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Us Appointment, Lost Card


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I have an appointment at the US consulate in CM, but have lost the appointment card.

Have emailed them as to whether I will still be admitted, but no reply.

Anyone have experience with such a (self-created) predicament?

(If the no reply means no admittance, I cannot even cancel the appointment to open it up for another person, nor do I think they will let me have a new appointment. At the very least, I think they do not want you opening up another appointment without canceling the first one.)

As another alternative, I will be in BKK before my CM appointment. Could I therefore get the notarial there for CM Immigration, ie, would CM Immigration accept a notarial frm the BKK US people, or would that upset local protocol in CM, as there might be puzzlement as to what I am doing in BKK, when I live in CM. (I visit an excellent dentist in BKK.)

Thanking you in advance.

Edited by purushanti
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just cuz you lost YOUR copy of appt does not mean that they don't have a record of it... if it was me, i would just go at the appointed time, tell them i forgot the paper, they MIGHT look it up and admit you or they might just admit you straight away. When you go to the window inside to get notarial services they have a list of names and time and will surely see your name there also.

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It shouldn't be an issue.

Show up at the appointed time at the US Consulate.

The dude outside will have a clipboard with a day sheet with all that day's appointments.

Show him your passport, he'll verify on his list, and they buzz you in. :)

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Appointment card, what exactly is that?

Thank you all; I feel more confident now.

And Dante, when one goes thru the ACS Appointment System, one is asked to print out ACS's version of confirmed details, and bring it to the consulate or embassy involved.

Perhaps "card" was not the right word for it.

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