts? That's a new one.

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An estimate of 20,000 as opposed to the anticipated 100K plus would seem to be a major vote for the government.

Violence begets violence so better avoided but it appears that there were those out to cause it in the opposition and itchy trigger fingers on the government side.

Hopefully we will see little more from this lot and just let the elected gov get on with it's job whatever it may be.

Those that are not satisfied with whatever will have an opportunity to vote them out in a couple of years time.

Actually, according to the BBC, there was only around 10,000 demonstrators

Furthermore, according to the latest poll, a majority of people backed the use of the Internal Security Act.

It should be obvious for all, the Thai people are clearly opposed to the violent method of Pitak Siam. They do not want a coup, They're tired of street violence.

The people who here support Pitak Siam, the PAD and all similar terrorist organizations are clearly out of touch with the feeling of the Thai population.

Yep people are sick and tired of street violence as they have more pressing concerns, such as rising costs of living to deal with on a daily basis. I think the true face of Bangkok politics (which is what this rally was about) will be borne out in the coming Bangkok Mayoral election, Many of my Thai friends (and i'm sure people have friends who think differently) who voted PTP are voting Dem either 1) out of protest at being forgotten by PTP - I mean seriously what has PTP done to help the Bangkok middle classes except waste their hard earned tax money on rice or 2) to keep a balance in politics as many feel PTP are becoming too powerful.

ONE BIG THING is that there are no corrupt police controlls anymore anywhere in bangkok and if there is controlls then in reasonable areas like disco areas or bars and at night and then they controll for drugs and alc.

i think every bangkokian feels this 1000 to 2000 thb monthly more in the pocket :) nearby there is tax reduction, you may not working anymore sir but im quite happy about the new tax system and it already work pretty productive by

attract companys to make the headquater in thailand for pay tax here.

this PTP becomes too powerfull is quite nonsense since in all countrys there is a leader and a opposition. nothing wrong with they have more seats and

everone think thats wrong that one party have more searts maybeeeee should read some more about how democracy realy works.

what i think is that many see the opposition give a fuc_k about the country and instead do nonsense things only to denounce PTP

instead of start freakin workin on the country.i think thats why many ex yellow supporters switched and stay behind red or last but not least

stop to support any yellow shirt movement

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the truth is some of the trouble making red shirts of 2010 actually was yellow shirts hidden for give the armed forced a reason to shoot in 2010, of course you saw them 2006 as yellow, 2010 as red and today as somhow greenish yellow or so called MULTICOLOUR or whatever new funny name they give themselve........ indeed professional payed people u see here.

Fake red shirts? That's a new one.

but pretty logic one isnt it? bet who burn central world and why they still didnt made it to catch any of the black shirts even with 80.000 army in BKK ?

or why not one of the burning people got catched, or why there is still inseen videos of central world show the people burn it......

its so clear you only have to open your sleepy eyes and see !

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What makes the rally illegitimate? Can't people disagree with the reds? I don't agree with the goals of the Pitak Siam, but they should be able to express themselves without a preemptive crackdown. I remember a time when double standards were a bad thing from the reds point of view.

And double standards from the yellow shirts?

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All these coup supporters and hypocritical expats who bitch about "corruption" by the YL administration and that she is a puppet for Thaksin, I say: so what? Or, more to the point, it doesn't matter.

First, prove the corruption in a bona fide legal setting.

Second, so what if YL gets advice from Thaksin? She can seek advice from whomever she wishes. Not only that, of course everyone knew she would seek his advice and counsel from him as PM. Eveyone knew all of this but they elected her ANYWAY.

So, it really isn't relevant and material that she gets advice from him.

That's how democracy and elections work.

Get over it.

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the truth is some of the trouble making red shirts of 2010 actually was yellow shirts hidden for give the armed forced a reason to shoot in 2010, of course you saw them 2006 as yellow, 2010 as red and today as somhow greenish yellow or so called MULTICOLOUR or whatever new funny name they give themselve........ indeed professional payed people u see here.

Fake red shirts? That's a new one.

but pretty logic one isnt it? bet who burn central world and why they still didnt made it to catch any of the black shirts even with 80.000 army in BKK ?

or why not one of the burning people got catched, or why there is still inseen videos of central world show the people burn it......

its so clear you only have to open your sleepy eyes and see !

80,000 army?

Fantasy, more like it.

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there is another angle to look at today's events and possibly it was a plan or part of it

1. Court ruled against the government and rally was legitimate

Government went against court ruling and was blocking people from attending

2. 500 or so people were allowed to dismantle the barb wires/road blocks and then fired upon. Keep in mind police outnumbered the protesters like 3 to 1, they stood by, allowing them to dismantle before taking any actions, which shows police intent or perhaps police orders.

I am not law expert, but i think there is already grounds for some legal action against the government.

The aim of this group and protest is to oust the government, which ever way possible, may be setting up traps was/is the plan

Grow up - police in most countries don't take action until a law is broken!

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All these coup supporters and hypocritical expats who bitch about "corruption" by the YL administration and that she is a puppet for Thaksin, I say: so what? Or, more to the point, it doesn't matter.

First, prove the corruption in a bona fide legal setting.

Second, so what if YL gets advice from Thaksin? She can seek advice from whomever she wishes. Not only that, of course everyone knew she would seek his advice and counsel from him as PM. Eveyone knew all of this but they elected her ANYWAY.

So, it really isn't relevant and material that she gets advice from him.

That's how democracy and elections work.

Get over it.

Best posting of the day!!!!!

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hellodolly wrote:

"None of them has done a thing to help the poor people to get an education."

..and none ever will!

No PT- government, no Democrat - government and for sure no appointed elite- government!

They are all very happy, with the uneducated and therefore easy to influence, masses!

...that is, as long as they vote, what they are supposed to vote!

so true, and thats why i ask me since thais like mob so much why the heck they not stand for their right on education - the right have laws not protect politicans but SUE them for what they did wrong

(only for one person that seems to exist)

im happy about now elections start to take process, if this keeps on and people learn how to judge leaders by actions (and not by rumors or propaganda) then they will also see the mistakes happens in thailand

like low education, bad medical supply etc.

and maybe also realise that it is quite evil to play with this needs to move masses for YOUR interests.

or maybe im such a dreamer haha

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hellodolly wrote:

"None of them has done a thing to help the poor people to get an education."

..and none ever will!

No PT- government, no Democrat - government and for sure no appointed elite- government!

They are all very happy, with the uneducated and therefore easy to influence, masses!

...that is, as long as they vote, what they are supposed to vote!

Bull- sh*t the Shinawat Government introduced free education for the first time in Thailand - not the end but a beginning!!!

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there is another angle to look at today's events and possibly it was a plan or part of it

1. Court ruled against the government and rally was legitimate

Government went against court ruling and was blocking people from attending

2. 500 or so people were allowed to dismantle the barb wires/road blocks and then fired upon. Keep in mind police outnumbered the protesters like 3 to 1, they stood by, allowing them to dismantle before taking any actions, which shows police intent or perhaps police orders.

I am not law expert, but i think there is already grounds for some legal action against the government.

The aim of this group and protest is to oust the government, which ever way possible, may be setting up traps was/is the plan

Well you may have point there. The only sure fire thing we know is that one way or another the Government was not going to let it be peaceful.

The only way ptp could have survived this event politically would have been for it to stay peaceful. If it has descended into utter chaos, that would have given the army some legitimacy to take control.

Ptp would have no leg to stand on if this had gotten completely out of control. The army would have stepped in, requested or not.

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All these coup supporters and hypocritical expats who bitch about "corruption" by the YL administration and that she is a puppet for Thaksin, I say: so what? Or, more to the point, it doesn't matter.

First, prove the corruption in a bona fide legal setting.

Second, so what if YL gets advice from Thaksin? She can seek advice from whomever she wishes. Not only that, of course everyone knew she would seek his advice and counsel from him as PM. Eveyone knew all of this but they elected her ANYWAY.

So, it really isn't relevant and material that she gets advice from him.

That's how democracy and elections work.

Get over it.

"First, prove the corruption in a bona fide legal setting."

You're suggesting that as long that can't be done it doesn't exist. So this reagion is corruption free ?

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the truth is some of the trouble making red shirts of 2010 actually was yellow shirts hidden for give the armed forced a reason to shoot in 2010, of course you saw them 2006 as yellow, 2010 as red and today as somhow greenish yellow or so called MULTICOLOUR or whatever new funny name they give themselve........ indeed professional payed people u see here.

Fake red shirts? That's a new one.

but pretty logic one isnt it? bet who burn central world and why they still didnt made it to catch any of the black shirts even with 80.000 army in BKK ?

or why not one of the burning people got catched, or why there is still inseen videos of central world show the people burn it......

its so clear you only have to open your sleepy eyes and see !

80,000 army?

Fantasy, more like it.

60.000 sorry.......search by yourselve in the webi i am too lazzy for that,

and so what.........doesent change the point does it ?

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All these coup supporters and hypocritical expats who bitch about "corruption" by the YL administration and that she is a puppet for Thaksin, I say: so what? Or, more to the point, it doesn't matter.

First, prove the corruption in a bona fide legal setting.

Second, so what if YL gets advice from Thaksin? She can seek advice from whomever she wishes. Not only that, of course everyone knew she would seek his advice and counsel from him as PM. Eveyone knew all of this but they elected her ANYWAY.

So, it really isn't relevant and material that she gets advice from him.

That's how democracy and elections work.

Get over it.

"First, prove the corruption in a bona fide legal setting."

You're suggesting that as long that can't be done it doesn't exist. So this reagion is corruption free ?

At the end of it, proving it is the only way to win. I suggest the nation and the anti government media get very busy digging.

It can't be hard to find if it is that blatant.

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but pretty logic one isnt it? bet who burn central world and why they still didnt made it to catch any of the black shirts even with 80.000 army in BKK ?

or why not one of the burning people got catched, or why there is still inseen videos of central world show the people burn it......

its so clear you only have to open your sleepy eyes and see !

80,000 army?

Fantasy, more like it.

60.000 sorry.......search by yourselve in the webi i am too lazzy for that,

and so what.........doesent change the point does it ?

There were 10,000 protesters there. Individuals weren't caught lighting fires. That doesn't mean the yellow shirts did it.

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Word on the street is that General Chami is behind it and up to his old tricks again....and his boss is.......mai poooot.....Mai K j

Word on the streets also say that prostitutes are reducing their prices - believe it if you will

Will genuflect to your superior knowledge on said......

Just as a ps..

was in Bangers in May 92 and after the conflict Gen "noname" did a walkabout and couple of us got a a sawdee K and a hello etc ...didnt buy us a beer on anything.. but certainly gave me a good impression.....

.sands of time move through the glass slowly etc.

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