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Suthep's Son, 3 Others Face Action Over Alleged Forest Encroachment: Thailand


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the north and northeast are run by a vile creature also, should they meet up for a Muay Thai fight and see who is the vilest of all.

Seems difficult for you to follow so lets try bite size pieces.

This reform process against corruption is nothing of the sort. The people behind it are much worse than Thaksin.

They also did much less for the people of Thailand (outside of their clique that is) Education rights, healthcare did not exist fact.

Following a man such as Suthep is wrought with dangers as nobody will ever be able to move without his consent after this. don't be blinded by TV anti Thaksin Rhetoric. Most of the posters were not here before mid 90's and have no idea of what they speak.

Try to forget this is anything but a power grab at a very key time in Thai History, and please make use of google and wiki and world media to enlighten yourself.

And yes, to your impending knee jerk, I read about thaksin and he is not what thailand needs. but he was much better than what you will get if this mob ever gets any traction

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