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Thailand In Crisis: At Least One Person Becomes H I V-Positive Every Hour


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I went to this site to get a population estimate for Thailand.


They estimate 67,000,000 but I used 66,000,000 as a reasonable figure.

Using the figure of 44% of Thais are infected that is close to 29,000,000 people.


I suspect that the figures may be a tad in error somewhere down the line or the translation came out wrongly.

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catweazle got it right ! i was positive twice, once after a flu and once after an infection. refused AZT therapy. alive and kicking - negative !

WOW!!! Life proof - thank you so much. I had so many endless discussions about this and know that I for A) should be dead myself by now and B ) "hell yeah!" would absolutely positively reject any medication offered by those <Snip> white coats and simply do more sports and drop alcohol and fast food. Hopefully the full extend of the AIDS scam is exposed on a worldwide basis soon. Btw. I also don't know any of the hookers I ever have known dying of AIDS, but dying other ways like getting electricuted in the shower, run over by a truck, bike accident, one got shot, etc. but none died of AIDS. One girlfriend of a girl I knew was said to be dying of aids some 12 years ago. When I asked for the medication, it was AZT. She died of a lung infection, because the AZT <snip> up her metabolism and her immune system, not AIDS!

Music recommendation: White Coats - from New Model Army - let the lyrics open your eyes!

You need to do a bit more research. Contracting HIV that then transmutes to AIDS, eats away at the body's immune system and sufferers die due to lower resistance to infections, virus cancer etc not from AIDS itself. This is what happened to a very good gay friend of mine in the early 1990s. He had a very unpleasant and slow death.

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Several people mention sex edication in schools . I believe sex education encourages girls to find out about and experience this thing called sex .

In rural areas almost every village has at least one goodtime motel . I am told that it is common practice for schoolgirls to provide the sexual sevice , bt300 .

Does Thailand have a problem , pretending that it is not sexually orientated , not a No.1 destination for sex holidays of all persuasions , no pornography ?

As in most other countries , it seems that drug users and homosexual men who don't use a condom are the primary passers and contractors of HIV .

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"Half a million have Aids virus but numbers adding up every hour; campaigns hamstrung by government indifference"

If this article is typical of what the government is capable of doing in the AIDS battle, then the problem isn't indifference, it is incompetance. The story and graph lumps HIV and AIDS in one. Many HIV positive people never reach the transition to AIDS.

Much of the graphic and article does not make sense. Was this even prepared by a medical professional?

What is that "HIV cases based on on risk" profile? Relates to what?

One infection every hour is 9473 per year. Only 533 this year to Nov 13. If it was more than 7600 then 1 every hour would make sense.

The graph on top shown by age doesn't make sense without some explanation.

"It is estimated that about 80 per cent of new cases are caused by unprotected sex and about 300,000 people have the tendency to be carriers of the virus." A tendency to carry the virus? Seems that if you carry the virus, then you have HIV and if you don't carry then you don't have HIV.

Edited by aguy30
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catweazle got it right ! i was positive twice, once after a flu and once after an infection. refused AZT therapy. alive and kicking - negative !

WOW!!! Life proof - thank you so much. I had so many endless discussions about this and know that I for A) should be dead myself by now and B ) "hell yeah!" would absolutely positively reject any medication offered by those <Snip> white coats and simply do more sports and drop alcohol and fast food. Hopefully the full extend of the AIDS scam is exposed on a worldwide basis soon. Btw. I also don't know any of the hookers I ever have known dying of AIDS, but dying other ways like getting electricuted in the shower, run over by a truck, bike accident, one got shot, etc. but none died of AIDS. One girlfriend of a girl I knew was said to be dying of aids some 12 years ago. When I asked for the medication, it was AZT. She died of a lung infection, because the AZT <snip> up her metabolism and her immune system, not AIDS!

Music recommendation: White Coats - from New Model Army - let the lyrics open your eyes!

You need to do a bit more research. Contracting HIV that then transmutes to AIDS, eats away at the body's immune system and sufferers die due to lower resistance to infections, virus cancer etc not from AIDS itself. This is what happened to a very good gay friend of mine in the early 1990s. He had a very unpleasant and slow death.

Yepp and back then in 1990 he to 100% sure was on AZT what kills the immune system and eventually killed your friend. AIDS is nothing more than a collection of all symptoms and disease patterns that people show who either are weakened by drug use, malnutrition, extreme poisoning due to alcohol abuse and abuse of other substances, etc. - then they wrapped it up and called it AIDS after they found out that these patterns are reflected by a specific blood count. If you are already a junkie, living a bad lifestyle, sleep deprevation, extended sexual intercourse with changing partners and subsequently catching other sexually transmitted diseases, etc. already weakening your immune system to point blank, and then - on top of it all - catching a simple flu or something can destroy the blood count to the required numbers for the AIDS test to kick in. Then: Refuse the treatment with deadly medicine, change life style and habits for the better and live - or: Take the whitecoat medicine and die!

Talking about wrapping up the disease patterns and giving it a name... Does this remind any reader here about what Goldmann Sucks did with all those bad credits they sold to any beggar of whom they knew he could never pay it back? They took them all (and more from other banks) wrapped the whole $hite and named it ABACUS (even starts with the same letter), put it into the stock market, sold that crap to their own clients and watched as it spontaneously combusted and killed the livelihood and savings of millions, while Goldmann Sucks got rich betting against their own evil construct?

Wake up for Pete's sake!!!!!!!!!! This is the age of information and the internet - the truth is out there! Read and understand that you are fooled by governments and media. AIDS, ABACUS and similar constructs are just the tip of the iceberg. If you'd know what really is going on and take in the truth, we would not need AIDS or wars as half of the population would kill itself anyway because they could not take it, realizing that everything they have been told, taught at school and read in newspapers and history books was nothing but a big pack of lies. This is why the Elite keeps people down - because most of us are too ignorant and stupid to see and understand the greather picture!

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Can't believe how some of you are downplaying this article and AIDs in general. Scaremongering is dam_n necessary to drill the consequences home to people, most of which as the article states think it will never happen to them. And exponential infection is a staggering reality. People are dying and infecting others at an extreme rate, the numbers speak for themselves if even only partially correct. This is a deadly epidemic and the human cost is staggering.

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NO MATTER HOW YOU LOOK AT IT AIDS/HIV SUCKS 1 is too many lost a brother in law to it. As to condom machines in school HELL they don't allow them in the US.

I also dispute the virginity thing but it is a number that Ihave seen in the states and other areas. Main cause is poverty and low education. The kids at good schgools get the info loud and clear from teachers and peers.

It is thoe at home that have no education adn do not know about condoms and such. I can tellyou that all the boys adn girls I teach Mat 4 and 5 know all about condoms, beer and party. LOL

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catweazle got it right ! i was positive twice, once after a flu and once after an infection. refused AZT therapy. alive and kicking - negative !

WOW!!! Life proof - thank you so much. I had so many endless discussions about this and know that I for A) should be dead myself by now and B ) "hell yeah!" would absolutely positively reject any medication offered by those<Snip> white coats and simply do more sports and drop alcohol and fast food. Hopefully the full extend of the AIDS scam is exposed on a worldwide basis soon. Btw. I also don't know any of the hookers I ever have known dying of AIDS, but dying other ways like getting electricuted in the shower, run over by a truck, bike accident, one got shot, etc. but none died of AIDS. One girlfriend of a girl I knew was said to be dying of aids some 12 years ago. When I asked for the medication, it was AZT. She died of a lung infection, because the AZT <snip> up her metabolism and her immune system, not AIDS!

Music recommendation: White Coats - from New Model Army - let the lyrics open your eyes!

You need to do a bit more research. Contracting HIV that then transmutes to AIDS, eats away at the body's immune system and sufferers die due to lower resistance to infections, virus cancer etc not from AIDS itself. This is what happened to a very good gay friend of mine in the early 1990s. He had a very unpleasant and slow death.

Yepp and back then in 1990 he to 100% sure was on AZT what kills the immune system and eventually killed your friend. AIDS is nothing more than a collection of all symptoms and disease patterns that people show who either are weakened by drug use, malnutrition, extreme poisoning due to alcohol abuse and abuse of other substances, etc. - then they wrapped it up and called it AIDS after they found out that these patterns are reflected by a specific blood count. If you are already a junkie, living a bad lifestyle, sleep deprevation, extended sexual intercourse with changing partners and subsequently catching other sexually transmitted diseases, etc. already weakening your immune system to point blank, and then - on top of it all - catching a simple flu or something can destroy the blood count to the required numbers for the AIDS test to kick in. Then: Refuse the treatment with deadly medicine, change life style and habits for the better and live - or: Take the whitecoat medicine and die!

Talking about wrapping up the disease patterns and giving it a name... Does this remind any reader here about what Goldmann Sucks did with all those bad credits they sold to any beggar of whom they knew he could never pay it back? They took them all (and more from other banks) wrapped the whole $hite and named it ABACUS (even starts with the same letter), put it into the stock market, sold that crap to their own clients and watched as it spontaneously combusted and killed the livelihood and savings of millions, while Goldmann Sucks got rich betting against their own evil construct?

Wake up for Pete's sake!!!!!!!!!! This is the age of information and the interet - the truth is out there! Read and understand that you are fooled by governments and media. AIDS, ABACUS and similar constructs are just the tip of the iceberg. If you'd know what really is going on and take in the truth, we would not need AIDS or wars as half of the population would kill itself because they could not take the truth, realizing that everything they have been told, taught at school and read in newspapers were nothing but lies. This is why the Elite keeps people down - because most are too ignorant and stupid to see and understand the greather picture!

CAT WEAZLE and you are an expert on this HOW. GIVE ME A FREAKIN BREAK.

If you know the history ist was a bug that was being developed in Africa not sure if it wsa for good or bad that got out of hand.

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Didn't you wonder why it was so quiet for a long time about AIDS? Didn't you wonder why all of the AIDS positive people who refused medication and changed their life style to non-smoking, no drugs, no alcohol and sports were ALL negative 3 months later and survived the "deadly" disease?

You cant be serious....

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Good to see a variety of opinions on here as usual - I didn't really want to respond to the screaming headline which arrived in my inbox but this is a really interesting and important topic. Catweazle and others may be onto something. I recently watched the nobel prize winner Luc Montagnier (the guy who "jointly" discovered HIV - apparently) saying that HIV can be gotten rid of by a healthy immune system - and that we can be exposed to it many times. He recommends a healthy diet, cleanliness etc. Just watch it on Youtube.

So, there you go, straight from the horses mouth and a directly opposing viewpoint to the "irreversible death sentence" ideas most of us have had foisted upon us about HIV.

Then there's the "presumptive" testing, which hands out the "death sentence diagnosis" without a blood test. Unbelievable but true, a recommended protocol even!

The definition of AIDS itself is a ludicrous politicised litany of many other diseases.

You can be HIV positive in one country, then cross over the border and be HIV negative. Unbelievable but true.

The whole HIV/AIDS topic deserves your attention, as it is starting to show up all the signs of a major clusterf***.

I have not reached definitive conclusions on the matter, so would welcome other opinion, especially as I have two good friends currently "diagnosed" as positive. Would appreciate it if you could remain polite however, haha wai2.gif

Thank you, Adam!!! Thanks!!!!

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Here are ten facts every person diagnosed as HIV-positive has a right to know (click on the words in green for quick references)…

FACT #1: There is strong evidence that the HIV test you took is very often wrong. We have found over fifty different scientific studies listing seventy non-HIV conditions that can make the test produce false positive results. Depending on which test you took, they have been proven to be wrong as much as 90% of the time. So you might not be HIV-positive at all.

FACT #2: The HIV test you took was not a test for AIDS, or even a test for HIV. Despite what we’ve all been told, it was a simple test to find certain antibodies in your blood — an “HIV-antibody” test. But viral antibodies alone do not indicate a current infection. In fact, in virtually every other antibody test, to be positive for the antibodies means that you had exposure to or a prior virus infection and are nowimmune from the disease that virus could cause. Antibody protection is the basis for the practice of vaccinations, like gaining immunity against the flu with a flu shot. There are no studies that show why we should think any differently about antibodies to HIV. A growing number of experts now believe that testing HIV-antibody-positive actually means that you have successfully created what your body needs to defeatany HIV infection, not to make you sick!

FACT #3: No HIV test, whether it uses blood, urine or saliva, has ever been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the specific intended purpose of diagnosing infection with HIV.

FACT #4: The HIV test you took has never been “validated,” as was normally done in the past. That means that there has never been a group of people who tested HIV-positive who were then proven to have active HIV (not just the antibodies) in their blood. Conversely, there has also never been a group who tested HIV-negative and were proven not to have active HIV in their blood. This lack of test validation raises serious questions about the validity of your positive diagnosis.

FACT #5: The proteins used in the HIV test kits have never been proven to be unique or specific for HIV. In fact, every one of the proteins used in the test has been found to be associated with conditions that have nothing to do with HIV — and many of these proteins have nothing to do with illness of any kind. In other words, scientific evidence cannot prove that a positive HIV test means that you have HIV or AIDS or any other health problem, and it says so right on every test package. Most doctors giving the test and most people taking the test never see this disclaimer.

FACT #6: Nineteen samples of the same blood were sent to nineteen different laboratories for a Western Blot test, and they all came back with different results. 525 samples of the same blood of an ELISA-Positive test were sent to 525 different laboratories for a Western Blot confirmation, and came back with very different results. One blood sample was sent to the same lab 44 times and came back withdifferent results. This means that your test results could have been different if they had been done in a different laboratory.

See more: http://helpforhiv.com/

I personally have witnessed a huge amount of false positive results in Thailand.

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Good to see a variety of opinions on here as usual - I didn't really want to respond to the screaming headline which arrived in my inbox but this is a really interesting and important topic. Catweazle and others may be onto something. I recently watched the nobel prize winner Luc Montagnier (the guy who "jointly" discovered HIV - apparently) saying that HIV can be gotten rid of by a healthy immune system - and that we can be exposed to it many times. He recommends a healthy diet, cleanliness etc. Just watch it on Youtube.

So, there you go, straight from the horses mouth and a directly opposing viewpoint to the "irreversible death sentence" ideas most of us have had foisted upon us about HIV.

Then there's the "presumptive" testing, which hands out the "death sentence diagnosis" without a blood test. Unbelievable but true, a recommended protocol even!

The definition of AIDS itself is a ludicrous politicised litany of many other diseases.

You can be HIV positive in one country, then cross over the border and be HIV negative. Unbelievable but true.

The whole HIV/AIDS topic deserves your attention, as it is starting to show up all the signs of a major clusterf***.

I have not reached definitive conclusions on the matter, so would welcome other opinion, especially as I have two good friends currently "diagnosed" as positive. Would appreciate it if you could remain polite however, haha wai2.gif

You should undertake further research on the assertions by Luc Montagnier.



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catweazle got it right ! i was positive twice, once after a flu and once after an infection. refused AZT therapy. alive and kicking - negative !

Thought that Catweazle was one prat now I see there are at least two. Stop talking about AIDS and think HIV, that is definitely a virus, as an past chemical pathologist I know. I have seen a number of girls/ladies, call them what you will, dying from AIDS related illnesses. Visit some of the orphanages looking after HIV positive children. every month a few die and are replaced by even more. The original report would have made more sense if it had given a breakdown of the activities causing HIV i.e. heterosexual, bisexual etc. I have a feeling that 'bar girls' are the least of the worries. Try grown up Thai men who love there Mia Noi and still have extras on the side, try to get them to use condoms, no hope.

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I think Thailand should stop hiding the facts ´´ prostitution is illegal´´ but it is the country with the most sex tourism in the world. Make prostitution a legal job like in Belgium, this way you can control it. Let them go to the doctor every month and they need to advertise the health certificate. Make the brothels legal with legal consequences etc...

Get more education on the subject, and as advertised here that 90% of the sex workers use condoms is bullshit. The profession does not exist so how do they know????

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Several people mention sex edication in schools . I believe sex education encourages girls to find out about and experience this thing called sex .

In rural areas almost every village has at least one goodtime motel . I am told that it is common practice for schoolgirls to provide the sexual sevice , bt300 .

Does Thailand have a problem , pretending that it is not sexually orientated , not a No.1 destination for sex holidays of all persuasions , no pornography ?

As in most other countries , it seems that drug users and homosexual men who don't use a condom are the primary passers and contractors of HIV .

"This thing called sex" is a part of our lives and kids should be educated to understand what behavior's spreading diseases, or causing pregnancy. We're talking about a country, where some girls have sex with ladyboys not knowing that they can get pregnant.

There're no 'good or badtime" motels for teens to have sex in each village.

You were told that schoolgirls provide sex for 300 baht? This is not common here.

Sexual education should be provided by parents and teachers, don't you think so?----wai2.gif

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Wow one every hours !!! That is 12 people every day or 4380 a year, and they call that an epidemic !!!! As a ratio of a Thai population of about 60 million, that is then 60,000,000 / 4380 or a 1 in 13698 chance of any one person catching it each year (and remember the population changes with births and deaths each year too). Hardly an epidemic surely. Also those that do catch HIV generally take far more risks than most of us (and no I do not just mean unprotected normal heterosexual sex) so a normal persons chance of catching HIV is extremely low and in fact far less than getting killed or maimed crossing a busy street here in Thailand or say riding a motorbike here.

Remember that the figure of one every hour is still massively a statistic that is biased heavily to gay sex and intravenous drug users. No I do not have the figures to hand so don't ask, nor the time to look it up to back that statement up, but I am pretty sure that is the case, so feel free to Google some hard facts from an objective and sensible site (no not say the highly biased and restrictive catholic church science laboratory site or whatever). So should we stop crossing the road or stop riding motorbikes which are far far more dangerous to our health, as well as stop unprotected normal hetero sex?? Sure if you do engage in gay sex or even hetero anal sex or inject drugs then sure you should really change your lifestyle and at least ensure you then take protection if you care about yourself. As for the majority of us then take care for sure but do not be frightened into not being able to have an enjoyable fulfilling sex life if say you are one of those who truly cannot use condoms. But scare mongering of a virus that is extremely very difficult to catch and highly unlikely for a normal person to catch should be considered in true honest perspective and not blown out of all reasonable proportions. So just use your head and if you can avoid taking unnecessary high risks of course.

Sure I know every case of HIV is a personal disaster and extremely sad for the poor souls who catch it, and indeed nobody deserves to catch such an infection, even a drug addict for goodness sake as they are still frail human beings like the rest of us. Be great when there is a vaccine against it that we can all get cheaply and of course when there is a total and affordable cure. No I am not advocating an orgy of unprotected sex (fun though that must be !!), but conversely if you are sensible and careful about your partners and like many who find protected sex unfulfilling or even impossible then this is no reason to lower your and your partners' enjoyment of pleasurable sex life. So if sex with a condom is perfectly okay for you and workable, then sure carry on using them as it makes perfect sense of course. However if you are like many and just cannot use condoms with any success then just be careful and use your head and either lead a life of abstinence from more than one partner sex or know and keep the level of risk to a very low and tolerably acceptable level for you and your partners.. If you do take even such a very very low risk then it is still of course possible to get infected, just always be aware of that but keep it in factual perspective and be aware that you should be far more concerned and put far more priority into carefully crossing the road or riding a motorbike here. Far far more risk of sexually transmitted Hepatitis than HIV too, but you CAN at least sensibly get vaccinated against that.

I heard from a knowledgeable STD senior doctor some 10 years ago that statistically if you had totally unprotected normal genital sex with a fully blown AIDS victim, it is so hard to get infected from normal hetero sex that it would take having such sex 1000 times on average for a male to catch HIV from such an infected woman or 500 times for a woman to catch it off of a fully infected male AIDS victim. But he responsibly added that it is purely a statistical average and it could happen the very first time of course, though you would or should generally know from all external signs if a person has full blown AIDS or not. If they have only HIV at that stage of their illness then you may not know that for sure, but then again the chances of getting infected from them with normal unprotected sex is then massively decreased to a much less than the average stated of once every 1000 (or 500) times.

So please no silly flaming as I am not being irresponsible or selfish or even stupid but just trying to present the facts in a completely open minded and honest way from all I have learned and deducted about this subject (though by no means an expert of course), and to try to put things into a less media sensationalistic perspective.. Sure HIV is a real factual problem and not a myth and something we should all be fully aware of and make our decisions accordingly and responsibly. But it is not anything like an epidemic as is sensationally claimed, even in Thailand, and indeed the published figures themselves do not add up to it being so. Sure even 1 person infected in a year is one too many of course and an intolerable disaster for that person's life. Positive feedback and factual comments to add to our communal real knowledge are welcomed,of course, but crappy self opinionated flaming will, as it should, just be rightfully ignored as always. This is NOT about morals and religions and myths but about facts and truth so lets sensibly keep it that way.

Finally. remember it is down to each person whether or not to take risks, and only for others to educate them on the unexaggerated true risks, not the over sensationalist rhetoric that we all have to endure, It takes both partners (or maybe more individuals if you like more adventurous sex whistling.gif ) to agree willingly to have unprotected sex, so it is entirely up to them to know and accept the risks. if you personally want to be remain virtually 100% safe and sure then that is rightfully down to you to decide to always use good protection, like a condom, and never have unprotected sex. That is your decision and yours alone to make such a judgement call, or not of course.

Edited by rayw
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At least no men gets infected by their wives (unlike the other way round). It also seems like premarital sex is safer than after marriage.

Having casual sex is safer than being in a relationship where that relationship is not monogamous - and the reason is quite fascinating..

HIV mutates once inside a new host, at the end of one month there could be as many as 1m different genetic copies of the original HIV.

These copies are not identical to the infectious ancestral version, and hence are much less likely to transmit to another person.

The virulent ancestral version goes into hiding usually in tissue like the gut.

So if there are overlapping relationships and one person gets HIV, the ancestral copy will quickly spread to others in the group

before settling down, hiding and being replaced in circulation with the non-virulent genetically weaker copies.

This is why people have the idea that they are lucky by never catching it, even when often engaging in risky sex!

All the above is in addition to the infection bottleneck. i.e.

The ancestral copy transferring to the membrane using a sex fluid protein, colonizing and then passing through with migrating dendritic cells etc..

Edited by Chopperboy
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"Currently, it takes at least three days to get blood-test results and many people don't bother returning to hear the results"

Sounds odd, but TIT.

Anyway I take tests every 3-4 months and always have safe sex. I get the result in about 5 minutes and costs 500 baht.

Of course this is a basic test, which can be done at any clinic. If it shows positive, then a blood test is done for conformation.

ronthai ... You can of course respond on this subject by outlining and clarifying what should be done, but you don't have to publish your personal sex activities, this is a private matter which should not be announced and declared publicly.

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Several people mention sex edication in schools . I believe sex education encourages girls to find out about and experience this thing called sex .

In rural areas almost every village has at least one goodtime motel . I am told that it is common practice for schoolgirls to provide the sexual sevice , bt300 .

Does Thailand have a problem , pretending that it is not sexually orientated , not a No.1 destination for sex holidays of all persuasions , no pornography ?

As in most other countries , it seems that drug users and homosexual men who don't use a condom are the primary passers and contractors of HIV .

You are making absolutely no sense, you know that?

First you say, sex-ed will make girls want to find out about "sex" and then you state, that they do it with everybody, in every village, for 3000 baht?!

What now?

I had sex- ed when I was 12 and didn't have sex until I was 19...and I am a "boy"!

There is as little connection between sex- ed and having sex, as there is between Heavy Metal music and violence!

But giving them sex- ed will make them more cautious, because they then KNOW, that sex can be a dangerous thing, when done unprotected, because it actually leads to pregnancies, STD's and eventually AIDS.

I know 30 year old Thai- women, who believe that "pulling it out before you come" is an effective measure against getting pregnant!

Education is bitterly needed!

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I have heard old men talk of 'if I got it I'd die before it could kill me.' I'm still trying to understand that one. A 10 year incubation is a max. It can turn AIDS at any time. I've seen people shrug. I've seen many people express total ignorance. I had one friend, now dead, who asked me for info. as he'd been having unprotected sex and then asked me how did you catch aids?

Life expectancy of a young person with untreated HIV is 11 years - that plummets down to just 4.4 years for an untreated 65 year old.

This is due to the immune system already being worn down by that age (shorter telomeres on the chromosomes).

"Experts have noted for some time that people older than 50 tend to have faster disease progression and poorer immune recovery when they become infected with HIV than people who become infected at a younger age."

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rayw: "Wow one every hours !!! That is 12 people every day or 4380 a year, and they call that an epidemic !!!!"

Just curious if you work for who ever wrote this article.

One every hour is 12 a day? Really, what planet do you live on? It is 24 hour days on this one.

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